Y5&6 Jaguar class PE

The children are becoming more confident and demonstrating an increased level of skill in rugby and football this week. Big thanks to our coach Connor for all his dedication despite a knee injury.

School Office – Friday 21st May

The school office will be closed from 1pm tomorrow, Friday 21st May, for staff training.

If you have any questions or concerns please call Baschurch Primary School on 01939 260443.

Celebration Assembly – 1st April

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Cameron & Sophie Ca
Rhino – Imogen
Tiger – Isaac
Panda -Bradley

Mathematician of the Week: Isobel, Sam, Ryan, Fraser & William Pe

Reader of the Week: Holly H, Megan, Ben & Steven

Writer of the Week: Heidi, Amber, Ewan & Olivia PN

Hand writers of the Week: Sophie Co, Abi, Riley & Aria

Well Done Everyone

Happy Easter !!

Parking Issues/Concerns raised

Concerns have been raised about the parents parking arrangements before and after school. Please can we request that the layby/road outside school is used sensibly.

It has been noted that:

  • cars are sticking out into the road
  • excessive gaps being left between cars which could accommodate another vehicle
  • cars parking both sides on the approach to the village hall car park, restricting view for residents and other parents leaving the area
  • speed of parents approaching school, and surrounding areas.

We are able to use the Village Hall car park and our staggered leave times at the end of the day should help to ease the volume of parents in the area at any one time.

Please support us and help us to keep everyone safe.

Road Safety in Rhino Class

Rhino class had the pleasure of spending the morning with a lovely gentleman called Ray Hughes, who taught the children all about road safety.

The children learnt so much and we even walked around the village to put into practise what they had learnt. The children were so sensible and a real credit to the school.

School Menu Update

There has been a slight change to the school lunch menu. These changes will take effect from Wednesday 24th March.

Please find attached the amended menu, they are also visible on both noticeboards at school and in the parents area on the website, look for “meal payments & menu”.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834

New Menu march 2021 Week 1

New Menu march 2021 week 2

New Menu March 2021 week 3

Red Nose Day 2021

We would like to say a Massive well done to the children and parents for all of their hard work creating their outfits. They all looked amazing and have raised an impressive £128.50

Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday


Rhino Home Learning – The final ‘Free up Friday’ 5.3.21

Good Morning,

Well, we’ve done it! We have made it to the end of the school lockdown period.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment and your engagement over the last 8 weeks of home schooling. You have just been brilliant. Hearing from you and seeing your work on a daily basis has been so rewarding and I am immensely proud of how hard you have worked.

I would also like to thank your parents. They have been absolutely amazing in the level of support they have given you during this time and I am truly grateful for all their support.

As I always say, ‘Teamwork makes the dream work!’ The last 8 weeks have been a perfect example of this. Well done everyone!

Can’t wait to see you all on Monday…

Please use today to catch up on any work that has been missed during the week. I will send out a zoom invite for the afternoon so we can reveal the identities of the masked readers. 

Remember to do your spelling test and your frog club and let me know how you get on. Use the links below to access what you need.

Spellings to test:

Class Group – week 1 – 26.2.21

SNIP Group – Week 1 – 26.2.21

Spellings to learn:

Class Group – week 4 – 5.3.21

SNIP Group – week 4 – 5.3.21

Frog Club

Please select your Frog Club sheet and give yourself 5 mins to complete. Let me know how you get on! I promise to move your frog up if you complete your sheet.


If you have managed to complete all the activities set, then please look at some of the suggestions below for today.

PE with ‘The Wright Way Group – TWWG’

Session 10:

Oak Academy Video Lessons: Here you will find a huge range of video lessons divided into different subjects. Click on the subject you would like to learn and then choose a topic. Simple as that.

Click on the following link to access the website:  Oak Academy – Year 4

BBC Bitesize Video Lessons: The BBC has designated a whole section of the ‘BBC Bitesize’ website for home learning. Just select year 4 and then choose the subject you would like to study.

Click on the following link to access the website:  BBC Bitesize – KS2

Top marks 7 -11: This is fantastic website with a wealth of free online games for English and Maths. A great way to have fun and learn at the same time.

Hit the link to play:     Top marks – Maths     Top Marks – English

Hit the Button: This is great set of online games which can be linked to number various mental calculations and x tables. A fantastic resources where children can choose the level appropriate to their ability to reinforce and challenge where needed.

Hit the link to play: Hit the button 

Rhino Home Learning – Thursday 4.3.21

It’s World Book Day, so today is going to be off our normal timetable so we can all have a bit of fun…. I really hope you have a great day.

Thank you to all of you that sent in your video and your clues. I’ve put a short video together for you to watch, so listen and watch very carefully. It’s not easy to guess, as you have all disguised your voices so well and your masks are brilliant.

I have also put together an answer sheet containing a picture of each masked reader and 3 clues linked to their true identity. Can you guess who each masked reader is?

The Masked Reader Clue Sheet

I will be hosting a zoom on Friday afternoon (1.15pm) to reveal who each masked reader is. For the meeting, have your masks ready to share so you can all reveal who you were. Have your guess sheet handy as well to see how many masked readers you got correct.

Today’s Task:

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to David Walliams talk about his book during the live assembly on Tuesday, which gave me an idea for a task for today.

One of the books he spoke about was called ‘Fing’

The story is about a girl called Myrtle Meek, who has everything…

But everything isn’t enough. She wants more, more, MORE! When Myrtle declares she wants a FING, there’s only one problem… What is a FING?

Mr and Mrs Meek will do anything to keep their darling daughter happy, even visit the spooky library vaults to delve into the dusty pages of the mysterious Monsterpedia. Their desperate quest leads to the depths of the jungliest jungle where the rarest creatures can be found. But will they ever find a FING?

Your task today is to design your very own ‘Fing’

Think about:

  • What does it look like?
  • How does it behave?
  • How would you look after it?
  • What is the best and worst thing about it?
  • What does it eat?
  • Where does it live?
  • What are some unusual facts about it?

Create a ‘double page spread’ for your ‘Fing’ giving as much information about it as possible.

Write a set of instructions for how to look after it as pet. Remember to include a warning if needed!

I really look forward to seeing what you create and it would be great to share these next week in class.

Have a great day



Rhino Home Learning – Wednesday 3.3.21

Good Morning,

I hope you had a god day yesterday.

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 15 Please read chapter  ‘Mixing the Dream’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 3’ and ‘Day 4’ questions

BFG Text Chapters 11 – 16


Activity 2: English: BFG Writing unit from the Oak Academy

Please use the link below to access the next lesson in the teaching sequence:

Lesson 9 – Writing the first part of the opening

Activity 3:

Maths: We are continuing with the unit on Fractions.

Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets to ‘Subtract from whole amounts’.

Video lesson

Y4 Spring Block 3 Subtract from whole amounts

Activity 4: Reading/Writing Activity

As a child I really enjoyed reading all the books written by Roald Dhal (and I still do now too!). One of my particular favourites was ‘Charlie and Chocolate Factory’. I also love the original film and so do both of my children.

Below are some fun activities linked to the story. You can choose which of the activities you would like to complete. You could even do them all if you like…..

Charley and The Chocolate Factory Activity Sheets

Below is the full version of the text if you find and read sections to help you as well as an audio version if you would prefer to listen to the all or parts of the story.

Full Text – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Hope you have a good day