Snow Leopards Reminder

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please you can ensure that your child comes to nursery with a small bag, this must include everything that your child may need during the day: spare clothes, nappies, wipes and suitable clothing for outdoor play.

If you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to give me a ring on 01939 290268

Thank you
Jodie Phillips

Snow Leopards

Hello Snow Leopards, I hope you all had an enjoyable Summer.

We have been busy in nursery getting it all ready for your return. Myself and Fran are very excited, we hope you are too!

We will be unable to invite parents into the nursery setting, so drop off and collection with take place in the playground where parents will enter through the main school gate and exit through the nursery gate. This one way system is to limit contact with other parents.

Our drop off time is 9:15am and collection is 2:45pm
(Please refer to the older post with regards to drop off and collections, if you have any queries)

Please only send your child to nursery with the essentials that they may need in their bag (spare clothes, nappies, wipes, coats) please provide your child with a water bottle so your child has access to a drink throughout the day.
No toys from home are allowed to be brought into the setting.

School lunches:
Grab and Go bags will be available to order, unfortunately at the moment we are unable to provide hot lunches. Payments are preferred through our online system, though we do also accept cash in a named sealed envelope. You can also still provide a pack lunch for your children to bring into nursery.

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


Joining nursery – September 2020

Starting nursery is a very exciting time. I want to do my very best to ensure that children learn and grow, they feel happy and are supported along their learning journey. As we know starting nursery can be an overwhelming and daunting time for children and parents, particularly this year due to COVID-19. So I wish to ensure a positive and smooth transition as your child starts at our nursery.

You can read all the relevant information on our website, through the link ‘Joining’ then click ‘Nursery’. This information will help prepare you and your child for their start with us at Myddle nursery in September.

If you require any extra information or you wish to speak to me directly about registering your child, please feel free to e-mail through to or call on 01939 290268. I will be available daily until 12pm except Wednesdays as school is closed.

I look forward to hearing from you

Jodie Phillips (Nursery Leader)

Snow Leopards w/b: 22.06.2020

Hello Snow Leopards.
Hope you have had an enjoyable weekend.

This week in school we are going to be

  • Completing puzzles and jigsaws.
  • Using our imagination through our own play. Encourage your child to make up a story or act out role play scenarios. See if you can catch this on video to share with us on Class Dojo!
  • We are in the process of making our own ‘Wildlife Area’ in the nursery playground. We will paint the bird feeder and we will be making our own bird feeders to hang up. The link below gives you ideas on how to make these using recycled objects.
    We will also be creating a bird watching den so we can keep a close eye!

We are working alongside Mrs Turner, so please feel free to check out the Panda news feed and the activities available if you wish to get involved.

Have a lovely week and keep me updated with all your excellent work!


Snow Leopards

Hello Snow Leopards. Hope you are all well and enjoying your week.

We have been busy in school this week working on ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ activities. We have familiarised ourselves with the story and watched the animation on the whiteboard.

We have also taken part in lots of activities relating to the story including:
1. Taking turns to re-tell the story to peers using props and imagination.
2. Jack and the beanstalk maze – focusing on pencil control (Twinkl)
3. Number sequencing – leaves on the beanstalk
4. Growing our own ‘Magic’ beans 1

We are going to try out a little science experiment this week. As we have already done for planting we thought we’d continue and grow some cress. Why don’t you try this at home?
We are going to grow them in soil, outdoors, in the shade, in cotton wool and using a wet paper towel. We will have a group discussion to predict what we think might happen. I will add some photos to Class Dojo to keep you updated!

Take care.

Snow Leopards

Hello Snow Leopards,
I hope you all had an enjoyable half term in the sunshine!

Thank you for all of your updates on Class Dojo it has been lovely. From what I can see, your little Snow Leopards are enjoying worksheet activities, so below are some more ideas:

Twinkl –
Letter formation booklet
CVC worksheets/booklets/bingo game
Number matching/Shape sorting
All about numbers 1-10 booklet
Colour by number sheets

Just remember, when working with your child really focus on set 1 sounds and ensure letters are formed correctly. It is important to also focus on pencil grip and control, being able to do all on this will help your child when they are in Panda Class.
Set 1 sounds:

The Part-whole sheet is a way to show children simple addition and change in quantities. Have a little experiment with everyday objects; stones, counters, toys.

Remember, you can always scroll back to earlier posts for extra ideas.
Keep me updated on how you get on this week!

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Wider opening of school from 8th June

Dear parents and carers,
The governors of the school have agreed that the school will be ready for wider opening from Monday 8th June. We are still waiting for the risk assessment to be signed off by the local authority but don’t anticipate that this will cause any further delay.
Monday 1st June – school open daily to keyworker children who have pre-booked                                        from 8:30am
Monday 8th June – school open to nursery and reception children 9:15-12:00                                               Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Monday  15th June – school open to year 1 children 9:00-12:15 Monday, Tuesday,                                        Thursday, Friday
Urgent Action: please dojo your class teacher if your child will be returning on the 8th (nursery and reception) or 15th (year 1)
We are now in a position where we need to collect more definite numbers as to which children will be returning to school when we partially reopen.  Please send your child’s class teacher a message on dojo indicating whether you will or will not be sending your child back to school on these dates. It would be helpful to know as soon as possible but certainly by Sunday 31st May as we will be training staff in school on Monday 1st . As stated in the letter you can change your mind at a later date. Once we have your response, we will be able to start preparing groups and bubbles for your children to be placed in.
Thank you very much for your co-operation.

Snow Leopards 11th May 2020

Hello Snow Leopards,
I hope everyone is keeping well and you all had an enjoyable weekend celebrating VE Day on Friday. I had afternoon tea and cake in the sunshine!
Let me know if you did anything special to celebrate.

I understand that staying at home is challenging, especially for parents working from home too, but I hope everyone continues to keep busy and enjoy this time with your children. Please remember I’m here if anyone needs anything.

Please continue to refer to the links I posted in last weeks letter as they provide really important and fun activities to keep your little Snow Leopards busy!

A few other ideas for this week:
Dough gym is a fun activity which helps to strengthen and develop your fine and gross motor skills, balance and hand-eye co-ordination. ‘Dough Disco’ – YouTube, makes dough gym lots more fun!
Have a go at Sophie’s colour hunt. A great way for children to observe their surroundings, recognise and learn their colours! 

I look forward to catching up with you all this week. 
