Jaguar class Y6 PE (Netball)

Today’s lesson involved improving our passing and moving skills, followed by some exciting games of ‘cornerball’. Here’s some photographs of the lesson.

Y6 Science – Light

The children in Jaguar class (Y6) have today started their learning on their Science topic of ‘Light’.

They’ve focused today on learning how and where lights travels, and produced models / diagrams of their learning.

Y6 Hockey

The year 6 children took part in their first hockey session with Coach Neil this morning. Here’s some photographs of the children improving their control, dribbling and using the correct side of the hockey stick.

Sports Day 2021-2022

A great time was had by all at last week’s Myddle CE Primary School sports day. Congratulations to the champions this year – Grinshill!

School Sports Games GOLD award!

We are delighted to say that for the third year in a row, Myddle CE Primary School have been successful in our application for the School Sports Games GOLD award for our achievements in PE and school sport this year. It’s been a great team effort, from our sports leaders, our PE coaches, Mrs Smith for organising transport to and from events, but most importantly, the children who have taken part in all intra-house and inter-school competition this year. Let’s aim for four in a row next year!

Sports 4 Champions afternoon

Well done and a huge thank you to all of the parents who have helped to contribute towards the Sports4Champions day today. Thanks to you (and the children’s efforts in their physical challenges), we have raised over £1,200, much of which will help towards new sports resources for the school. Thanks to our British decathlon athlete, Matt Lee, who spent the afternoon with us, giving a talk to the pupils and then organising a circuit of activities with the pupils…… We wish him all the best in his push for the European Championships in a couple of years time.


Y5 Bushcraft Day

Today, 7 children from Jaguar class went to Adcote School to take part in a Bushcraft day. Here are some of the photographs that were taken from the event, where they all had a fantastic time.

Jaguar class Y5&6 Queen’s Jubilee Celebration Afternoon

The Year 5&6s in Jaguar class have rotated around different Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Activities today, including music, dance, art and Bingo. Here are the photographs of the afternoon…..

Y6 Archery event

The Year 6s travelled to the Ironworks, Oswestry to experience an afternoon of archery, where they had the opportunity to use recurve bows for the first time, aiming at larger targets. They also viewed Max Oakley, a 14 year old Great Britain archer showing off his skills too from a 50 metre distance.

Here are some images of the afternoon….

Intra House Hockey Competition

Today, the children in Tiger, Rhino and Jaguar class have taken part in an intra-house hockey tournament. Thanks to coach Neil for organising. After Wrekin, Haughmond, Pimhill and Grinshill played each other other from each of the classes, the final results are as follows:

1st: Wrekin 68 points     2nd Pimhill 67 points     3rd Haughmond & Grinshill 63 points

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