Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Tuesday 9th February 2021

Good morning Y5&6

Here’s the ‘Review of the Day’ from yesterday. I hope you like some of the ‘Inuit’ craft that the children in class enjoyed making.

Review of the day – Monday 8th February 2021

I shall see you this morning for the Zoom meeting at 9:15. Here’s the link……
Meeting ID: 929 5015 9489
Passcode: dfx4hj


Here’s today’s learning from home:-
English – English Lesson – Tuesday 9th February 2021 – Children at home

So far in your biography, this is what you should’ve produced so far…

*Early Life / School life
*Jobs before expeditions / Expeditions (including any family life during this time)

Today, you are going to be completing the final part of your biography. What else happened to explorer before the end of their life? Did they marry and have a family? How did their life end?

How are you going to end your biography to conclude it for the reader?


Maths – Y5s – Y5 Maths – Tuesday 9.2.21 – Children at home

Esme, Sophie, Sam and Ollie – Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4
Y5 Maths – Adding fractions activity
Ariana, Alex, Alfie, Lilly and Maisie – Questions 5, 6, 7 and 8
Y5 Maths – Adding fractions activity
Dylan, Blake and Cass – Questions 9, 10, 11 and 12
Y5 Maths – Adding fractions activity


Maths – Y6s – Continuation of ‘My Mini Maths – Number 10 – Calculations / FDP
Y6 Maths – Tuesday 9.2.21 – Children at home


Reading – Y5s – Read your own book. The Y5s in class are reading a non-fiction book about the Arctic / Antarctic.

Reading – Y6s – PAGES 1, 2 and 3 (Including the two questions)

Y6 Reading – Tuesday 9th February 

Topic – Frozen Planet – Continue your ‘Double page spread‘ about the Inuits, who we were learning about yesterday. Here’s the powerpoint from yesterday that you may wish to use to help you.

Topic – Lesson 5 – The Inuit People


Have a good day. Work hard, stay focused and TAKE YOUR TIME! It’s not a rush to complete any task.

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Monday 8th February 2021

Good morning Y5&6 and welcome to the final week before your half term holiday. However, that doesn’t mean we can ease off our learning at home and at school. We need to remain focused on our learning. Here’s Friday’s Review of the Day……
Review of the day – Friday 5th February 2021


It’s a Mrs Williams Zoom worship this morning. Here’s the code for the link…..
Meeting ID: 836 0133 7035
Passcode: 9QXBCp


Here’s today’s learning from home:

English – Today, you are going to continue the next part of your independent writing task (biography of a polar explorer). Before you start today’s new paragraph about the expeditions of your explorer, I’d like you to add more to the ‘Early Life’ paragraph. Use your notes about their school / college life and add it to your ‘Early Life’ paragraph.

English Lesson – Monday 8th February 2021 – Children at home

Maths Y5
Y5 Maths – Monday 8.2.21 – Children at home
Y5s – Here’s your subtraction fractions with different denominators.
Y5 Subtracting Fractions with different denominators

Esme, Sophie and Ollie – Page 1

Ariana, Alex, Maisie and Sam – Page 3

Dylan, Lilly, Cass, Blake and Alfie – Page 5 (Convert the mixed number into an improper fraction to help you to answer

Maths Y6
Y6 Maths – Monday 8.2.21 – Children at home
Questions 1-20



Y6s – Read your own books. In class, the Y6s are reading the non-fiction books that we have about polar explorers.

Y5s – Y5 Reading – Monday – Pages 1 and 2 – Alex, Blake, Dylan, Cass, Maisie, Ariana, Sam and Lilly
Y5 Reading Esme and Ollie – Pages 9, 10 and 11
Y5 Reading Sophie and Alfie – Pages 1 and 2


Topic (Frozen Planet – The Inuits)
Topic – Lesson 5 – The Inuit People




Have a good day. I’m looking forward to seeing your learning from home from today.

Mr Hughes





Y5&6 Spellings – Spring Term 1 – Week 6

Y5 Spellings – ‘sh’ spelt ‘ch’ and ‘s’ spelt ‘sc’       
machine, chef, parachute, brochure, champagne, science, scene, scissors, ascend, descend


Y6 Expected spellings
foreign, forty, frequency, government, guarantee, harass, hindrance, identity, immediate, individual


Learning From Home Y5&6 Jaguar class – Friday 5th February 2021

Good morning Y5&6.

Well done for all of the hard work that you’ve been putting in at home this week. Here’s an overview of what you’ve been working on at home.

  1. You’ve planned your own biography of a famous explorer well this week in English.
  2. You’ve developed and consoildated your understanding of fractions (Y5) and fractions, decimals and % (Y6) in maths.
  3. In Science, you’ve planned, performed and concluded a ‘melting’ investigation.
  4. In our Topic work (Frozen Planet), we’ve learned more about the Arctic, including the animals that live there, including sketches of them.
  5. You’ve learned more about the importance of e-safety in Computing
  6. Plus, you’ve also been given the opportunity to develop your Spanish, Music and PE skills with various video links that have been sent to you.
Here’s your chance to see Thursday’s ‘Review of the Day’.
Review of the day – Thursday 4th February 2021
I shall see you in the morning from our Friday Zoom meeting, which will include the semi-final of ‘The Masked Finger’. Only 4 children are left – who will be voted out this week? Will it be……?
The Masked Finger Semi-Final


Here’s the link for today’s Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 910 3405 3983
Passcode: PN10t0


Here’s your learning from home today:-

English – Today, you are going to be STARTING your INDEPENDENT biography writing.

Today, I want to you produce a title, introduction and the opening paragraph about the EARLY LIFE of your chosen polar explorer. You can write or type your biography. If you choose to type it, make sure that you save it regularly.

English Lesson – Friday 5th February 2021


Maths – Today, you are going to take part in a Kahoot Maths quiz, which will be based on everything from your maths this week. Don’t rush! You have plenty of time for each question so take your time to try to get as close to 100% as possible!

Y5 – Esme, Ollie, Sophie, Ariana, Maisie, Alex and Sam


Y5 – Dylan, Cass, Alfie, Lilly and Blake


Y6 – Isla, Nia, Holly H, Zoe, Lucy, Rhys, Jacob, Sophie, Isobel and Holly T


Y6 – Amy, Nelly, Cameron, Alissa, Izzy, Katie, Daniel and Heidi


Reading: Own reading books



If you’d like to have a go at some Arctic art work, why not watch these links to help you…..

Northern Lights
Arctic Fox


Have a good day.

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Thursday 4th February 2021

Welcome to Thursday Y5&6. Here’s the ‘Review of the Day’ from yesterday. I hope that you worked hard yesterday in your research of your chosen polar explorer and have got as many notes as you can. You will see the on the first two slides of the Review of the Day, all of the research that we found out in the classroom at school.

Review of the day – Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Here’s the link for this morning’s Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 930 4948 5294
Passcode: f9yNUq


Today in English, you are NOT going to start the biography of your explorer – you are going to continue to plan. But today, you are going to think about the choices of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure in your writing.

English Lesson – Thursday 4th February 2021


Maths – Y5
Y5 Maths – Thursday – Adding Fractions
Y5 Maths – Adding Fractions with different denominators


Maths – Y6
Y6 Maths – Thursday


Computing Lesson 3 – SMART


Beatboxing v Body BeatsChoose your own phrases and patterns.

Have a good day everybody.

Mr Hughes


Learning From Home Y5&6 Jaguar class – Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Good morning everybody. It was good to see so many of you at the Zoom meeting yesterday morning. Well done for all of the research that you’ve gathered in preparation for your biography of your polar explorer. Here’s the review of the day from Tuesday…

Review of the day – Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Here’s the link for this morning’s Zoom meeting…..

Meeting ID: 968 6460 4042
Passcode: jn81La




Today in your English work, I’d like you to focus on getting as much research as possible for your biography. So, look at everybody else’s on the Review of the Day from yesterday, and take all of the notes that you haven’t got already to add to yours! You should all have the same notes by the end of today. If you have found out something which nobody else has, let me know and I shall spread the word. I want everybody to be at the same starting point for their biography!

Maths Y5

Today, you are going to be ordering fractions using the symbols < and >.  Today’s fractions could be more than 1. (They could be improper fractions or mixed numbers)

Y5 Maths – Wednesday 3.2.21
Y5 Maths – Esme and Sophie
Y5 Maths – Sam and Ollie
Y5 Maths – Sam, Alex, Ariana and Maisie
Y5 Maths – Blake, Cass, Lilly, Dylan and Alfie


Maths Y6

Y6 Maths – Wednesday 3.2.21


Y6 Maths Activity – Questions
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15


Reading Y5&6

Today, I’d like you to spend 15-20 minutes to read your own book. If you can read aloud, even better!


Last week, we learned the phrases ‘I like’ or ‘I don’t like’ to explain how we felt about certain foods. Today, we are going to use the same phrases but to explain our feelings towards different weather conditions.


I like I dislike weather


PE – Here’s Mr Wright’s latest fitness session!


Have a happy Wednesday!

Mr Hughes

Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Good morning Y5&6. There’s a lot for you to view today from Monday’s ‘Review of the Day’. I hope that you enjoy what your classmates have been producing at school and at home.

Review of the day – Monday 1st February 2021

I am looking forward to seeing you all at today’s Zoom meeting. Here’s the link below…..

Meeting ID: 946 0958 7156
Passcode: X904YR


Here’s your learning from home today.

English – Today, you are going to be researching, planning and making notes about a polar explorer in preparation for your next independent writing task – a biography!

English Lesson – Tuesday 2nd February 2021


Maths – Y5 – Today, you are going to be putting fractions in size order. To be confident at this, you need to know ‘EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS’.

Y5 Maths – Tuesday 2.2.21

Y5 Ordering fractions Activity

Maths – Y6 – Today, you are going to consolidate your understanding of putting fractions, decimals and % in size order. To do this, can you turn them all into % to help you?

Y6 Maths – Tuesday 2.2.21

Y6 Ordering FDP Activity


Reading Now that you’ve finished your biography of Captain Tom Moore, why not take a look at these versions? Make sure that you read the correct pages and answer the correct questions. Use full sentences for your answers.

Captain Tom Biography – Esme, Sophie and Ollie – Pages 1,2,7 and 8
Captain Tom Biography – Other Y5s – Pages 3,4,11 and 12
Captain Tom Biography – Y6s – Pages 5,6,15 and 16


Science – Today, I would like you to plan an investigation. You won’t be able to complete your investigation today, but you can plan it and then start the practical side of it.
Science Lesson 5 – Investigating Melting points

Here are two links that you may enjoy watching to inspire you.


Have a good day.

Mr Hughes



Learning From Home – Y5&6 Jaguar class – Monday 1st February 2021

Good morning Y5&6,

Welcome to a new day, on a new week, on a new month of February.

Mrs Williams shall be hosting her usual Monday morning Zoom worship, with the link for this below.
Meeting ID: 836 0133 7035
Passcode: 9QXBCp


If you didn’t see the ‘Review of the Day’ on Friday, here it is again….
Review of the day – Friday 29th January 2021


Here’s today’s learning from home. Read it carefully.

English – today, you are going to be completing the final part of you biography of Captain Tom Moore. Look carefully at the example of Isobel’s so far on this powerpoint to compare hers with what you have produced so far. When you have finished, read your whole biography to check for any errors before you send it to me.

English Lesson – Monday 1st February 2021


Maths – Y5 – Today, you are going to be putting fractions in size order. To do this, you may need to use equivalent fractions to help you!

Y5 Maths – Monday 1.2.21
Y5 Maths Activity
Ollie, Esme, Sophie and Sam – D
Ariana, Alex and Maisie – Ex
Cass, Blake, Dylan, Alfie and Lilly – GD


Maths – Y6 – Today, you are going to continue to practise and consolidate your understanding of ‘increasing’ and ‘decreasing’ % of amounts.

Y6 Maths – Monday 1.2.21
Y6 Maths Activity


Reading – Y5&6 – Read this non-fiction text. It may be of use to your Topic work later.
Monday 1st February – Y5&6 Reading – Polar animals


Topic – Frozen Planet – The Arctic
Topic Lesson 4 – Arctic

I will see you in the morning at our Zoom meeting.

Mr Hughes

Yr 5&6 Jaguar class – Review of the Day – Friday 29th January

Friday’s ‘Review of the day’ is below. Maths / Reading homework are now on the Jaguar ‘Homework’ link, as are the spellings on the ‘Spellings’ link. Please notes that the reading homework is a 2-WEEK homework so only needs to be completed before the half term break.

Class Dojo Current Points

Review of the day – Friday 29th January 2021

Have an enjoyable, safe weekend.

Mr Hughes


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