Science Y6 Jaguar class

Science Y6 – The children in Jaguar class have been creating electrical circuits and using circuit symbols as part of their diagrams.

Y6 Sports Leaders / House captains Pro Tennis day at The Shrewsbury Club

The children really enjoyed the morning activities and watching the two professional female players take part in the quarter finals of the tennis tournament today.


Y6 Jaguar class – PE (Basketball)

The Y6s have been improving their basketball skills with coach Neil today in PE.

Y6 Jaguar class – Remembrance Day preparations

The children in Jaguar class have been preparing for next Friday’s Remembrance Day church service by creating poppies.

KS2 Cross Country event at Corbet School

Well done to the 23 pupils in KS2 who were chosen to represent the school in the Corbet School cross country event this morning. You all put in a great effort!

Y6 Science (Light)

In our final Science lesson of this half term topic of ‘Light’, the Y6s have been analysing ‘shadows’, learning how they are created and how they change in size or length. Today, they’ve had the opportunity to make and show shadow puppets.

Ten Pin Bowling

This morning, 8 children in Y4,5 or 6 had the opportunity to represent the school in a ten-pin bowling event in Shrewsbury, where they competed against 8 other teams. They all had a great time and finished in 3rd place; they were delighted with their bronze medal position. Well done everybody. You did yourselves and the school proud!

Tiger class – Science

As part of their Science topic of ‘Animals including Humans’, today Tiger class have been working in groups to plan their own scientific enquiry question to investigate. One great hypothesis was ‘The longer the humerus bone, the further you can throw’. What’s your prediction? 🤾‍♂️🦾

Tennis taster day with The Shrewsbury Club

Today, all of the children in Y2 – Y6 have been receiving some excellent coaching sessions from Craig Sharratt, one of The Shrewsbury Club’s tennis coaches. If you would your child to take part in the free tennis sessions at The Shrewsbury Club this Sunday, just turn up with your free voucher and enjoy the day!


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