Snow Leopards

Hello Snow Leopards. Hope you are all well and enjoying your week.

We have been busy in school this week working on ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ activities. We have familiarised ourselves with the story and watched the animation on the whiteboard.

We have also taken part in lots of activities relating to the story including:
1. Taking turns to re-tell the story to peers using props and imagination.
2. Jack and the beanstalk maze – focusing on pencil control (Twinkl)
3. Number sequencing – leaves on the beanstalk
4. Growing our own ‘Magic’ beans 1

We are going to try out a little science experiment this week. As we have already done for planting we thought we’d continue and grow some cress. Why don’t you try this at home?
We are going to grow them in soil, outdoors, in the shade, in cotton wool and using a wet paper towel. We will have a group discussion to predict what we think might happen. I will add some photos to Class Dojo to keep you updated!

Take care.

Year 6 Leavers Hoodies

A Massive “THANK YOU” to Mrs Cheryl Collins who kindly organised the hoodies for this years leavers. She volunteers to do this every year but we know that this year has been quite a challenge.

The hoodies have been hand delivered to the Year 6 pupils by Mr Hughes and Mrs Smith and according to reports from home,  have been living in them ever since 🙂

Rhino Daily Challenge – Maths

Zios and Zepts

Deep in a rainforest, two new creatures have been discovered. They are called Zios ,which have 3 legs and Zepts, which have 7 legs.

The great explorer Nico, who first discovered them back in 2012, saw a crowd of the  creatures gathering on the forest floor. He managed to sneak up on them and see that there were both Zios and Zepts in crowd. However, as soon as they all saw him, they all rolled over onto their backs and put their legs in the air.

He could count 52 legs but had no idea how many creatures he was looking at.

How many Zios and how many Zepts do you think there were in the crowd?
Do you think there is more than one possible answer?

Rhino Daily Challenge – Writing


Today I would like to imagine you are an explorer and you have discovered a new species in a rainforest.

Decide what rainforest you are exploring and then think more about the creature you have discovered. You could actually design a new creature of your own. Below is a design sheet that you could use to help you, there are 3 different versions to choose from.

Design your own animal sheet

Once, you have designed your creature, you can then produce an information text all about it.

Try and use the following features:

Title – name of your page

Sub title – introduction to your page

Sub headings – mini title for each section

Paragraphs – groups of sentences about the same information

Labels or captions – give extra details to pictures or diagrams

As well as general information about your creature, try and include sections on habitat and diet and also try and include an interesting fact!

You can can create these on paper or even use a computer programme such as powerpoint or publisher.

I would love to see your work, so send it in via dojo.

Rhino Class – Learning Project WEEK 10 (15th June- 19th June) – Rainforest

Hi Everyone,

Here are all the links for this week’s learning. As well as completing some of these activities, it is important to read daily and practise your x tables as much as possible.

Please click on the link below to access the Rhino Class Learning Project for this week:

Rhino Class Learning Project – Week 10 – RAINFORESTS

This week’s project again includes weekly tasks for Maths, Reading, Writing and Spellings and a cross-curricular / topic project. All web links and instructions are included in the document. The timetable is just a suggestion and activities do not necessarily need to be completed in that order. However, try to complete as many of the tasks as you can during the week. 

Here are some Rainforest related activities:

Layers of the Rainforest presentation

Rainforest habitats

Layers of the Rainforest activity

Rainforest – Mapping the Amazon

Rainforest World Map

Use the links below for some Reading Comprehension Activities:

Rainforest Comprehension

Rainforest Deforestation Comprehension

Rainforest Calling Comprehension

Rainforest Factfile Comprehension

Weekly spellings – please access the spellings to learn this week below. This week is week 3. Practise during the week with a test at the end of the week. Try putting the words into sentences too to ensure understanding of each word.

Year 3 Summer 2    Year 4 Summer 2

Please click on links below to access Year 3 and 4 Common Exception words and activities:

Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words List

Year 3 and 4 Crosswords

Year 3 and 4 Word Searches

Year 3 and 4 Activity Cards

Year 3 and 4 Dictation Passages

To reinforce the spelling of common words, then please access the high frequency word resources below:

1st 100 High frequency words

2nd 200 High frequency words

Commonly misspelt words – word searches

It is also a good idea to try and write each word into a sentence to ensure understanding of each word and practise using capital letters and full stops.

BBC Bitesize have some great daily activities in a range of subjects. If you would like to have look and try out some of the activities, then follow the links below:

Year 3 BBC Bitesize

Year 4 BBC Bitesize

Oak National Academy has also put together some amazing resources to support learning at home. There are lessons to follow for each day of the week which can be accessed using the links below.

Year 3 – week 8   Year 4 – week 8

The academy is currently on week 8 of these resources but if you find them useful in supporting your child at home then you can also access weeks 1 – 7 by scrolling down the web page.

You can also access some video lessons on fractions for lower key stage 2 on the NCETM website. Use the following link access week 8 and lessons 25- 29:

LKS2 Fraction lessons – week 8

There are also some great maths lessons on the White Rose website.

Videos for week 8 can be accessed via the following links:

Year 3 Ordering fraction    Year 4 Decimals

Corresponding worksheets can be accessed here:

Year 3  Lesson 1  Lesson 2  Lesson 3  Lesson 4

Year 4  Lesson 1  Lesson 2  Lesson 3  Lesson 4

You can also try completing some arithmetic tests. They are great practise mental calculating: Have another go at these this week and I will upload some different examples next week.

Year 3: Test 1a   Test 2a   Test 3a   Test 4a   Test 5a

Year 4: Test 1a   Test 2a   Test 3a   Test 4a   Test 5a

Again, if you’re feeling like being energetic, then click on the link below for a daily workout from the body coach Joe Wicks. Each day, he will continue to stream a live 30 minute PE lesson for pupils access at home at 9 am. There are also a wealth of 5/10 min workouts specifically aimed at children which are great.

Joe Wicks – Workout Sessions

It was great last week to see so many examples of the work the children had completed as well as photos of them working, so if you like to share your child’s work with me (for rewards and feedback), again this can be done via the Class Dojo portfolio. As usual, if you have any queries, please continue to contact me via the Class Dojo app.

I will also set some daily challenges on a Tuesday and Thursday and send the link out via Class Dojo around 8am each day.

Kind regards and keep well

Mr Glover

Panda Class Overview of Learning w/c 15th June 2020

Hi Panda Class – I hope you have had a good week.  Our first week back at school went well.

All of the activities below are being done in school and will be fine for work at home too.

Maths – This week in maths in class we are recapping recognising and writing accurately our numbers to 20.
Then, there are a series of Maths Activity sheets which all involve working with numbers to 20 and other aspects of maths.

Maths Activity Mats 15th June

Please aim to complete all the sheets in a week. If your child does not like sitting to complete the work, by all means work practically where possible and use resources to hand to pose similar questions.

Reading – Please aim to read each day with your child. There are resources on Oxford Owls website if you have run out of books.

Phonics – Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc work is still being shown on line – the first lesson is at 9:30 am daily, but if you don’t see that one then they are usually available to view at another time. Please review all Set 1, 2 & 3 sounds. The aim is for your child to say the sound when shown and then to be able to have a go at writing the sounds accurately too.

Writing – As we are growing runner beans in school, I thought it would be nice to read the story of Jack and The Beanstalk with the children. The writing activity this week is to use the writing prompt pictures to think of a sentence, rehearse it, say it out loud and write the sentences about the pictures shown.

Jack and the Beanstalk writing activity

Something a bit different…
This week we are going to do a little bit of an experiment, we are going to grow some cress just like Mr Bloom! You can watch how to make his cress-head here  
We are going to try growing cress in the shade, the sun, sand, cotton wool and soil. We are going to predict which cress will grow the best and check it each day to find out if we are right!
Have a good week and keep sending in the super work!
Best wishes
Mandy Turner.

Reflection Area

Dear Parents/Carers

You may have noticed that the reflection area has had a lick of paint during lock down. The PTA have kindly paid for this work to be completed, this included replacing posts which had gone rotten at the base and giving it all a coat of paint. This work was completed by Mr Munn, Moorland Handy Man.

We have been lucky enough for the fences around Panda and Nursery classes to have been painted also. I am sure you will agree it looks so much better and will last for years to come.


Mrs Smith





Year 6 

I hope you all found this morning’s Zoom session with the Corbet useful and reassuring. It was lovely lovely to have had 100% of you online.

We have revieiwed our numbers and staff and now are able to let you know a date for having year 6 back in school. This will be week beginning 22.6.20 . The year 6 children will be able to come for full days, but potentially only 2 days per week (either Monday and Tuesday or Thursday and Friday). Once you have told your teacher via dojo whether you want your child to return, we will allocate you the sessions. If the numbers are low, we will be able to have the year 6 group in 4 days a week.  We didn’t think we would be able to start year 6s so soon, but due to low numbers of other other year groups, we are happy we are able to this. It was so important for us to spend some time with them, especially now that we know there will be no face to face transition time at the Corbet.

If your child is a year 6 that is already accessing the keyworker group, they will not be able to go between 2 bubbles. Therefore, you will be asked to let us know whether you would like them to spend 2 days (or possibly 4 days in year 6), or up to 5 days in the keyworker bubble.

Year 6 times will be 8:50 – 3:00 You must not arrive before 8:45 or you will overlap with the other bubbles.

ACTION: let your teacher know via dojo that you want your year 6 to return on 22nd June 

Many thanks,

C. Williams

Rhino Daily Challenge – Maths


Today’s challenge is all about number.

Try solving these number riddles below. Can you follow the clues to identify the number?

Can you solve at least 3 riddles? Can you solve them all? Can you create a number riddle of your own?



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