Working From Home – Y5&6 Thursday 11th June 2020

Good morning Y5&6.

Y6s – Don’t forget your Zoom chat at 11:30am with Mrs Millward and myself. Don’t get on too early as it will only start at 11:30 to allow for the full 40 minutes available.

Here’s today’s weather forecast. It doesn’t look a particularly good outlook for the day.

Here’s your timetable for today…..

9:00 Exercise & Spelling Shed

9:25 English (Completion of your Instruction Text – How to make a laurel wreath) Make sure that you re-read and make any improvements / changes before submitting your final draft.
English Lesson 4 Thursday 11.6.20

11:30 Y6s – Zoom Chat

1:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Thursday 11th June
Y5 Maths Thursday 11th June activity
Y6 Maths Lesson 4 Thursday 11th June

Have a good day.

Mr Hughes


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