Science Y6 – The Human Body (Circulatory system)

This afternoon, the children in Jaguar class began the first lesson of their new science topic ‘Animals including Humans’. The focus today was to study the circulatory system of the human body, recognising the functions of the heart, blood and blood vessels. The children identified the different parts of the human heart and how/why blood travels around the body.

Arthog March 23 – Payment Reminders

Please can we remind parents of Yr 6 parents about the payments for the planned residential visit to Arthog in March.

If you have any questions regarding these payments please give Mrs Smith a bell on 01939 290834.


Science Y6 Jaguar class

Science Y6 – The children in Jaguar class have been creating electrical circuits and using circuit symbols as part of their diagrams.

Y6 Sports Leaders / House captains Pro Tennis day at The Shrewsbury Club

The children really enjoyed the morning activities and watching the two professional female players take part in the quarter finals of the tennis tournament today.


Y6 Jaguar class – PE (Basketball)

The Y6s have been improving their basketball skills with coach Neil today in PE.

Y6 Jaguar class – Remembrance Day preparations

The children in Jaguar class have been preparing for next Friday’s Remembrance Day church service by creating poppies.

Y6 Jaguar class – Science (Light)

This afternoon in Science, the children in Y6 have been learning about spectrums of light. They used transparent prisms to observe how light is made of a spectrum of colours, then made a colour wheel, which they had to spin to show the differences between it spinning quickly and slowly.


Y6 PE – Hockey

In PE, despite the rain, the Y6s have been working hard on their attack and defence skills in their hockey lesson with coach Neil. 🏑

Y6 Art – North American art

In Art this afternoonn, the Y6s have been learning about the design work of Frank Lloyd Wright, before recreating some of his architecture using lego.

Y6 PE – Netball

After a warm up on the field, this week’s Y6 netball lesson focused around shooting with accuracy from different distances and angles.