Rhino Home Learning – Thursday 28.1.21

Good Morning,

Hope you all had a good day yesterday.

Please remember to send in photos of your work or a list of what has been completed. Many thanks.

Good luck today and do your best! Remember tomorrow is Free up Friday!

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 8

Please read chapter  ‘Snozzcumbers’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 1’ and ‘Day 2’ questions

BFG Text Chapters 6 – 10


Activity 2: English: ‘The Big Write’

Today you need to make sure your writing is finished. Use the time to finish the parts that you need to.

When you finish, read back through your work and check for:

  • Capital letters and full stops
  • A range of punctuation used accurately
  • Neat and joined handwriting

Also check your work against the success criteria. Have you included each features? Are you happy with your vocabulary choices?

Success Criteria

Read it out loud to see how your writing sounds and flows. 

I look forward to seeing your final pieces.

Activity 3:

Maths: Today is the third lesson on Area and involves the children learning on comparing area.

Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets for ‘Comparing Area’

Video lesson

Y4 Spring Block 2-Comparing area

Activity 4:

RE: What kind of world did Jesus want?

Activity 1: Think about how our school and community link with St. Peter’s Church. Can you make a list of some of things that the school and community does which are linked to the church. You could look on the Parish website to get some ideas. Parish Website

Create an information page – draw the church and write some labels around it from what you find out.

Activity 2: Imagine Jesus was looking for someone to help create the kind world he wanted.

Create a ‘wanted’ poster for the job. 

  • Think about the kind of attributes the person would need in your job description.
  • Make your poster attractive to encourage lots of people to apply.



Pandas – MrsMcGrath

Dear Panda parents and carers,

We want to let you know that Mrs McGrath will soon be finishing her maternity leave and returning to Myddle as panda class teacher on Monday 8th March. Can you believe little Nansi is almost one!

We  know that some of the class don’t know Mrs McGrath very well, so she is working very closely with Mrs Turner at the moment and will start taking part in some of the class Zooms. Usually she would be in school becoming more familiar with all the pandas, but there are only a few in school!

The good news is that we won’t be losing Mrs Turner completely either! She will still be teaching panda class on Thursday mornings and all day Friday! We are so pleased about this as Mrs Turner is an asset to the school and I know from your surveys you all agree what an amazing job she has done over the past year.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us,

Mrs Williams

Panda Class Home Learning Wednesday 27th January

Welcome to Wednesday’s learning…

We are now in to our 4th week of Home Learning, phew… it’s not easy for anyone, so,

when being a home-educator please be kind to yourselves and others.

We are all unique, and have different strengths in so many different areas.  Go at a pace that works for you as a family.

Be yourself.  Everyone else is already taken – Oscar Wilde

PhonicsAll Pandas  Ruth Miskin Live Lessons.  These seems to be going well – don’t forget to see where the gaps are before moving on to a new set.  Refer to the list of sounds sheet.

Thinking about Set 3 sounds… try this.

English – Year 1 Lesson (7) It has been so lovely to see the work that you are doing; it looks great.

In today’s lesson we look at how writers create mood. In this lesson, we will create our own ‘mood toolkit’ by reading as a writer.


English – Reception Lesson (5)  Noisy House – To tell a story independently.

In this lesson, we will learn how to tell a story independently through learning a nursery rhyme.


Maths – Year 1 Numbers within 50.

PP Spr1.5.4-Tens-and-ones

teaching slides Spr1.5.4-Tens-and-ones (1)

Work sheet Y1-Spring-Block-2-WO2-Tens-and-ones-2019

Maths – Reception The numbers 6,7 & 8.

numberblocks-find-the-real-octoblock-activity sheet

Enjoy the Story of Six Dinner Sid.

Geography – In this lesson, we are going to be virtually flying to Australia; the continent is also known as Oceania and Australasia. Today, we are learning more about this small continent.


Take the quiz and see what you have remembered and make a poster all about Australia; using words and pictures. The quiz can be found by clicking on to the green circles at the bottom of the introduction page.

Have a great day,

Mandy Turner


Rhino Home Learning – Wednesday 27.1.21

Good Morning,

Hope you all had a good day yesterday.

Please remember to send in photos of your work or a list of what has been completed. Many thanks.

Good luck today and remember to always do your best!

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 7

Please read chapter 7 ‘ The Marvellous Ears’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 3’ and ‘Day 4’ questions

BFG Text Chapters 6 – 10


Activity 2: English: ‘The Big Write’

Today you need to put all your writing sides together to create the whole narrative.

Below is Mrs C’s Teacher Model to give you an idea of what you should be producing. You may want to read through this first before you start. I will share this on the zoom at 10am.

Teacher Model

Please take your time to produce a neat, well punctuated piece of writing.

Your writing must have:

  • Capital letters and full stops
  • A range of punctuation used accurately
  • Neat and joined handwriting

You will also need to make sure you use all the features that were introduced and taught by Mrs C as success criteria in each section of your writing. I have put these into a grid for you to use and for you to check against as you produce your writing.

Success Criteria

Producing a ‘Big Write’ is always a very good test of writing stamina, but don’t worry about finishing it all in one session. I would rather you take your time to make sure you produce your best work. Tomorrow’s session will allow time to finish and do some checking against the success criteria.

Activity 3:

Maths: Today is the third lesson on Area and involves the children learning how to make shapes.

Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets for ‘Making Shapes’

Video lesson

Y4 Spring Block 2 –  Making shapes

Activity 4:


Week 4 Activity

Activity 5:

PE with ‘The Wright Way Group’

Panda Class Home Learning Tuesday 26th January

Welcome to Tuesday’s learning.

All Pandas

It was so lovely to see you yesterday on our Zoom, you were great at doing those speedy drawings! Well done.

Phonics – Ruth Miskin Live Lessons for Set 1,2 & 3.


Carry on with your set’s schedule each day.

This link is for the next few weeks of the ‘live lesson’ schedule.


Use this video to help you sound out letters, then blend them together to read the word.


If you want a change of pace, try some Cosmic Kids Yoga.



English – Year 1 – Reception can choose this too if you would like to continue with The Magic Paint Brush. If not, follow the Reception work.

In this lesson, (6) we will box up the story and explore the moods in each section.



English – Reception

Lesson 4 – The Noisy House

To use actions to mime a story.

In this lesson, we will use actions learned through learning a nursery rhyme to mime a story.


Maths – Year 1

Place value within 50. There are a few resources for this, see what works best for you.

https://vimeo.com/500467345 Teaching video

PP Y1-Spring-Block-2-PPT-Count-forwards-and-backwards-within-50-2020 PowerPoint

teaching slides Spr1.5.3-Counting-forwards-and-backwards-within-50 (1) teaching slides.

Work sheet Y1-Spring-Block-2-WO-Count-forwards-and-backwards-within-50-2020  Work sheet

Reception – Numbers 6,7 & 8.


Enjoy the 6,7,8 Number Maze


After all that hard work enjoy the story of Kipper’s Toy Box.


History – All Pandas

Christopher Columbus 

Watch the video, make a note of some facts you find interesting and play the game to order the events cards. Then, fill in the missing words on the Christopher Columbus sheet.




Have a really lovely day Pandas.

Mandy Turner


Rhino Home Learning – Tuesday 26.1.21

Good Morning,

Although we were all at home yesterday due to the school closure, I still hope you had a good day. Thank you to all of you that persevered with your work and sent examples in.

I have put together a selection of the work that I have received so far just to showcase some of the good work that has been completed by you at home. Can you spot some of your work?

Rhino Celebration 1

Please remember to send in photos of your work. Maybe next time your work will showcased….

Good luck today and do your best!

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 7

Please read chapter 7 ‘ The Marvellous Ears’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 1’ and ‘Day 2’ questions

BFG Text Chapters 6 – 10


Activity 2: English: Lesson 9 of ‘The Secret of Black Rock‘ with Jane Considine.

This is the final video session from Mrs C. The following sessions will be use to put all our writing sides together to create a final version of their text.

Today’s double page layout is the same as the previous lesson:

Activity 3:

Maths: Today is the second lesson on Area and involves the children learning how to calculate area by counting squares.

Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets for ‘Counting Squares’

Video lesson

Y4 Spring Block 2 – Counting squares

Activity 4:

Topic: Danegeld – To learn what the term Danegeld stands for. Please read the information on Danegeld in the presentation below.

Lesson Presentation Danegeld

What are the key facts that you have found?

Now read the poem below and complete the activities relating to it.

Viking Poem

Poem Activity Sheets



The school will sadly be closed today due to staff shortages and the icy conditions on the side roads and lanes affecting safe travel. Many teachers have tried this morning but are unable to get to school.

Remote learning will continue with as many Zoom lessons as possible, starting with Worship at 9am.

Road outside School

There is a blocked drain opposite the school building, it appears to be being looked at but there is a significant amount of water on the road and pavement.

Please be careful as you approach school.

Weather update 7pm

We are planning to be open as usual tomorrow, including breakfast club.
If anything changes or we are advised to close we will let you know by 7:30am
Please email the school office if you can’t get your child in or if you have booked breakfast club but no longer need it. Many thanks.

Panda Class Home Learning Monday 25th January

Hello everyone, welcome to Monday 25th January

I hope you have had a good weekend.

Here is the outline for Monday’s learning.

9:00 Worship with Mrs Williams. Link is on Class Dojo

PE with Joe Wicks


or Mr Wright TWWG- ‘Move’,



All Pandas  Phonics – Ruth Miskin Live Lessons for Set 1,2 & 3 schedule.


Carry on with your set’s schedule each day.

I have added a sheet with all of the sounds in each set, so that you can keep up to date and on track.


Try this phonics ‘Tip’.

English – Year 1 – Reception can choose this too if you would like to continue with The Magic Paint Brush. If not, follow the Reception work.

In this lesson (5), In this lesson we will make inferences based on what is said and done. We will be text detectives, using evidence from the text to help us unpick ideas.



English – ReceptionThe Noisy House   In this lesson (3), we will learn how to ‘step out’ a story through learning a nursery rhyme. We will also use actions to ‘Step out’.



Year 1 –   Place Value within 50

Teaching Video: Use this as a warm up at the start of each lesson.     https://vimeo.com/500466597


PP Y1-Spring-Block-2-PPT1-Numbers-to-50-2019 (1)

Teaching Slides:


Work Sheet:


Reception – In this lesson children will explore and count numbers within 7 and represent them in different ways.


This is is a song all about the number 7.


All Pandas – Reading  Oxford Owl free e-books.  Aim to read 1 book per day.

Story Time – A Dot in The Snow.


All Pandas – Art –   I hope you enjoyed the last art video from the Tate – here is a lesson about making a 3D sculpture. If you need any coloured paper or card please let me know and I will put some in the reception area at the front of school. Don’t forget to share your wonderful creations on class Dojo.


Have a great Monday!

Mandy Turner


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