Snow Leopards

Good Afternoon Snow Leopards,

We hope you all had a fantastic summer. The children have settled in well and have all had a busy first week back.

Here is some information about our Autumn term:

Class Dojo
If you haven’t already, please make sure you sign up to our Class Dojo. This will be the easiest way for us to communicate. Let me know if you have any problems and I will do my best to help.

Routine and Topic
I have attached a copy of our routine below.
daily routine1
We link our topic with Reception Class, so this term we will be focusing on ‘People who help us’
We have lots of fun activities planned and we cannot wait to share our pictures and creations with you all. We may need your help with a few of these activities so please keep your eye on Dojo for updates. An overview of the week ahead will also be added to Dojo so you can see what your child will be getting up too.

Celebration Assembly
Every Friday morning we will be joining the rest of the school in the hall for Celebration Assembly. We will be giving out stickers and certificates for our ‘Star of the Week’ and the child with ‘the most Dojo’s’

Extra Activities
We will be continuing with Music, PE and Exploring Outdoors this term.
Music with Fran – Tuesday 11am
PE with TWWG – Friday 9:30am
Exploring Outdoors with Jodie – Wednesday 11am

Please ensure your child is wearing suitable clothing and footwear on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Could you please ensure your child comes to nursery with:
1. Spare clothes – We do often get messy!
2. Nappies, wipes and cream
3. A water bottle
4. Suitable outdoor clothing – We do try and go outdoors in most weather conditions!

Jodie and Fran

MASSIVE Thank you

We would like to say a massive Thank you to the PTA who have purchased 8 new laptops for the children to use in school.

We are so grateful 🙂


Celebration Assembly – 10th September

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – All of the Yr.6 pupils
Rhino – All of Rhino Class
Tiger – All of Tiger Class
Panda – All of the new Reception Children

Mathematician of the Week: Jessica, Esme, Ruby D, William D, Freya and Grace

Reader of the Week: Eloise, Alfie R, Jayden, Ruby P & Beau

Writer of the Week: Amber, Dylan, Evan, William Pa & Daniel

Hand writers of the Week: Harry B, Ollie, Riley & Dylan W

Well Done Everyone and Have a great weekend!

Tiger Class Autumn Term Letter

Curriculum letter – Tiger Class – Autumn 2021

We have started our new Topic (Feelings) and have issued the homework books and reading records to all children.

We have also sent home a copy of our termly Class letter (see link).

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via Class Dojo.

PE Kits & Sun Hats/Sun Cream

Please can all children arrive to school in their PE kits every Wednesday and Friday. They will stay in their kit all day. This has worked really well, giving each class extra time for PE and avoided so much uniform getting misplaced.

Please could parents also send their children with a sun hat each day and apply sun cream before school as we are expecting a few nice and warm days!




Please check you child’s bag tonight as there is an important letter from Shropshire Council regarding Secondary Admissions September 2022.

Closing Date for applications is 31st October 2021

Staff Room Chairs – Free to Good Home

We have several old staff room chairs which need a new home. They could do with a bit of love and attention but still have a lot of life left in them.

If anyone is interested in them please give Mrs Smith a ring on 01939 290834.



Welcome back to School!

Welcome back to School! I hope you have had a restful Summer break.

The Autumn Term is usually very busy and productive, and this should be a great one.

First of all, if you have not yet signed up to our Class Dojo page, please do so as soon as possible, as this will be the easiest way for us to communicate regularly. All children were given login codes during transition day, in July, but if you have misplaced your letter, do not worry, as another copy will be sent home to those who are yet to connect in the next few days.

We have already published an important update to Class Dojo today, so make sure to check it out.

A termly class letter will be also circulated next week, but please see below for some key information you might find useful:

Homework books will be issued early next week and are due back each Monday.  Reading books and Reading Records will also be sent home as soon as possible and should be brought to School every day, so these can be regularly checked and books changed.

Our weekly tests (times tables and spellings) will take place on Mondays. Weekly spelling lists will be sent home for children to practise in their homework books, and also published as an online “assignment” on Spelling Shed. For the Times Tables test, children will progress at their own pace. Everyone starts at 10x table and will be informed when they have progressed to the next level. Year 3 children will continue from where they were at the end of Y2. All children will be given a weekly times table homework activity related to their next test and well as assignments on Maths Shed to practise. Login details for Ed Shed (which includes Spelling Shed and Maths Shed) can be found inside the Homework Books.

PE sessions will take place on a Wednesday and Friday and children are expected to come to school wearing their PE kits. Our PE sessions will start next week. 

During the first half-term, we will also have Forest School sessions on Tuesdays, when children should come to School wearing suitable clothing for these sessions.

It is generally recommended that your child should be heard reading at least 3 times a week but, for our age group, ideally this would be done daily. This is the most important part of their homework, as reading successfully is essential for the children to access the rest of the curriculum. Listening to your child read is important to support the development of their decoding skills and well as build fluency and expression in their reading. It is also great to share a book together and your child will still love to hear you read to them.

I hope this information is useful. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Mrs Crowe