Charles Darwin’s birthday!

To celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday and the last topic lesson of this half-term, Tiger Class had a little party today. The children wrote birthday cards, decorated some biscuits and the got to enjoy their snacks while watching “The Tiger Who Came to Tea”!

Celebration Assembly – 7th February 2020

Star Pupils

Snow Leopards: Florence L

Panda: Amelia G

Tiger: Katheryn O

Rhino: Lucy P

Jaguar:  Jack M

Mathematician of the week:  Cassie S

Writer of the week: Ryan L

Reader of the week:  Ruby P

Handwriter of the week:
Panda Class: William Pa
Tiger Class – Caspar M
Rhino Class -Cass M
Jaguar Class – Zoe H

Winners of Scruffy:  Rhino Class

Well done to Lily L who received her guitar award this week.  Congratulations to the Netball and Hockey Squad who took part in events this week and played really well.

You are all amazing and we are so proud of you and your hard work.


There will be no toddler session this Friday, 14th February 2020.

The sessions will commence again on Friday, 28th February 2020 at 9:10am.

Catch up Singing Club session

Mr lewin is going to hold a session on Wednesday 12th February after school to make up for the session which was cancelled. It will finish as normal at 4:15pm

Tiger Parents – Forest School

Dear Parents/Carers

Forest School for Tiger Class will be on Wednesday, 12th February NOT Tuesday,11th February for this week only.

Apologises for any inconvenience this causes

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Mrs McGrath Maternity Leave

We would like to inform Panda parents that Mrs McGrath’s last day will be Friday 6th March, when she will leave us for her maternity leave. If there is any change to this, we will let you know. We are very fortuate to have our regular supply teacher Amanda Turner ready and waiting to take over as Panda teacher. The children will know Mrs Turner very well as she has done a lot of supply in there already this year and also covered for several weeks in nursery last year.

Parents Evening Appointments

The booking system for appointments is now live.

Apologises for the confusion yesterday!


Mrs Smith


Please can we ask that ALL parents check their child’s hair as we have had another report of head-lice in school. If any evidence of an infestation is located please treat it appropriately.

Please can we also ask that long hair is tied back in a pony tail.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834

Tiger Class – Trip to Shrewsbury


We have had a brilliant day in Shrewsbury!

First, we visited the Museum, where one of the local experts told us more about Charles Darwin’s life and work. The children then dressed up and had a go at describing shells, classifying animals and grouping bugs, before moving on to an investigative task, where we studied and sketched fossils, skulls, birds and insects.

After lunch, we walked to the Shrewsbury Library, which is in the old school building, so we could have a look at the statue of Charles Darwin. We were shown inside the building by one of the librarians. We also discussed our favourite books and authors and, to finish off or trips, the children got their very own library cards and had a chance to borrow some books

Please check children’s bags today as they should have taken home a library card (if they had one issued today), their Darwin-style notebooks, and a programme of the local Darwin Festival. Also, most of the children have borrowed one or two books from the library. The date when they are due back is stamped inside.

We have learned lots and made some amazing memories today!


Tiger Class – Packed lunch Update

Requests for packed lunches have been forwarded to Mrs Russell to arrange.

IF you have not returned a slip to school you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch for tomorrow’s trip.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a call on 01939 290834