Today’s Poetry Challenge

Morning Rhino Class,

Fancy a challenge?

Today I would like you to have a go at writing a special type of poem called a Kenning.

Kennings were first used in Anglo Saxon times. The famous Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf uses many kenning phrases, for example:

  • Body = bone-house
  • Ship  = wave-floater

Today, we can use Kennings to describe everyday people, animals and objects, for example a kenning about a dog could be:


and so on……

Can you write a Kenning poem about the squirrel in the video below? Remember each line of the poem needs to contain only two words (noun – er verb) e.g risk-taker. Remember to send your poems via Class Dojo and I can post them on the website to share. Have fun!

Vocabulary Challenge

Can you think of 10 words to describe this picture?

Send me your 10 words  via Class Dojo and I will compile a list later in the day. Good luck!

Mr Glover

A great list so far….Can we add more?

Now we have this list…

Version 3… The bigger the word appears, the more times it has been used. Well done to those who have thought of synonyms and more abstract words.

Final version. Well done and thank you to all that contributed to today’s challenge. You have done a great job exploring vocabulary.

Rhino Class – Learning Project WEEK 1 (23rd to 27th March) – All About My Family

Hi Everyone,

Please click on the link below to access the Rhino Class Learning Project for this week:

Week 1 Learning Project – All About My Family

The project includes weekly tasks for Maths, Reading, Writing and Spellings and a cross-curricular / topic project. All web links and instructions are included in the document. Please choose at least one activity from each section per day. This should keep you all busy…

If anyone needs reminding of their X Tables Rockstars username and password then please request one via Class Dojo.

Weekly spellings – please access the spellings to learn this week below. Start with week 1. These can be learnt each day and then tested on Friday.

Year 3 summer 1       Year 4 Summer 1

Please click on link below to access Year 3 and 4 Common Exception words and activities

Year 3 and 4 Spelling and Activity Sheets

The are also 5 daily maths lessons which including video tutorials and follow up activities. Please click on the link below:

Year 3 week 1    Year 4 week 1

If fancy being active, then click on the link below for a daily workout from the body coach Joe Wicks. Each day, he will be doing a live 30 minute PE lesson for pupils at home at 9am. There are also a wealth of 5/10 min workouts specifically aimed at children which are great.

Joe Wicks – Workout Sessions

If you wish to share your child’s work with me (for rewards and feedback), this can be done via the Class Dojo portfolio. As usual, if you have any queries, please continue to contact me via the Class Dojo app.

Kind regards and keep well

Mr Glover

Phonics Play access for parents

Phonics Play is a great website containing lots of interactive phonics and spelling games and activities. Like other popular educational websites, which normally need a paid subscription to allow access, they are offering free access during the school closure period.

Please use the link to access the Phonics play website and use the username: march20 and password: home to gain access.

Hope you enjoy this great resource


Mr Glover

Rhino Class – Working from home

Dear Rhino parents / carers,

Please look at and use the links below to access some interactive websites and resources I have put together for pupils while they are at home. I will be planning some other activities for pupils to complete in the near future, so please keep checking back on the school website.

Hope everyone keeps well

Mr Glover

Web Links:

Hit the Button – Fantastic mental maths activities.

Top Marks English – Interactive activities/games for grammar, spelling, reading, writing etc. Use the tabs at the top of the page to choose the category and scroll down to select the activity.

Top Marks Maths – Interactive activities/games on multiple themes including: place value, ordering and sequencing number and calculations. Use the tabs at the top of the page to choose the category and scroll down to select the activity.

BBC Bitesize Primary – Interactive games/activities for all subject areas. Click on the subject area of your choice.

Oxford Owls – Online games for Maths and English

KS2 Education Quizzes – A great website that contains a variety of quizzes based on a range of subject. Just scroll down to select a quiz which contains a series of multiple choice questions on a chosen theme. Make sure you read the questions carefully and good luck!

Super Movers – Feeling Active? Why not try some of the active learning videos on this BBC website. Videos are linked to a number of different subject areas and are a great way to get yourselves moving if you’re staying in the house all day.

Downloadable Resources:

Reading Comprehension:

Roald Dahl – 3 levels    Garden Birds – 3 levels   Armed Forces – 3 levels


Uplevelling Writing Activities – 3 levels

Story Writing Guidance


Year 3 Place Value   Year 4 Place Value

Year 3 Addition and Subtraction Workbook

Year-4-Addition-and-Subtraction Workbook

Year 3 Multiplication and Division Workbook

Year 4 Multiplication and Division Workbook

Maths at home – Year 3

Maths at home – Year 4

Ultimate x Table Challenge

Chilli Challenge Cards – How hot is your maths?

Arithmetic Tests:

Y3-Arithmetic-Half-Test-1a     Y3-Arithmetic-Half-Test-2a    Y3-Arithmetic-Half-Test-3a

Y4-Arithmetic-Half-Test-1a     Y4-Arithmetic-Half-Test-2a    Y4-Arithmetic-Half-Test-3a


Weekly spellings to learn:

Year 3 summer 1

Year 4 Summer 1

Curriculum Spelling Activities:

Year 3 and 4 Activity Sheets



Parent access to Twinkl – An Educational Resource Website

Twinkl is an educational website which contains a wealth of resources designed by teachers for teachers. To access the resources, you usually require a paid subscription. However, due to school closures and pupils’ learning being disrupted, Twinkl is offering every parent access to Twinkl resources with a One Month Ultimate Membership, totally free of charge. 

Accessing this offer is really easy to do – go to to set up a new account using the code UKTWINKLHELPS and you’re ready to go.

Additional Resources:

Twinkl have also created a number of really helpful guides, designed for parents, for different areas of the curriculum. Their dedicated Parents’ Hub contains hundreds of educational activities designed for use at home.

For parents with children in EYFS, take a look through the EYFS for Parents area to find some really useful guides and activities to share.

For primary-aged children (Year 1 to 6), take a look at the 5-11 area. Again, this was created with parents in mind so it’s filled with guides and information about what children should be learning in each year group, for each curriculum area.

They have also created some interactive ‘School closure learning packs‘ which can be downloaded once you have an account. Click on the link below for quick access:

Learning Packs

Hope you enjoy the resources


Mr Glover

Marvellous Magnets

This week, Rhino class conducted a fair test to find the strongest type of magnet.

The children planned an investigation which involved seeing how many paper clips each magnet could hold. Before testing each of the different types of magnet, the children predicted which they thought would be the strongest.

After the they had finished, they had some quite surprising results which led to a great discussion in class.

Year 3 & 4 Gymnastics Competition

Today, 5 girls from Rhino class took part in a gymnastics competition at Baschurch. As part of the team, each had to perform a floor routine and two vaults.

The girls performed brilliantly, as individuals and as a team, and out of the five school competing, they finished in first place.

This was a fantastic achievement and we are extremely proud of the girls.

Well done to: Ariana, Lilly, Maisie, Amelia and Isabella.

Describing a setting

This week, Rhino class have looked primarily at character description but finished the week by exploring a setting. To tie in with our class text of Fantastic Mr Fox, the pupils explored a woodland setting in detail.

By imagining themselves in the setting, they constructed phrases using their senses and prepositions to help explain where they could see, hear or smell details.

All this preparation should lead to some excellent descriptive writing next week.

Colour Mixing

Today, pupils in Rhino class learnt about primary colours and how they can be mixed to make other colours. The pupils generated a colour wheel to show the different gradients of colour they created.