Celebration Assembly – 7th May 21

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Sophie Co, Nia & Sam
Rhino – Amelia
Tiger – Olivia
Panda -Rhys

Mathematician of the Week: Alissa & Dylan, Jessica, Freddie & Amelia G

Reader of the Week: Heidi, Ethan, Isaac & Charlie C

Writer of the Week: Maisie, Izzy, Isabelle, Dylan W, Sebastian

Hand writers of the Week: All 12 children using the laptops in Jaguar Class for story writing, Lucy & William Pa

Well Done Everyone and Have a great weekend!

Collection at home time!

If you are not able to collect your child at the end of the day and have made arrangements with another person/parent to collect your child. Please can we ask that you give Mrs Smith a ring on 01939 290834, she will pass this message on to the class teacher.


Super Science

This week in science, Rhino class set up an experiment to find out the impact the environment has on germination. They used a range of resources to plan and make sure the test would be fair. All children worked well in their groups where teamwork and cooperation was essential. We look forward to sharing our results next week.

Rhino Homework – 7.5.21

For homework this week, I would like the children to produce a poster about the importance of sleep. They can research this and include some of the facts they find out on their poster.

Below is a short video that includes some really useful information:

Afterschool Sports Sessions – Rhino Class

Jaguar class are currently enjoying a game of cricket with Mr Wright tonight on their last sports session for their class.

Rhino Class sessions are the 12th, 19th & 26th May.

Club starts at 3:15 and finishes at 4:15. The cost of all three sessions is £10.

Its not too late to sign up for these Rhino sessions, please come to the school office and speak to Mrs Smith, who will arrange everything.

Parking Issues

We have had concerns raised by residents regarding parents parking outside school and in the entrance to Eagle Farm Close, opposite school.

Please can we ask that parents use either the layby outside school, the village hall carpark or the Red Lion pub car park for pick up and drop offs.

We want residents, parents and the children to remain safe and if we all work together and avoid parking anywhere other than the three places mentioned above, we will hopefully achieve this.

School staff will be monitoring this situation and asking parents to move their cars if they are causing an obstruction.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ring school on 01939 290834


Art like an Egyptian

Today, Rhino class used their portraits to create their own Egyptian pictures. They looked really closely at examples and decorated their work with ornate designs.

Celebration Assembly -30th April

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Nia & Sophie Ca
Rhino – Imogen
Tiger – Bertie
Panda -Poppy

Mathematician of the Week: Holly T, Harry, Sienna, Imogen B

Reader of the Week: Daniel D, Leo, Ruby P & Oliver G

Writer of the Week: Esme, Sorrel & Odin

Hand writers of the Week: Ariana, Abi & Eve

Well Done Everyone!!

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