Rhino Spellings 11.9.20

Please find below links to spelling lists for next week.

Class Group – Week 3 – 11.9.20

Snip Group –  week 3 – 11.9.20

Spelling book can be brought home each day in order to practise, but must be in school each day for further activities and investigations as well as to record their test on a Friday. Spelling shed can also be used to practise spellings online.

Many thanks

Rhino Homework 11.9.20

In maths this week, we have been learning about rounding to the nearest multiple of 10.

Below, is a link to three progressive activities in which the children have the first two in their homework books already. If your child would like a challenge, they can have a go at the third activity although they will need knowledge of Roman Numerals in order to complete it.


Please ensure homework is returned to class before Thursday each week so that it can be marked before handing out new homework on a Friday.

Many thanks


Friday 23rd October

Dear Parents/Carers

Just to confirm that Friday 23rd October is not a PD Day and all children should attend school as normal.


Jaguar Class Celebration Assembly – 4th September

Star of the week : Cass & Alissa
Mathematician of the Week: Dylan & Izzy

Reader of the Week: Sam

Writer of the Week: Cameron

Hand writers of the Week: Alex & Katie

Class DOJO Merits: Cass & Amy

 Well Done Everyone!!

One-way System and Visitors in School

Dear Parents/Carers

Thank you to everyone for using the one-way system at pick-up and drop off times, it seems to be working well and allows us to adhere to the social distancing rules.

Please can Rhino parents avoid congregating by the classroom exit/PE shed, moving further into the playground and keeping the one-way system clear.

Talking to the teacher: Whilst we want to maintain excellent communications with parents, we will not be able to welcome parents into school for a face to face appointments at the moment. If you have any worries or concerns regarding your child please initially speak to the class teacher via Class Dojo, or ring school on 01939 290834. Mrs Smith will arrange for your child’s teacher to either you back or arrange a Zoom/Microsoft Teams meeting.

Parents evening this term will be via telephone or zoom – more details to follow.

If you have any questions regarding anything raised above please ring Mrs Smith, 01939 290834.



Covid, Flu or Cold?

Since returning to school, we are naturally experiencing some anxiety from parents as to whether their child has symptoms of Covid, whether to keep them at home or whether to try and book a Covid test.

Children’s immunity to common colds is always weaker after the summer holidays, but after such a long absence, this is more pronounced this year and the children seem to be already catching bugs.

Parents need to read the guidance and decide whether they think their child has the key indicators for Covid when they are at home. In school, if we think the child has symptoms, we will phone you to collect them immediately.  The following table will help you to compare the symptoms  – it’s just a guide from the internet so please treat is as such. I’ll also put a link to the website where it is from, as I found that it explained the symptoms of each quite clearly compared to other documents.


Bags and items from home

Please can we remind you that we asked children to just bring a bookbag this year. If you are bringing a small bag so that it can hold the packed lunch as well, this must be as small as possible with no other items from home. Please make sure there are not lots of keyrings, teddies or soft balls hanging from the bags.

There are two reasons for this rule:

  1. space in class is limited as we cannot store bags in the shared areas. Classrooms need to be as uncluttered as possible.
  2. we need to control items bought in from home to prevent cross-contamination.

Thank you for your support with this.

Covid Recovery Plan

We want to let our families know that we have carefully planned the children’s return to school this term to take into account their long absence from school due to lockdown and their well-being.

We are starting the year with a whole school book focus: Oliver Jeffers ‘Here we are’. Two weeks of planning has been written by literacy and well-being experts to encourage a sense of community across the entire school, to reflect on the last few months, and also help our whole school look forward to the future in a positive way.  At the end of the unit there is an activity where pupils, staff and even parents can share their own notes for living on Planet Earth, supporting everyone to move forward positively.

We have also purchased a new PSHE scheme of work called JIGSAW – you may hear your child talk about the Jiggy (cuddly jigsaw piece) for their class, or Paws the cat, who helps them to pause for thought and be mindful.  Jigsaw PSHE perfectly connects the pieces of Personal, Social and Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development. As the Covid-19 pandemic has caused so much disruption and continues to impact on school life, we are pleased to be able to deliver some specially written lesson plans and resilience-building activities with your children.  We will continue to use the award-winning Shropshire Respect Yourself program to deliver RSE later in the year. You will be given details about what is covered in RSE, which parts are statutory and which parts are optional as well as a chance to look at the materials beforehand.

In maths, we follow the White Rose planning and this term, they have buit recovery units into their plans. Maths objectives from the summer term will be woven carefully into this terms work to help remind and reinforce the key areas they may have missed.

Support at home: please continue to use Dojo messages to communicate with the class teacher. Be aware that the first few weeks will be very tiring for the children  – we need to increase their mental stamina; school is a very stimulating environment and this in itself can make children very tired. Don’t expect too much of them when they get home.

It has been a fantastic first three days. Lots of smiles from staff and children and it has been lovely to see how keen the chidlen are to be here and get back to business!

Lovely Surprise ?


Thank you to Jemma, Little Angels, who cheered us all up on our first day back at school with these beautiful rainbow balloons, it looked fantastic.

A lovely surprise ? Thank you 


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