Special Letters

Dear Parents/Carers

Please can we ask that all pupils bags be checked this evening please. You are searching for the “Pink” letter.

Any questions please give the school office a call on 01939 290834

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Dovedale – Update

Dear  Parents/Carer

We are expecting the pupils back at school in Myddle at approximately 2:30pm. If this time changes I will update the website again. If you would like to pick up your child early rather than at 3pm, please come to reception.

Today’s activities : A lovely morning walk at the Stepping Stones in Dovedale

Dovedale – First Day Pictures

                               All having a great time!!


Stratford Trip – Arrival Update

They have just left Stratford and expect to arrive back in Myddle around 4pm.

I will update website if this changes again


Mrs Smith

Dovedale – Safe Arrival

Dear Parent/Carer

They have arrived safe and well and currently visiting Trentham Monkey Forest!

Thank you to Mrs Harris for the picture


Mrs Smith

Yr 5 Stratford Trip – Update

Dear Parents/Carers

A busy day was had by all yesterday, they completed a workshop at RSC, Visit to Charlecote Park and finished the day with a treasure trail around Stratford. Myddle girls team won!!!!!

They are on route to Warwick Castle and are expected to return to Myddle at approximately 3:30pm.

Please keep an eye on the website for updates on their arrival time just in case it changes.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Weston Park

We all had a fantastic day today at Weston Park! Due to the bad weather this morning our activities changed slightly. However, we enjoyed all the activities and had great fun. In the morning, we enjoyed dressing up in Victorian clothes and playing with Victorian toys! We then got to make our own toy to take home. In the afternoon, we went out on a nature walk through the beautiful gardens, collecting different things such as; pine cones, flowers, leaves and bark. We also played eye-spy looking for bugs and we had a go at some bark rubbing on the huge trees.

Dovedale – Update (Clothing and Spending money)

Dear Parents/Carers

Pupils are required to wear their school uniform on the top ie polo shirt and sweatshirt/cardigan, they can wear their own trousers/comfy bottoms. No skirts please.

The trip leader amended the amount of spending money required for the trip to £10. This is sufficient for the whole trip.

If you have any questions please give the school office a ring on 01939 290834

Many Thanks