Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 11th February 2021

Happy ‘cold’ Thursday. Thank you to all of you who have sent me the final draft of your polar explorer biography. I’m looking forward to reading them, assessing them and letting you know about the quality of your writing.

Here’s yesterday’s ‘Review of the Day’ including a short video of the classroom during Science.
Review of the day – Wednesday 10th February 2021
Heidi – Science


Here’s the code for today’s Zoom meeting at 9:15am.
Meeting ID: 995 1148 1096
Passcode: 5GbB6c



This morning, can you spend the time that you would usually be completing your English work completing your ‘Inuit’ double page spread. Take a look at Amy and Nelly’s on the Review of the Day as they are amazing!

Maths – Y6s – Please take a look back at any of the questions that you got wrong or found the most difficult this week on your My Mini Maths calculations. The question numbers on all of the My Mini Maths calculations have very similar types of questions on each one. So, if you got question number 26 wrong, take a look at question 26 on My Mini Maths 11, 12 or 13 and try those. You can use your white boards and then check your answers. You don’t need to record anything in your books – it’s just for you to practise any area of calculations, fractions, decimals or percentages that you may have found difficult.


Maths Y5s – Today, you are going to finish your maths for this half term with more practising of adding fractions (including mixed numbers). There isn’t a powerpoint, go straight into the activity but it’s very similar to yesterday. Look carefully at the questions numbers that I would like you to attempt!

Ollie, Sophie, Sam and Esme – Y5 Maths Part 1
Questions 1a and 1b
Ollie, Sophie, Sam and Esme – Y5 Maths Part 2
Questions 1a, 1b, 3a and 3b


Ariana, Alex, Lilly and Maisie – Y5 Maths Part 1
Questions 4a and 4b
Ariana, Alex, Lilly and Maisie – Y5 Maths Part 2
Questions 4a, 4b, 6a and 6b


Dylan, Cass, Alfie and Blake – Y5 Maths Part 1
Questions 7a and 7b
Dylan, Cass, Alfie and Blake – Y5 Maths Part 2
Questions 7a, 7b, 9a and 9b


Computing – This Tuesday, it was ‘Safer Internet Day’. Can you remember what the letters SMART represent? Watch the final video today based on the letter ‘T’. What do you think it will stand for?

Computing Lesson 4 – SMART


Music – If you’ve missed Mrs Kessel-fell’s two activities from the last two weeks, here’s another opportunity to try.


Now, here’s your new music lesson to practise……
KS2 Cup Percussion 4 THE CUP SONG



Mr Hughes

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