Year 6 Leavers Service and Performance – Thursday 18th July 2024.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our year 6 Leavers service at the church at 9.30am and also our leavers performance in school at 2pm.

We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.

Quarry Run – Postponed

Unfortunately, the Annual Quarry Run due to take place tomorrow has been postponed due to the forecast rising river levels.

The new date is Wednesday 20th March with exactly the same timings and arrangements.

Secondary Application deadline – 31 October 2023

The closing date for secondary applications is 31 October 2023 which falls in the half-term holidays. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to submit an application as soon as possible but before the deadline date. This will ensure that if you encounter any problems, you can be supported/helped and to submit your application on time. There is no grace period for late applications. The link for the website is – Transferring to secondary school | Shropshire Council


The School Admissions Team strongly encourage parents to name three preferences, particularly if you reside in the Shrewsbury area.  Please see the Parents’ Guide to Education in Shropshire Booklet for further information.  The link to the document is Parents’ guide to education | Shropshire Council


If you have already made an application and wish to add additional preferences please contact

Year 6 leavers Events and Times

Thursday 20th July – Leavers service at church 9.30am

Friday 21st July – Year 6 performance at school 1.30pm

All year 6 parents, carers and family members are welcome to both events.

Many Thanks!

Yr 6 – Free School Transport Applications

Shropshire Council have contacted school to remind parents that the expiry for applications for free transport to secondary school was the 31st May. They still have outstanding applications for those pupils who they think may qualify.

If you haven’t completed your application please do so ASAP.

The quickest way to apply for school transport is via our website or over the phone by calling our Customer Service Team on 0345 6789008.

Those who have already applied will be receiving correspondence from Shropshire Council over the coming weeks, they do not need to reapply.


Swimming Sessions Start – 26th April

Dear Parent/Carer

Just a quick reminder that the swimming sessions start tomorrow, Wednesday, 26th April.

Please ensure you send your child’s swimming kit with them, school do NOT have any spare kit which they can lend. Please can we also ask that the girls don’t wear tights on this day as it is a “challenge” for them to get dressed again following their session. Can we also ask that the girls have their hair tied up and that no one brings any aerosols.

If your child has any goggles they can bring them,  although it is not a necessity.

If you have any questions please give school a bell on 01939 290834


Mrs Smith