Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 28th January 2021

Good morning everybody. You’ve got a lot to read through on the ‘Review of the Day’ from yesterday. Well done to all of the research that you gathered about Captain Tom Moore. Take a look at everybody’s notes to see if there is anything that you didn’t find which others did. In Maths, well done to the Y6s in particular who had many tricky % calculations to solve yesterday.

Here’s Wednesday’s ‘Review of the Day’.
Review of the day – Wednesday 27th January 2021

Today’s learning from home is as follows…..

English – Writing / Typing the opening to a biography of Tom Moore.
English Lesson 3 – Biography of Captain Tom Moore – Thursday 28th January 2021


Y5 Thursday 28th January Maths – Improper to Mixed


Y5 Maths Activity – Improper fractions to Mixed Numbers – Esme, Sam, Sophie and Ollie – QUESTION 2 ONLY 
Y5 Maths Activity – Improper fractions to Mixed Numbers – Ariana, Alex, Alfie, Dylan, Lilly and Maisie – QUESTIONS 1 & 2
Y5 Maths Activity – Improper fractions to Mixed Numbers – Cass & Blake – QUESTIONS 1,2 AND 3


Maths – Y6 – Increase and Decrease by %
Y6 Thursday 28th January Maths – Increase and Decrease by specific %
Y6 Maths Activity – Part 1


For today’s reading, you can read your own book at home. Try and read aloud if there is somebody to read to. You could even set up your own camera and record yourself reading (like Nelly has done in the past) so that we can show it to the rest of the class.


Spanish – Learn the phrases ‘I like’ and ‘I don’t like’
Spanish – I like foods I don’t like foods


Links to Spanish videos


Music with PE – Mrs Kessel-fell has given you this link to enjoy and join in with (if you have a ball to bounce)…..


PE – Here’s the link to Mr Wright’s latest fitness session.

Enjoy the day. If you want to be brave, you could try and send a video of yourself doing your Spanish or Music at home. We will enjoy performing in class!

Mr Hughes


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