Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Monday 6th July 2020

Good morning Y5&6. Welcome to the penultimate week of term before the Summer holidays. Here’s the weather forecast for today…..

Also, if you missed Newsround yesterday, here’s a chance to catch up….


Here’s today’s timetable for today..
Daily Timetable Monday 6.7.20


Y5 English (Reading) Monday 6th July 2020
Y5 Comprehension – Hitchhikers in the Bathroom
Y6 English – Monday 6th July – Y6 Leaver’s Zoom Preparation


Y5 Maths – Monday 6th July 2020
Y5 Monday Timetables Activity
Y6 Maths Monday 6th July
Y6 Volume of cuboids – Monday 6th July


Art project
Ancient Greek Mosaic Art challenge


Have a good day,
Mr Hughes
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