Roman Rhinos in Chester

Rhino class had a fantastic day in Chester furthering their studies of the Romans. As well as acquiring new knowledge, they were also able to showcase lots of their learning within sessions. The staff were particularly impressed by how much they have already learnt.

The Behaviour of all children was an absolute credit to the school which made me incredibly proud. Well done Rhino class.

Rhino Trip – Return Time

The final toilet visit is taking place and they are aiming to leave for 3pm. Mr Glover is hopeful that they will be back in Myddle for approximately 4pm. Please collect your child from reception.

Rhino Spellings

Each week, spellings will be given out to learn at home.

Each pupil will have a spelling book to both practise their spelling in and complete their spelling test. This means you will be able to look at the back of the book to see how your child has performed in the weekly test.

Spelling tests take place on Friday. New spellings are also given out on a Friday in order to give pupils a week to practise.

Try to encourage your child to learn their spellings in a range of ways:

  • Read out and write
  • Look, cover, write and check
  • Cursive handwriting
  • Spellings in sentences (this will really help with the understanding of the word by putting each spelling into a context)

Rhino Homework 8.11.19

Homework this week is:

X tables speed grids: Try and complete as many x tables as you can in 5 mins

Synonyms of said: Find as many synonyms of said as you can. Synonyms are words with a similar meaning. In this case, said, whispered, shouted, questioned etc

Good luck.

Marvellous Mathematicians

This week, pupils in Rhino class have been developing strategies to calculate mentally including: bonds to 10 and add to the ones, doubles or halves and subtracting 9 by taking 10 and adding 1. After exploring and refining these techniques, pupils looked at a range of different calculations in order to apply what they had learnt. Working in their learning partners they were able to select the quickest method for each calculation. The pupils will be using these strategies again next week when, as a class, we look at problem solving.

Polite Reminder – Rhino Chester Trip

Please can all payment for the above trip on Tuesday, 12th November be made via School Gateway before end of the school day on Friday 8th November.

Guided Reading in Rhino Class

Today pupils in Rhino class became text detectives. They had to find and retrieve information to help them answer questions about Roman housing.

After reading the text together, the children used colours to help highlight key information related to each question. This made answering the each question much easier. It also showed the children how important it is to keep referring back to the text.

Rhino Class Writing

This week, Rhino class completed their Hot Write. This involved the children completing an extended piece of writing in the form of a diary entry.

They had to plan and write a diary entry from the perspective of a Roman soldier. As it was linked in to our class topic, the children were able to use their historical knowledge and use vocabulary they have learnt.

They all worked so hard and I have been very pleased with the work they have produced.

Shrewsbury Visit

An enjoyable day was had by all today when the KS2 pupils visited Shrewsbury to learn more about their locality as well as the life and accomplishments of Charles Darwin.

Photographs of the day are below:-