Good morning Y5&6. Welcome to the final week before half term. I hope that those of you who took part in the Family Fun Quiz on Friday and Saturday evening enjoyed it.
Here are the final results of both quizzes.
There will be another quiz this Friday and Saturday so if you would like to take part then let me know.
It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful week so enjoy the outdoors as much as you can after you’ve worked hard during the morning.
Here’s the weather forecast for today:
Here’s the timetable for today:
9:00 Spelling Shed
9:30 English through History
11:00 Maths
(Y6s – Let me know if you can’t use the link for the Kahoot maths calculation starter and I shall send it to you via Class Dojo instead.)
1:00 PE / Fitness (Circuit training or Bikeability)
Have a good day!