Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Wednesday 10th February 2021

Good morning Y5&6. Welcome to Wednesday. Here’s some images of all of the hard work of your classmates from yesterday.

Review of the day – Tuesday 9th February 2021

I’m looking forward to seeing you at today’s Zoom meeting. Here’s the link….
Meeting ID: 996 8540 9814
Passcode: 0RQgvF



English – I’d like you today to spend some time re-reading your biography and checking that you are completely happy with your writing. Check through it carefully and make sure that you make any changes which you feel are necessary. Have you:

*checked your punctuation
*used a variety of grammar and sentence structure
*checked that you haven’t repeated yourself or the same words


*Please send your final drafts to me via email – hughes.g@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk

so that I can assess this independent pieces of writing this weekend and during the half term holidays. If you’ve handwrittten it then please send me a photograph.


Maths – Y6s – Questions 31-40 of My Mini Maths. What was your final score out of 40 possible marks?


Maths – Y5s – Today, you are going to be adding mixed numbers.

Y5 Maths – Wednesday 10.2.21 – Children at home
Y5 Maths – Wednesday Activity – Ollie, Sophie, Sam and Esme – Questions 2,3 and 4
Y5 Maths – Wednesday Activity – Ariana, Lilly, Alex and Maisie – Questions 6,7 and 8
Y5 Maths – Wednesday Activity – Dylan, Alfie, Lilly, Cass and Blake – Questions 10,11 and 12


PE (Fitness) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc4FqRnmtAg
PE (Dance) – https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/dance-ks2-dance-workshop-winter-sports-mix/zg4t2v4


ScienceScience Lesson 6 – Substances with more than one state of matter

Video link 1
Video link quiz


Have a good day and…………….

Mr Hughes

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