Rhino Home Learning – Wednesday 13.1.21

Good Morning Everyone,

It’s the middle of the week at Myddle!!!

Let’s get ready to do our best today….

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 3

Please read chapter 3 ‘Snatch’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 3’ and ‘Day 4’ questions

BFG Text


Activity 2: English – Live lesson 2:

Please feel free to pause the video as often as you need.


The double page for today’s lesson looks like this:

Activity 3:

Maths: Today we are covering an additional unit on multiplying 2 digit numbers by a 1  digit number (2nd lesson)

Below are links to the white rose video (lesson 2) for today’s task and the corresponding activity sheets

Video Lesson

Lesson 7 Y4-Spring-Block-1-Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit 

Activity 4:

PSHE: Complete the next activity related to Maya’s story we shared last week. You may wish to read the story again.

Maya’s Story

Activity 2

Hope you have a great day!

Panda Class Home Learning Tuesday 12th January

Welcome to Tuesday 12th January.

A big thank you for all of the messages and super work that you have sent me via Dojo.  The key thing is not to worry if it’s not done all in one day but ‘chunked’ when you have opportunity.


Maths – Using positional language

Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers


Start the session by playing a game of ‘Simon Says’. Ask your child to put their hands ‘on top’ of their head, ‘under’ their feet, ‘behind them’, ‘in front of them’, ‘above’ their head.

Draw and cut out a penguin, like the one in the story.  Use this to take turns placing it in locations around the room. Chat to your child about where it is. Use the positional language to describe where it is.  Ask your child to talk about its position and use the positional language in this context. ‘The penguin is under the cushion.’

You could hide the penguin and ask your child to guess where it could be, ask them to put their guess in to a sentence, ‘Is the penguin behind the book?’

Phonics – following the live schedule.  If you are not sure, please let me know.

Pencil control work- You could draw patterns or letters, faintly, for your child to trace over, using increasing control to stay on your lines. Or, use the work sheets link for Lost & Found pencil control sheets.


Investigation – Understanding the World

Use the investigation sheet to experiment making a boat for the penguin to travel in, using recyclable materials. Try and make boats from a variety of materials and investigate to see which ones float and which ones sink.

Boat Size and Strength Testing UtW STEM Activity

Enjoy this story to finish.  Who Sank the Boat?


Year 1

English – Lost and Found


After watching/reading the story of Lost & Found can you create a missing poster for a missing pet? Hopefully, you have never lost a pet so you will have to imagine that you have and create a missing poster with some important writing on it to describe, in detail, what type of pet people are looking for. You will need to use:

  • Adjectives to describe what your pet looks like. For example, ‘Flopsy, my rabbit has long, warm ears.
  • Conjunctions to join your ideas within your sentence, for example, ‘Winston has ginger fur but he has a large patch of white fur on is long tail. Use: and, but, so.
  • Neat letters, capitals and full stops.

missing-lost-pet-writing-frames-use this link to download the missing poster or design and make your own.

Phonics – follow the live lesson schedule.  Please ask if you’re not sure.

Maths –   Subtraction – Crossing 10.

Spr1.3.5-Subtraction-counting-back-crossing-10  This is a Power Point for guidance.

Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO-Subtraction-crossing-10-counting-back-2020  This is the work sheet link.

Any other subtraction activities to supplement it will be good too.  Talk about people getting on and off a bus to create subtraction number sentences. For example, ‘there are 16 people on the bus and at the next stop 6 people get off.  How many people are left on the bus?‘ Use a ruler (because it has numbers on it) or a number track, to count back from the given number.

Geography – The 7 Continents

We are looking for, locating and naming the 7 Continents. Enjoy your journey around the World!  If you click on the small green dots at the bottom of the geography screen there is a quiz at the end of the session for you to have a look at.


Have a lovely day, don’t forget to be kind to yourselves.

Best wishes

Mandy Turner



Rhino Home Learning – Tuesday 12.1.21

Good Morning Everyone,

Let’s get ready to work…

Remember, the only way to do great work is to love what you do….

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 3

Please read chapter 3 ‘Snatch’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 1’ and ‘Day 2’ questions

BFG Text


Activity 2: English: Live lesson 1 with Jane Considine. Please click on the video below to begin. Please feel free to pause the video whenever needed.

Each day, the children will need a double page spread (or two pages) to complete the lesson. These are used to create a ‘thinking side’ and a ‘writing side’. The structure/layout of the thinking side may change each lesson depending on the focus. For today’s lesson it looks like this:

Activity 3:

Maths: Today we are covering a unit on multiplying 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number

Below are links to the white rose video (video 1) for today’s task and the corresponding activity sheets

Video lesson

Lesson 6 Y3-Spring-Block-1-Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit-1

Activity 4:

Topic: Who were the Anglo Saxons?

Today, I would like you to create a poster with pictures and information that answers the following questions:

Who were the Anglo-Saxons?

Where did they come from?

When and why did they come to Britain?

Use the links below to access resources and videos to help you with your research

Who were they?

BBC Bitesize – When did they come to Britain?

Watch the video below and try and work out why they came to Britain…

Hope you have a great day.

Panda Class Home Learning Monday 11th January

Good Afternoon,

I hope you have had a good weekend and managed to make the most of the sunshine.

Here is the outline for Monday’s learning for Reception and Year 1.

RECEPTION Aim for small bursts of work through play and games, lasting for a few minutes at a time. Be guided by your child.

Maths – Composition of 4 and 5.


Watch/listen to the story of The Ugly 5 by Julia Donaldson.  Talk about the numbers of creatures.

Children will begin to recognise that numbers are made up of smaller numbers. Allow your child to investigate the number 5 and realise that it can be made in lots of different ways. For example, the number five could be made up of 1, 1,& 3. Or 3 and 2.  Or 1 and 4, even 5 and zero.

Encourage them to subitise (instantly recognise these small quantities without counting them). They will begin to notice that numbers are composed of 2 parts or more than 2 parts.

Activities: Use an empty ‘feely bag’, shoe your child that it is empty.  Together, count in 5 objects; pebbles or any other small items to hand. Take out some of the pebbles from the bag and ask your child how many you have taken out, count them together, placing them in a row.  Then ask how many could be left in the bag.  Repeat this lots of times.

Ask your child to draw a picture to show the results.

Don’t forget those challenging questions…  If I have 3 pebbles in my hand, how many will be in the bag? How do you know? Could I ever take out zero pebbles? If so, how many will be left?

A similar game could be played with 2 buckets and 5 pebbles.  Share the pebbles out between the buckets and discuss the possibilities in each bucket after all the pebbles have been shared out.

Phonics – Reception

This week we are working through Set 1 Read Write Inc sounds. Being able to say them when shown. Then we are learning to blend CVC words to read them. After that we are learning to write those words. Work through the sets below, starting with Set 1.  When they are secure, progress to Set 2.



Use these links to practise the sounds at your own pace, ideally you will complete 1 new sound per day.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0 Tricky words video. Tricky words are words that cannot be sounded out and blended.


Blending video for reading and writing CVC words.  (Consonant, vowel, consonant) Please pause the video as much as is needed – sound out the words and ask your child to repeat it – have a go at writing them too.  Encourage your child to become independent when sounding and blending the words.

Sounding out is saying the pure sound clearly (t-a-p) not (tuh-a-puh ). Then blending is merging those sounds to form the word.

Keep a record of how your child is getting on.  Please can you send a video of progress or a note on Class Dojo to say how they are getting on.

https://www.epicphonics.com/  This is a great website to have a look at.

Reading – Regular reading every day, even if it is for just 5 minutes. Oxford Reading are offering free online e-books, using the banded colours we use in school.

Speaking and Listening Activity



Phonics – Work through the list of sounds on the Read Write Inc sheet given last week. Let me know if you need another one.  As you are all working on different areas I don’t want to specify which sounds to cover.  Please let me know if you are not sure. There is a really good person on You Tube who does each of the RWI sounds. She is Mrs Suthers and her videos are well paced and  a good starting point.

Spellings – Lesson 1 Key Stage 1 Spellings (Also from Mrs Suthers)

a, I, put & ask


Again, there are other lessons so go at a pace which suits you – achieving at least 1 set per week.

Reading – Regular reading every day, even if it is for just 10 minutes. Oxford Reading are offering free online e-books, using the banded colours we use in school.

Maths – This week we are learning to subtract.



History & English

YEAR 1   &  RECEPTION could do this as well if you want to.

In our topic work we are learning about the life of Christopher Columbus.  In the beginning we will be thinking about who he was, what he did and where he went. He was an explorer…

What do you think an explorer would be like?  What qualities would they have? Would they need to have certain skills or knowledge to be an explorer?

So, your first job is to draw an explorer – go for it, it’s up to you, whatever you think they’ll look like.

Then, YEAR 1, write (using neat writing, capitals and full stops) sentences to tell me:

  1. What does an explorer look like?
  2. What will they be like as a person? Brave, strong, courageous?
  3. Can anyone be an explorer?
  4. How old do you have to be to be an explorer?
  5. Would you make a good explorer? If so, why?

 Can you find any facts about Christopher Columbus?

I am aware that some people cannot access a printer, so I will place some photocopies of the YEAR 1 maths work for the week ahead in the reception area. If you live a distance away from the school, making it difficult to get in, and you do not have access to a printer then, I will see if I can post them to you. Please let me know if you are in this position.  Other areas are easier to make home-made resources to match what we are doing but maths is a bit more tricky.

Mrs William’s is doing a whole school Zoom worship at 9AM on Monday morning, 11th of January. I will share the link on Class Dojo.

I will send a note on Class Dojo about other bits and pieces for the week ahead.

Please contact me if, you cannot access Class Dojo or for any area you need clarification or support.

Best wishes

Mandy Turner




Rhino Home Learning – Monday 11.1.21

Good Morning Everyone,

Welcome back after the weekend, I hope you all had time to relax.

Right, let’s go for it again this week… and remember send in pictures of your work!!

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 2

Please read chapter 2 ‘Who?’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 3’ and ‘Day 4’ questions

BFG Text


I have sent a link for a ‘zoom’ meeting via class dojo so we can read some of the chapters together and discuss our answer later this afternoon. So make sure you complete this task this morning!

Activity 2: English: Please click on the either of the links below to access lessons for the BFG from the Oak Academy. You can choose which lesson you prefer.

BFG Lesson 2 – spelling

BFG Lesson 4 – Retelling the opening 

Activity 3:

Maths: Today we are covering a unit on written methods

Below are links to the white rose video (lesson 5) for today’s task and the corresponding activity sheets

Video lesson

Lesson 5 Y4-Spring-Block-1- Written-methods

Activity 4:

Science: Today’s lesson is on static electricity and takes the form of a video lesson from the oak academy. Use the link below to access the video and hit the ‘start video’ tab to begin.

Static electricity lesson

Hope you have a great day. Looking forward to see you all on ‘Zoom’ later on….


In Rhino Class next week….

Hi Everyone,

Next week we are going to have a go at taking part in some live lessons. I will be holding some ‘zoom’ meetings with the class to conduct some reading sessions linked to our class text ‘The BFG’. The ‘zoom’ will be in the afternoon (1:30pm) so we can all work through the answered questions from the first reading session on the daily timetable. I have sent out the link over class dojo.

From Tuesday, we will also be taking part, each day, in a live lesson hosted by Jane Considine (or Mrs C to the kids!). Jane is an English consultant and has developed a writing scheme called, ‘The Write Stuff’ which we have been using in school. To train staff and pupils how to use the scheme, Jane has previously launched a series of live lessons which we took part in last term and the writing the children produced was brilliant.  So, I’m really keen to be involved again. Jane will take the lead and all we have to do is follow her instructions so it will really help and motivate children during their home learning and take lots of the pressure off you as parents.

The lessons will be broadcast live on ‘You tube’, from Monday at 9:45am but to make things more manageable, I’m going to start these from Tuesday instead so that the videos can be uploaded to the class webpage and then accessed when is most suitable for you rather than being governed by a specific time. All the children will need to complete the activities is paper and a pen/pencil.

I hope you all have had a good first week, as I previous stated, this wasn’t the start to the term we were expecting or wanting. I really appreciate all the hard work you are putting in to support your children and the amount of work you are sharing with me is so lovely to see. The DFE is recommending that primary aged pupils engage in at least 3 hours of work each day, which is why, during this lockdown, I am replicating my daily timetable and class based activities on line for you to share and work through at home each day. Please use dojo as much as you can to send in the work completed as it allows me to see the volume of work being completed and the level of engagement in the tasks set. I know that some of you are also working from home and I understand how managing the remote learning is an additional challenge. If you feel sending in pictures etc is too much, then just a quick list in a message of the activities completed that day is fine. I can still give feedback, encouragement and dojos to the children for their work.

I’m also aware that some of you are feeling under pressure to complete all the activities that are set each day. So to help this situation, I’m suggesting that on a Friday we have a catch up session (‘Free Up Friday’) where any activities that have been missed during the week can be completed so as much as possible we are on track for Monday. I will also put some links to some interactive games and online videos for those of you that need any additional activities.

Is has also been announced this week that the BBC have put together an array of educational programmes that will be aired daily of the CBBC channel (3hrs a day in fact). This is a great idea and is certainly something that you can use while at home. As previously stated, as much as possible we are trying to follow the curriculum with the tasks that we set, but I know far too well that sometimes children just need a break. This would be a break with benefits and could be something that you drop in and out of as you choose depending on the focus of the programme.

Thanks again and keep up the great work. Remember, ‘Teamwork makes the dream work!’

Have a lovely weekend

Kind regards

Mr Glover

Rhino Home Learning – Friday 8.1.21

Good Morning Everyone,

We have made it to the end of the first week. Thank you again to so many of you that sent in work yesterday, I was so impressed to see how hard you have worked during the day.

Let’s go for it again today…and remember send in pictures of your work!!

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 2

Please read chapter 2 ‘Who?’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 1’ and ‘Day 2’ questions

BFG Text


Activity 2: English: BFG Lesson

Today we are going to learn about description of characters through looking at the main characters from the BFG story.

Please click on the link below to access the video lesson from the Oak Academy:

BFG Character Lesson

Activity 3:

Maths: Today we are covering a unit on efficient multiplication

Below are links to the white rose video for today’s task (video 4) and the corresponding activity sheets:

Video lesson

Lesson 4 Y4-Spring-Block-1- Efficient-multiplication

Activity 4:


Please practise your spellings by writing them out in sentences. You will be tested on these spellings next week so remember to keep learning them between now and next week.

Class Group week 1 – 8.1.21

SNIP Group week 1 – 8.1.21

Activity 5: Frog Club

Please select your Fog Club sheet and give yourself 5 mins to complete. Let me know how you get on! I promise to move your frog up if you complete your sheet.

Activity 6: Art

Have a go at drawing a cartoon Viking. Follow the instructions on the video below, It’s great! Can’t wait to see your efforts! It would be nice to share these on our web page.

Hope you have a good day and have a lovely weekend. Well done to all of you for this week.

Best Wishes

Mr Glover

Panda Class Home Learning Friday 8th January

Home Learning work for Friday 8th January 2021

Hello to all of our wonderful Pandas!

What a week!

I have to start by saying you are all amazing. I have been so amazed with all the hard work and effort that has been put in this week.  Everyone at home and the Panda Team here in school have had to pick up the pieces and run with a new way of working, with just a few hours of notice.  Panda Team work!

Although the expectation from the Government is for parents to home teach for at least 3 hours a day, please don’t beat yourself up if this is simply not achievable; everyone’s circumstances are different.  Parents are also expected to work from home and many families have more than 1 child to attend to. I would say, try and fit in Writing, Phonics, Maths & Reading, then, if there is opportunity, do the foundation subjects set.

Today’s Learning (8th Jan)

Our story today is The Wish Tree by Kyo Maclear


After reading/listening to the story the task is to discuss and decide what your wishes are. You could wish for something for yourself or someone else or even a wish for the World! Discuss what that wish means to you then write the wish down (Year 1 super letter formation, finger spaces please – Reception, as we are learning to give meanings to the marks we make, have a go at forming the letters correctly and write your wish with some help from a grown up.) You could use coloured paper and then hang your wishes up with colourful ribbon.


Reception are on SET 1 Read Write Inc sounds. Use the link given earlier in the week.

The live lessons from Read Write Inc are an amazing resource so please do use them if at all possible.

There are lots of websites available to practise phonics so I have added some links for you to have a look. They don’t all follow the sequence of RWI, but the letters and sounds are still the same.

Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mbqFcOGMw4 Click ‘Skip Add’ when it first starts.

Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0 Tricky words to learn to read – I no the to into go

Year 1   Set 2 & 3 (Let me know if you don’t know which set your child is in)

Again, as with Reception check out the schedule and tune in to the live lessons. Work through the sounds at your pace.  Let me know if you need more specific guidance.

Reading  Please continue with books from home & stories online. Also, keep working through the Ditty Sheets which are a good way of recapping sounds and reading the Red (tricky) and Green (can be sounded out and blend to read) words.


Year 1

Subtraction – not crossing 10.  Use the work sheet first then you could create activities for your child around subtraction, using objects for them to use practically when taking away. For example, I have 18 grapes and Dad comes in and eats 7 of them how many will be left?

Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO-Add-ones-using-number-bonds-2020  Although this appears from the title to be adding it is actually subtraction.


Recognising and ordering numbers to 10.  Use the sheet and cut out the numbers, talk about which numbers your child recognises and see which ones they need to recognise.  Ask your child to stick them in to the correct order on the number line.


Sing lots of counting rhymes: 1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive!

5 Current buns in a bakers shop

10 Green bottles

Books list:

None the number by Oliver Jeffers

Zero is the leaves on the tree by Betsy Franco

A squash and a squeeze by Julia Donaldson

I spy numbers by Jean Marzello

I will be scheduling Zoom sessions too.  I will send a link via Class DoJo. It would be lovely to see you all and to let the children all see each other again.  If you have any queries please let me know and I will try and help out. It’s difficult to know how much work is needed, but if you need more please let me know and I can add to it.

Have a super weekend and take care.

Mandy Turner

Rhino Home Learning – Thursday 7.1.21

Good Morning Everyone,

Thank you again to so many of you that sent in work yesterday, I was so impressed to see how hard you worked during the day.

Let’s go for it again today…and remember send in pictures of your work!!

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 1

Please read chapter 1 ‘The Witching Hour’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 3’ and ‘Day 4’ questions

BFG Text


Activity 2: English: Cold Write – Complete and Edit

Today, if you haven’t finished writing your story, you have the opportunity to finish it today. Once you have finished, make sure you read back through it to ensure it reads correctly and that all punctuation is accurate, especially capital letters and full stops.

Once finished, use the list below to identify where you have used what feature. If you notice you haven’t used a particular feature, can you find a part of your story where it could be used? Use your time today in this session to do some up levelling of your writing to make it the best it can be.

Story features/tools:

  • Range of punctuation
  • Paragraphs
  • Description of characters and how they change
  • Description of settings and seasonal change
  • Senses
  • Powerful language (synonyms)
  • Dialogue
  • Feelings and emotive language
  • Show don’t tell
  • Similes
  • Short sentences for impact
  • Range of sentence types
  • Prepositions
  • Fronted adverbials
  • Thoughts and rhetorical questions

Thank you to those of who sent their writing in, it was so pleasing to see and I was very impressed.

Please could choose a tool/feature and sent in the best example you have of its use from your writing. I would love to share some of these examples with everyone on the website. 

Activity 3:

Maths: Today we are covering a unit on factor pairs

Below are links to the white rose video (lesson 3) for today’s task and the corresponding activity sheets

Video lesson

3 Y4-Spring-Block-1-WO3-Factor-pairs

Activity 4:


Can you story create a story board from the animation? Use either 6 or 8 sections, up to you to help you summaries the main points.

Now answer the following questions:

What did Jesus ask Peter and Andrew to do?

How would you feel if you were asked to give up your favourite things?

List 6 of your favourite things and state how you would feel if you had to give each of them up.

Hope you have a good day

Best Wishes

Mr Glover

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