Cakes, Cakes and more Cakes Please

As the Myddle Muddle is fast approaching, Sunday 27th March. We are now in need of cakes, cakes and even more cakes!!

Any cakes that you can donate or bake please send them in to school on Friday 25th March OR pop them to school on Sunday, ready for the run. The race begins at 10:30am.

If you have any questions please give school a ring on 01939 290834.


Parents Evening Appointment – Face to Face meetings

Parents evening appointments are available to book. These will be face to face meetings instead of virtual ones.

Parent Evening Appointments

Please keep an eye on the school website as parents evening slots will be open to book from tomorrow (22nd March)

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834


Menu Change – 23rd March

The menu for Wednesday March 23rd will be beef instead of the advertised Turkey.

Apologises for this amendment.

Red Nose Day/Comic Relief

All of the children looked great this morning coming in to school in their hats, big Thank you to any parents who arrived in their hats, its was a great turnout!!

We have raised £152 which is brilliant and this figure will be split equally between Comic Relief and the DEC for Ukraine.

Thank you again for your support!

Emotional Wellbeing support for Children & young People

Beam offer low level, brief intervention emotional wellbeing support for children and young people up to the age of 25 as well as their parents, carers and professionals

‘Drop in’ sessions are now running on the following days:- no appointment is needed, please come along and talk with an Emotional health and wellbeing Practitioner.

  • Monday ‘Drop Ins’ – 12pm – 4pm  (last session 3.15pm) at The Lantern, Meadow Farm Drive, Shrewsbury, SY1 4NG
  • Tuesday ‘Drop Ins’ – 10am –6pm (last session 5.30pm) at Beam, 9 Market Square, Wellington, TF1 1BP
  • Thursday ‘Drop Ins’ – 10am –6pm (last session 5.30pm) at Beam, 9 Market Square, Wellington, TF1 1BP

If you have any queries please email on

Visit the website to gain more information and to register on –

Class Photo’s

Please can all orders for class photo’s be returned to school by Wednesday 23rd March.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Panda Class – Book Library Plea

Does anybody have a good condition rabbit hutch that they would be willing to donate to school?

We would love to set up a whole school, book swap/share library, like the picture below to promote our love of reading

If anyone has something that would be appropriate OR could perhaps make one, please speak to Mrs McGrath or Mrs Smith. Thank you in advance 🙂

PTA Thank you

Thank you to Mrs Munn for the kind donation of 2 MASSIVE bags of Tea Bags and also a large volume of coffee! This will keep the PTA going for refreshments for a very long time!


Red Nose Day – 18th March 2022

On Friday 18th March, it is Comic Relief. As a school, we will be inviting everyone to wear a hat. In the past, we have dressed up, or worn something funny, but as it is our PE day in school, wearing hat will not affect these sessions and will ensure that all pupils can still come to school in their PE kits as normal.

Why a hat? Why not… On Comic relief day, it is nice to do something different so we can have fun but so we can also raise awareness of the great work this charity does and hopefully raise some money at the same time. Each class will learn about the charity during the day and may even do something funny as well…

What type of hat can be worn?

Any hat will do, from novelty to bobble hat, from cap to trilby….

We look forward next Friday and seeing you all in your hats. Parents feel free to join in the fun by also wearing a hat at drop off and collection.

We had planned to set up a Just-Giving page for this event but as we would like to split the donations equally between the Red Nose Charity and DEC Ukraine please send your child in with their donation. It is normally £1 for non-uniform day but any amount will be gratefully received.