Panda Class Overview of Learning w/c 22nd June 2020

Hello Panda Parents,

We’ve all been working so hard this week: at home and at school, in our bubbles.  Well done and a big thank you to all.

Maths – This week in maths we are looking at halving and odd / even numbers.  Collect an even number of small items, count them so you both know how many there are at the start. Perhaps use some food for a teddy bears picnic.  Have 2 plates and share the food out equally. Make sure the sharing is fair.  Then progress this to start with an odd number of items and talk about what happens when you have shared fairly but there is a left over, this must mean we started with an odd number of items. Talk about odd and even numbers. Encourage your child to draw pictures to record their findings. Children could build towers with odd and even numbers of bricks, again, draw what they have found out and discuss odd and even numbers. ‘An odd number is a number that cannot be shared out fairly between 2 people.’


We can also complete any maths activity sheets from last week too – these are good to keep revisiting basic number operations.

Phonics – In phonics this week we are revising recognising and writing, correctly, all of the set one sounds.  I have sent a link to the set one sounds so you know which ones they are.  I have also added a video clip to see how the letters should be formed.  The correct letter formation is important to crack at an early age then children don’t start with habits which are hard to break later on in school.  Ultimately, the aim is for older children to have cursive handwriting and the correct formation is vital for this to be successful.

The link below shows which letters/sounds are in which set.


The link below is a link to the parents area of Read Write Inc phonics where you will find lots of resources for reading and phonics in general.

There re some writing/phonics sheets too which will hopefully be fun and help to cement our phonics.  The sentences in bold should, ideally, be read by the children with your support.

Phonics Activity Mats

If I can be of help with anything please let me know.  Have a great week.

Mandy Turner

Panda Class Overview of Learning w/c 15th June 2020

Hi Panda Class – I hope you have had a good week.  Our first week back at school went well.

All of the activities below are being done in school and will be fine for work at home too.

Maths – This week in maths in class we are recapping recognising and writing accurately our numbers to 20.
Then, there are a series of Maths Activity sheets which all involve working with numbers to 20 and other aspects of maths.

Maths Activity Mats 15th June

Please aim to complete all the sheets in a week. If your child does not like sitting to complete the work, by all means work practically where possible and use resources to hand to pose similar questions.

Reading – Please aim to read each day with your child. There are resources on Oxford Owls website if you have run out of books.

Phonics – Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc work is still being shown on line – the first lesson is at 9:30 am daily, but if you don’t see that one then they are usually available to view at another time. Please review all Set 1, 2 & 3 sounds. The aim is for your child to say the sound when shown and then to be able to have a go at writing the sounds accurately too.

Writing – As we are growing runner beans in school, I thought it would be nice to read the story of Jack and The Beanstalk with the children. The writing activity this week is to use the writing prompt pictures to think of a sentence, rehearse it, say it out loud and write the sentences about the pictures shown.

Jack and the Beanstalk writing activity

Something a bit different…
This week we are going to do a little bit of an experiment, we are going to grow some cress just like Mr Bloom! You can watch how to make his cress-head here  
We are going to try growing cress in the shade, the sun, sand, cotton wool and soil. We are going to predict which cress will grow the best and check it each day to find out if we are right!
Have a good week and keep sending in the super work!
Best wishes
Mandy Turner.

Panda Class learning w/c 8th June 2020

Overview of learning w/c 8th June 2020

Hi Pandas, I hope you are all well.

We are working on self-esteem and being kind to ourselves this week. The following link is to a story about a bear that doesn’t know who or what he is. This is a good opportunity to think positively and convert any worries in to positives.

In maths we are adding 2 small numbers – there is a worksheet/game for this.               space-add-and-colour-addition-activity-sheet

There are some reading sentences for your child to read – the dots and dashes are for the different phonemes.    space-simple-sentence-cards

There is a worksheet for phonics too looking at finding and circling the correct word.  cvcc-phase-four-circle-that-word-worksheet

Have fun and have a good week.

Mandy Turner

Panda Class learning w/c 1st June 2020

I hope you had a good half term week.

In maths this week we are looking at halving quantities by sharing items into two equal groups. Children should share small quantities out fairly. Talk about unfair sharing, where one person has more/fewer.

Once children are confident with halving small quantities, they can explore sharing between 3 or 4 people. They will notice that there are sometimes leftovers and may come up with how to resolve this. Can you share the left overs?
Provide children with opportunities to share amounts around the home and garden.

The Doorbell Rang story book by Pat Hutchins puts sharing into context of everyday life.

Bean Thirteen is another story which shows sharing.
If you want to find the stories read by different people than the ones I’ve found, feel free.

Phonics – Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc is still online – I have put a link to the speed sounds which would be really good to revisit frequently.

In writing children could write a diary of what they have been doing recently.
Encourage children to:
• leave finger spaces between words
• use good ‘pincer’ pencil grip
• start with a capital and finish with a full stop.

Have a lovely week.
Mandy Turner

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Wider opening of school from 8th June

Dear parents and carers,
The governors of the school have agreed that the school will be ready for wider opening from Monday 8th June. We are still waiting for the risk assessment to be signed off by the local authority but don’t anticipate that this will cause any further delay.
Monday 1st June – school open daily to keyworker children who have pre-booked                                        from 8:30am
Monday 8th June – school open to nursery and reception children 9:15-12:00                                               Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Monday  15th June – school open to year 1 children 9:00-12:15 Monday, Tuesday,                                        Thursday, Friday
Urgent Action: please dojo your class teacher if your child will be returning on the 8th (nursery and reception) or 15th (year 1)
We are now in a position where we need to collect more definite numbers as to which children will be returning to school when we partially reopen.  Please send your child’s class teacher a message on dojo indicating whether you will or will not be sending your child back to school on these dates. It would be helpful to know as soon as possible but certainly by Sunday 31st May as we will be training staff in school on Monday 1st . As stated in the letter you can change your mind at a later date. Once we have your response, we will be able to start preparing groups and bubbles for your children to be placed in.
Thank you very much for your co-operation.

Panda Class Learning w/c 18th May 2020

Hi Pandas, I hope you are all well. I really enjoyed playing the ‘Guess the object’ game on our Zoom session on Friday and you were all amazing, asking brilliant questions. Well done!

Thank you for all of the communications over Class Dojo I really enjoy seeing what you have been up to. Last week saw some… very fast running, putting animals and their facts in to alphabetical order in excel, great maths work, lots of reading, gardening, bike riding, baking, a very sparkly blue spider in the spider game, some super writing and a poorly finger!

Following on from last week’s maths- her is a challenge! Still using the First, Then, Now strategy, try changing part of the number story to make it an unknown. This is a good activity to show how much understanding your child has of how the numbers change.
So, first there were 2 frogs on the log.
Then, some more frogs get on
Now there are 4 frogs.
How many frogs joined the group?
Alternatively, you could have an unknown amount at the start.

This week in maths we are looking at doubling. This can be doubling numbers, amounts in a group or doubling of patterns. Resources for doubling can be found below.

Nrich maths resource for doubling.

BBC Numberblocks Series 2 Episode 9 – Double Trouble

Games and activities to support doubling:
Play a doubles game with 2 dice. Roll both dice and see if you get a double – if you do, you score 2 points. The winner is the first person to 10 points.
Make towers or rows with Lego. Can they build towers that are double the length or double the height?
Can they find items around the house or garden to make double patterns?
Play matching snap.

English – finding out about dinosaurs
Can you create a fact file about dinosaurs? Which is your favourite dinosaur? What is it called? What food did they eat? (start to include terminology such as carnivore, herbivore, omnivore) Where did they live? Did it fly? How big was it? Include any interesting facts that you can find!
An interesting fact about a T-Rex is that its tooth is the same size as a banana!! AMAZING!

Below is an example for the ‘Dinosaur fact file’:
‘A diplodocus is my favourite dinosaur – it eats plants, so it is an herbivore. It has a very long neck to reach high up into the trees and has a very long tail. It weighed 12 tonnes which is as much as a large truck.’

Use pictures from the internet and drawings copied from books. Label the parts. Add extra interesting facts. Use text boxes and speech bubbles.

Enjoy the dinosaur links below:

Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs story
The Prehistoric Animal Brigade- Can you copy the dinosaur actions?
The Dinosaur Song

Reading – Lots of reading and listening to stories being read.

Phonics – Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc phonics is now extending the home learning until 12th June. There is a full schedule on their You Tube channel. They have also added several poetry activities for Reception age children.

Something completely different…
Live broadcasting from the National Aquarium

Have fun and stay safe
Mandy Turner

Panda Class Learning w/c 11th May 2020

Hi Pandas,

it was so lovely to see so many of you on the Panda Zoom session. I will schedule another one for Friday 15th May – I think I’ll set a challenge this time . Keep working hard. You’ve done lots of amazing things and should be very proud of yourselves. I am certainly very proud of you all.

Maths – This week the children use real objects to see that the quantity of a group can be changed by taking items away. Encourage the children to count all the items at the start, take away the required amount practically, and recount to see how many are left.
Use the first, then, now strategy to tell simple maths stories to practise taking away in familiar contexts.

First, there were 5 people on the bus
Then, 2 people got off the bus
Now, there are 3 people on the bus.

Your child could draw and colour a big red bus with windows – then place ‘people’ on/off the bus.

Other stories that involve numbers changing by adding or taking away are:
Kipper’s Toy Box by Mick Inkpen 

Incey Wincey Spider game (a lovely home – made game that you could recreate at home)

Maths songs – encourage your child to adapt and re-enact favourite rhymes such as 10 Green Bottles by making 1,2 or 3 fall each time. Similarly, they could have 10 Currant Buns and choose to buy 1,2, or 3 buns each time. Prompt them to say how many are left each time.

Hidden items game – Count out five cubes (any small item will work) Get your child to check that there are 5 objects so everyone knows there are 5. Cover the cubes with a cloth, check that your child is happy that there are still 5 under the cloth. Then, as they watch, take 2 cubes from under the cloth. Ask how many cubes there are now. Encourage them to tell you the First, Then, Now story.

BBC Numberblocks Series 5: Episode 2 ‘On your Head’ and Episode 14 ‘I can count to Twenty’ are good to re-enforce the concepts and numbers.


Reading  Lots of reading and listening to stories being read.
This is a link to Story Time from Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc.

Writing  In writing this week encourage your child to think of things they like and then say the sentence out loud several times. Then say the sentence out loud and hold a finger up for every word. How many words in the sentence? Then begin to write the sentence saying it as they go along. So, for example: ‘I like walking in the park.’ The link below has some sheets to print off or you could write on plain paper, chalk on the path, painting, anything at all that can record the sentence. Encourage good letter formation and spaces between words.

Phonics  These are brilliant free resources that will really support your child’s phonic knowledge – I definitely recommend watching them. This is an online booklet for sets 2 and 3 speed sounds from RWI phonics.  This is a Ruth Miskin Speed Sounds lesson schedule, it runs to 19th May at the moment.

The link below gives lots of creative ideas for a variety of activities.

Have a good week.
Mandy Turner

Panda Class Learning w/c 4th May 2020

Hi Pandas – Another huge effort from you last week – you are working so hard on a variety of wonderful things. Your photos and videos have really shown the determination you have to learn whilst having fun. A huge well done to you all!
The pattern work last week was very impressive. This can be continued to create more complex patterns. It is important that each pattern has at least three full units of repeat. The more units of repeat the easier it is to identify the pattern. Encourage your child to say the pattern aloud.

Patterns can also be found in stories – such as We’re going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. Encourage your child to build their own bear hunt journeys using things you find around the house/garden and repeat the patterned language from the story as they travel through them. They could also invent language patterns of their own.

If you feel you have completed enough work on patterns then we are moving on to Adding through change. Which is when the children will use real objects to see that the quantity of a group can be changed by adding more. This is the first, then, now structure.

For example: First, there were 5 people on the bus. Then 2 more people got on. Now there are 7 people on the bus. This structure uses mathematical stories to create a meaningful context. Create these ‘stories’ for your child and then see if they can make one for you.

Draw them or use every day objects to create the ‘story’.
A good story for this is Mr Gumpy’s Outing by John Burningham – After reading the story ask your child to create a boat and make their own first, then, now stories as different groups of characters climb aboard. This is a link to Mr Gumpy’s Outing

All of the above is very practical and done through talk but if you feel it could be recorded then that is great but not to be pushed if your child is unwilling. Monster Points seem to be working well as a bribe…

Reading – Lots of reading and listening to stories being read.
This is a link to Story Time from Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc.

Writing – Create lists.
This could be linked to the maths work – ‘Who was in Mr Gumpy’s boat?’ Write a list of each character. Shopping lists and ‘To Do’ lists are also good activities.

Children could make stick puppets of the characters and act out the story. They could also act out the story themselves, using props from around the house and garden.

Phonics – These are brilliant free resources that will really support your child’s phonic knowledge – I definitely recommend watching them.   This is an online booklet for sets 2 and 3 speed sounds from RWI phonics.  This is a Ruth Miskin Speed Sounds lesson schedule, it runs to 19th May at the moment.

If you need any information or support please send me a message and I will gladly get back to you. If you need more guidance and ideas, I have added a link below with some ideas and information about supporting young children with their mental well-being.
Have a good week.
Mandy Turner

Panda Class Learning w/c 27th April 2020

Well Pandas, you have all blown me away with your effort and determination!  I can see from your messages and photos on Class Dojo that you have been very busy doing lots of wonderful things, such as: daily phonics lessons, baking, learning to ride a bike, amazing adding and taking away, wonderful writing, planting seeds, bug hunting, painting, making volcanoes, building railways and the list goes on. A huge thank you to you and to the grown-ups who are supporting you to do such amazing things.

This week…

Hungry Little Minds is a good source of information with lots of different ideas for learning through play.  Well worth a look.

On the Hungry little minds site there are lots of Apps which are suggested and look good, particularly:

  • Fonetti

A Listening Bookshop

The App actively listens to children as they read aloud and holds their attention by turning the words green in real-time when they get them right. This interactive experience motivates the child to read more and then rewards them with fun animations, fanfares and badges.  Free for 3 months then is chargeable.

  • Teach your monster to read

This is a game that makes learning to read so much fun.

  • • Covers everything from letters and sounds to reading full sentences.
  • • Designed in collaboration with leading academics.
  • Complements all synthetic phonics programmes used in schools.
  • • Computer version is 100% free.

This week in maths children will hopefully enjoy exploring and learning about repeating patterns.

Children should copy, continue and create their own patterns.  They focus on AB and ABC patterns (Where A, B & C just represent a different item in the pattern).  It is important to provide patterns with at least three full units of repeat. Encourage your child to say the pattern out loud as this will help them identify the part which repeats and supports them to continue the pattern.

If possible, try and provide opportunities to explore pattern in a range of contexts including shape, colours, size, actions and sounds.  Encourage them to build patterns both vertically (this could be with Duplo/Lego) and horizontally.

The link to You Tube below is a really good visual to get children started.

Twinkl has a lot of patterns to download – but if you don’t want to print you could make the pattern out of items around the house and garden.

In English please continue with the Literacy work from last week.  If anyone has finished and needs more then let me know.

Read Write Inc Phonics is still online, daily – I know a lot of you are really enjoying these brilliant online daily lessons and it is fantastic that the children are continuing to practice their letters and sounds. Thank you.

Have a good week learning through play ?  Please message me if I can help with anything.

Mandy Turner