Remembrance Day 11th November

We will be going up to Church on Monday to observe the two minutes silence at 11am. Please can we ask that you ensure your child has their coat with them as it will be cold and they will be standing outside.

If you would like to join us please feel free to come along to the Church and meet us there.

The school council be selling poppies and other items which the Royal British Legion have supplied to school from tomorrow, Thursday 7th Nov. Each child will be able to purchase ONE item at a cost of 50p. If you would like your child to take part and purchase an item please send them with 50p ONLY.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Smith on 01939 290834.


Monday 4th Nov – Individual and Family Pictures

The specific photographs are taking place on Monday 4th November at 9am. If you have younger siblings who are not in school and you would like to include in the family pictures, please bring them to reception for 9am.


Mrs Smith

Children in Need Day – Friday 15th November 2019

Come to School in your pyjama’s for the day!!!!

£1 non-uniform day! Let’s try to raise more that last years massive £196.68

CIN 2019


Celebration Assembly – 24th October 2019

Star Pupils

Panda: Felix M & Owen F

Tiger: Blake S

Rhino: Evan P

Jaguar:  Chloe

Mathematician of the week:  Katie H

Writer of the week: Eloise W

Reader of the week:  Lucy H

Handwriter of the week: Henry B

Winners of Scruffy:  Rhino

Special Mention to the High 5 Netball Team and Mrs Davies for the best kept surprise for Mr Hughes. You all did fantastic coming 1st not 5th!



Date for your diary – Shropshire Primary School Half Marathon

The date has been set for the final part of the above event which takes place at Shropshire County Showground and this year is on Saturday, 4th April.

Participating children will complete all but the last distance in school with the final distance taking place on the 4th April. There will be a charge of £6.

We will send a letter out in February with the full information and payment details but we wanted you to be aware of the 4th April so you could “Save the Date”.

*******Club Update*******

Wednesday Running Club – Due to several cross country and athletic events coming up in the next term, we are only able to offer one session of running club. This will be on Wednesday 4th December and will be free of charge . If you have already made a payment for this club we will be arranging a refund for you.

Monday Netball/Football – We have reviewed the charge for the above club and agreed to reduce the cost of this to £1 per session. This club is not affected by sporting events upcoming. The charge for this term will be £7.00. If you would like your child to take part in this club, please make the £7 payment via gateway. Parents who have already made their payments at the original amount will be refunded £14.00.

If you have any questions please so not hesitate to get in touch


Mrs Smith

Young Voices & Christmas Running challenge – DEADLINE

Please can all payments/forms for both of the above events be handed into the school office by the end of the school day tomorrow, Wednesday 23rd October.

All payments can be made via the School Gateway.

If you have any questions please give Mrs Smith in the office a ring on 01939 290834.

Flu Vaccinations – Tuesday 5th November

We have sent out tonight the Flu vaccinations letters, this is due to take place in school on Tuesday,5th November.

Please complete and return to school by Thursday.

Year 6 parents – Your applications will be coming out next week as unfortunately we did not receive enough for everyone.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a call on 01939 290834

Mrs Smith

Cross Country 16th October

Dear Parent/Carer

The Cross Country event tonight is open to Yr 3 – 6, please accept my apologises as the initial information was only passed to Yr 5-6.

If your child would like to take part, I have attached the letters with all the details of the event and guidance on arrival time and parking from the Corbet.

There are going to be 4 separate cross country events over the next few weeks, Race 2- 6th Nov, Race 3 -13th Nov and Race 4 -20th Nov, so if your child is unable to attend this race they will get the opportunity to take part next time.

If you have any further questions please ring me 01939 290834

Mrs Smith

Cross Country notice for parents Cross Country 2019