Outstanding Lunch monies

Dear Parent/Carers

Please can any outstanding money for school dinners please be paid via school gateway as soon as possible.

Mrs Russell will be sending slips home tonight if you owe anything so please check your child’s school bag.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834

Mrs Smith

Stone Age Research

Today, Rhino class carried out some research to find out how people during the Stone Age period hunted.

The children were not allowed to use the internet so they had to use some information texts instead. This was great, as the children now know how to use a contents, an index and a glossary.

The children used the information they gathered to create information pages and booklets of their own.

Great learning everyone!

Letter home tonight -Parent Governor Elections

Dear Parents/Carers

Your child will have been given the attached letter to bring home tonight.

Please return the last sheet, Nomination Sheet, to school by Monday, 5th October.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to school on 01939 290834.

Kind Regards

Mrs Smith

Parent Governor Election Sept 20


Thursday 1st October – Lunch “Sausages & Wedges”

Dear Parents/Carers

Help Needed

We recently contacted you about school dinners and the funding we receive towards providing free school meals to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. On Thursday 1st October (this week) data will be collected on how many children take a school dinner on that day. This data is then used to calculate how much funding we receive for our school for this purpose. It is therefore crucial that as many children as possible in this category take a school dinner on Thursday this week. We would be very grateful if you would choose this option to support us.

On Thursday this week we are trialling for all children a special menu of:

  • Sausage & Wedges (vegetarian option available)

as well as the usual options of:

  • Choice of bread – brown roll, white roll or wrap
  • Choice of filling – cheese, ham, tuna or egg mayo

Both choices will also include as always:

  • Pasta pot and salad
  • Cookie/ bun
  • Fruit
  • Milk shake/ water/apple juice/orange juice

Choosing a school dinner every day whilst your child is in the eligible group could potentially save you £418.00 per year! This funding from the government supports the running of the kitchen so we can provide a full service for all. If there is not enough uptake, our school doesn’t get the funding and will need to cover the cost from other areas which are already financially stretched.

Many thanks for your support.


Mrs Smith


Dojo Messages

It’s a very different and difficult time for our staff at the moment, planning for their class as well as setting work for children at home isolating and I want to do my best to support their work-life balance, as it can easily become over-whelming.

This is a polite request that you bear in mind that teachers can’t read or respond to dojo messages as frequently as they could during lockdown. Now that we are all back at school, we need to really reserve messaging to urgent questions or information that the teacher would benefit from being aware of. Please do not message teachers after 6pm or at weekends as this is not good for their well-being. I have asked them not to reply after this time as they do need some time to switch off.

Please mark your message with Urgent if the teacher needs to read it as soon as it comes in. Otherwise, comments will now usually be dealt with during the teachers planning release time or between 3-6pm.

You can of course phone the office or email admin.

Many thanks for your help and understanding with this.

Mrs Williams

Consultation Evening Appointments

You will be able to book your telephone consultation appointment with your child’s class teacher from this evening Friday 25th September 6pm.

These calls are a chance for the teacher to let you know how your child has settled and any emerging areas that they are working on with them. Some parents  have recently spoken to the class teacher so may not need to book one of these appointments at this time. Please be aware that we don’t have any assessment data to share with you just yet – these will take place between half term and Christmas.

The booking form will be in the News and Activity area.

PTA Update – New Recycling Bank

Hi All…. with the current situation we are in and not being able to hold some of the amazing events that the school / PTA organise we have to look at alternatives. Although we have done the ‘bags for school’ before we are now pleased to say the school have a permanent clothes bank onsite!! This is open to the wider community so please spread the word!! There are still rules about what you can and cannot donate….

Clean / washed clothes ✅
Paired clean shoes ✅
Belts scarfs bags ✅
Bedding ❌
Worn out clothes ❌
Towels ❌

Black bags will do but you can collect specific plastic bags from school reception.

Bags can be deposited in the bank during school hours (when gates are open) the bank is located in the main school (teacher ) car park near the school reception.

Any questions please do get in touch

Happy decluttering ?


Celebration Assembly – 25th September 2020

Star of the Week : Jaguar – Izzy R
Rhino – Joshua F
Tiger – Charlie H
Panda – All of our new Reception children

Mathematician of the Week: Jamie, William D, Alfie W & Alfie R

Reader of the Week: Connor, Freddie, Zoe

Writer of the Week: Abi, Eve, Owen F, Jacob & Rhys F

Hand writers of the Week: Maisie, Eloise, Blake & Charlie C

Class DOJO Merits: Rhino Class

Special Mentions: Well Done Harry- Jai for trying so hard in class 🙂


Rhino Class Homework – 25.9.20

This week, the homework is grammar based and focuses on Fronted Adverbials.

Click on the link below to access the activity.


To find out more about fronted adverbials, watch videos and complete some online quizzes, then click on the link below to access the BBC Bitesize website.

BBC Bitesize – Adverbials


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