They have arrived!!!!

Jaguar Class have arrived and are currently boarding the shuttle buses for the last part of the journey to Arthog itself.

Everyone is OK!

Arthog Outstanding Payments

We still have a couple of outstanding payments for the Arthog trip.

If you owe any funds the option to make a payment will show on your school gateway. The minimum payment is set as £28 but a slip will be sent home tomorrow with the amount that is left to pay.

If you have any queries please give Mrs Smith a ring on 01939 290834.


Secondary National Offer Day

As you’ll be aware, Secondary National Offer day is this Wednesday, 1 March 2023.

Today, could you please check if you can access your account on the Parent Portal.  If, for whatever reason you cannot access your account or you are locked out, please email or phone (01743) 255216 as soon as possible.  A colleague in the Admissions Team will look into this and re-set/unlock accounts accordingly.

We also attach a briefing note, which is also available on our website regarding the secondary transfer group this year.

P2S Briefing note 2023


Arthog Parents Meeting – Thursday 2nd March

Mr Hughes will be holding a meeting for all parents of children going to Arthog in March.

This meeting will take place in school on Thursday, 2nd March at 3:20pm.

Mrs Smith

Arthog March 23 – Payment Reminders

Please can we remind parents of Yr 6 parents about the payments for the planned residential visit to Arthog in March.

If you have any questions regarding these payments please give Mrs Smith a bell on 01939 290834.


Jaguar Christmas Performance 8th December

Mrs Smith strikes again!!!!

The Christmas performance for Jaguar Class is actually Thursday, 8th December NOT the 9th December as stated in the recent class letter.

Please accept my apologises for this error.

Leavers Day out – Friday 8th July

Please can all of the forms for Fridays trip be returned to school tomorrow (Wednesday 6th July).

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give Mrs Smith a call on 01939 290834


Safer School Meeting 2022 – UPDATE

We had a good meeting today with Ian Bartlett, Crime Prevention Officer from Shropshire Council, Many thanks for all of the questionnaire which were returned.

It is, and always has been a great concern about the road/crossing outside school and the traffic passing through the village and this was evident in the parent questionnaires. Sadly the safer school scheme only relates to the school building and its grounds NOT the road outside.

We have asked Ian for his advice and he has recommended that ANY incidents/near misses outside of the school building relating to the traffic or any issues crossing the road etc, should be informed to school. We will then log these and have the evidence to back up the community/parents & staff concerns.

If anyone would like to discuss this further please call in to the school office and speak to Mrs Smith.