
Thursday 25th June, 2020

Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Friday 26th June 2020

Good morning Y5&6. Welcome to the final day of what has been a fantastic week for many reasons. Many of the Y6s have returned to school, the standards of work from home has continued to be as great as ever and the weather has been superb too. However, the week has been soured by the fact that Liverpool FC have edged ever closer to winning the Premier League! ?

Here’s the Spellings for the Spelling Test today…………….

Y6 Spellings
Commonly misspelt words
cousin       clothes      believe      people      friends      received      surprise      caught
beautiful     pretty


Words with suffix ‘ful’
tuneful      tearful      playful      harmful     hopeful      playful      helpful      careful
handful     fearful      skilful        doubtful   powerful    graceful    peaceful   dreadful
thankful    dreadful   stressful   beautiful   frightful

The weather forecast for today is a bit mixed – still warm but with a strong % chance of some rain during the day. https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2637891

If you missed yesterday’s Newsround, here’s a chance to catch up…..https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround

Here’s the timetable for today…..
Daily Timetable Friday 26.6.20


English (History) Lesson 5 – Friday 26th June 2020
Y5&6 Ancient Greek Theatre task – Friday 26th June 2020


Y5 Maths – Friday 26th June 2020
Y5 Maths Activity – Friday 26th June 2020
Y6 Maths – Friday 26th June 2020




Have an enjoyable Friday and an excellent weekend.
Mr Hughes
Thursday 25th June, 2020

Highlights From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Thursday 25th June 2020

After another day in the blistering heat, many of the children have continued to focus hard on their school work. We’ve had some excellent diary entries from the perspective of an ancient Athenian/Spartan child, as well as some great thinking in maths (co-ordinates – Y6 and converting measurements – Y5).

The children in school have also been enjoying their games of cricket, art work, practising their spellings on Spelling Shed and Silversphere.

Here’s the Highlights From Home for today.
Thursday’s 25.6.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6


Have a good evening.
Mr Hughes
Thursday 25th June, 2020

Joining nursery – September 2020

Starting nursery is a very exciting time. I want to do my very best to ensure that children learn and grow, they feel happy and are supported along their learning journey. As we know starting nursery can be an overwhelming and daunting time for children and parents, particularly this year due to COVID-19. So I wish to ensure a positive and smooth transition as your child starts at our nursery.

You can read all the relevant information on our website, through the link ‘Joining’ then click ‘Nursery’. This information will help prepare you and your child for their start with us at Myddle nursery in September.

If you require any extra information or you wish to speak to me directly about registering your child, please feel free to e-mail through to nursery@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk or call on 01939 290268. I will be available daily until 12pm except Wednesdays as school is closed.

I look forward to hearing from you

Jodie Phillips (Nursery Leader)

Thursday 25th June, 2020

Dropping off and collecting – reminders

This is just a polite reminder to please stick to the arrangements for social distancing when dropping off and collecting your children from school. We have a strict risk assessment which has enabled us to open and we must adhere to these rules until the end of term please. Now that there are more children with us, it has become even more important to do this to avoid close contact and potential transmission of the virus. Many parents have only agreed to send their children in because they were satisfied with the careful measures we have put in place in school. Please be mindful that everyone’s situation at home and with their health is different.

  • Arrive promptly in your designated time slot.
  • Stand 2m from other families.
  • Leave promptly and do not loiter chatting to other parents, even outside the gates please. It is hard for us to reinforce the rules to the children if they see parents in groups.

Many thanks for your co-operation.

Thursday 25th June, 2020

Rhino Daily Challenge – Maths

Today’s challenge is all about calculations.

Using the digits; 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and any of the 4 operations above, how many consecutive numbers can you make?

Here are examples for 1, 2 and 3:

1 = 2 -1

2 = 3 – 1

3 = 2 + 1

Can you you make 4, 5, 6, 7, 8….. and so on. How far can you get?


In each calculation, you can only use each digit once although you can use as many different operations as you like.

Click on the link below if you would like to download a sheet to help you record your work.

Recording Grid

Bonus: If you manage to reach 25, you can then add a 6 to your digits!

Wednesday 24th June, 2020

Working From Home (and school) Y5&6 – Thursday 25th June 2020

Good morning. Here’s today’s timetable. Like yesterday, it’s going to be really warm again today so put in a good effort in the morning and then you can enjoy some outdoor time in the afternoon.

Daily Timetable Thursday 25.6.20

English (History) Lesson 4 – Thursday 25th June 2020


Y5 Maths – Thursday 25th June 2020
Y5 Maths Activity – Thursday 25th June
Y6 Maths Thursday 25th June
Y6 Thursday 25th June – Find the missing coordinates


Art (How to draw a Spartan soldier)
Art (How to draw a Greek soldier)
Computing – Typing skills & Silversphere


Have a good day.
Mr Hughes
Wednesday 24th June, 2020

Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 24th June 2020

On this incredibly hot day, you could excuse the fact that many children would feel like taking a day away from their school work, so even more credit goes to the children who have been working hard at home today.

Here’s what they’ve been producing…..
Wednesday’s 24.6.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

It looks like it may be the same again tomorrow…..https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2637891

If you missed Newsround today, here it is….https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround

Have a good evening in the sunshine.
Mr Hughes