What have you learnt about responsibility this half term?

Snow Leopards Reminder

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please you can ensure that your child comes to nursery with a small bag, this must include everything that your child may need during the day: spare clothes, nappies, wipes and suitable clothing for outdoor play.

If you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to give me a ring on 01939 290268

Thank you
Jodie Phillips

Nut Free School

Please can we remind all parents and carers that Myddle is a “Nut Free School”.

Please can we ask that nut in ANY form are NOT included in your child’s lunch box.

We have several people in school with allergies to nuts so to ensure their safety we ask that you adhere strictly to this rule.

Mrs Smith

PE Sessions

Please can we ask that pupils arrive in school on Wednesday and Friday in their PE kits.

This is a red PE top/t-shirt and black shorts and trainers/plimsolls.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Smith

School Photographs

Dear Parent/Carers

Tempest are coming to school on Monday, 2nd November to take the pupils photos.

As you can imagine, this year is going to be a little different!

They will be taking individual pupil photographs only, no family groups. All sessions with Tempest will take place outside in the school grounds or in the outside classroom if the weather is poor.

We appreciate that this may be a little disappointing for parents but hopefully in the future we can return to our normal arrangements.

Many Thanks for your understanding.

Mrs Smith

Face Coverings

Thank you to all parents who arrived at school today in their face coverings.

All adults dropping off and collecting will be required to wear a face covering from Wednesday 14th October.

We really do appreciate your support.


Mr Glover

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