Dropping off and collecting – reminders

This is just a polite reminder to please stick to the arrangements for social distancing when dropping off and collecting your children from school. We have a strict risk assessment which has enabled us to open and we must adhere to these rules until the end of term please. Now that there are more children with us, it has become even more important to do this to avoid close contact and potential transmission of the virus. Many parents have only agreed to send their children in because they were satisfied with the careful measures we have put in place in school. Please be mindful that everyone’s situation at home and with their health is different.

  • Arrive promptly in your designated time slot.
  • Stand 2m from other families.
  • Leave promptly and do not loiter chatting to other parents, even outside the gates please. It is hard for us to reinforce the rules to the children if they see parents in groups.

Many thanks for your co-operation.

Weston Lullingfields – Job Vacancy

Please find attached a vacancy at Weston Lullingfields Primary School which we have been asked to circulate.


Rhino Daily Challenge – Maths

Today’s challenge is all about calculations.

Using the digits; 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and any of the 4 operations above, how many consecutive numbers can you make?

Here are examples for 1, 2 and 3:

1 = 2 -1

2 = 3 – 1

3 = 2 + 1

Can you you make 4, 5, 6, 7, 8….. and so on. How far can you get?


In each calculation, you can only use each digit once although you can use as many different operations as you like.

Click on the link below if you would like to download a sheet to help you record your work.

Recording Grid

Bonus: If you manage to reach 25, you can then add a 6 to your digits!

Rhino Daily Challenge – Writing

Who is you favourite famous person? Why are they your favourite? What do you know about them?

Are they an actor? a sports person? a pop star?

Today’s challenge is to create a ‘Fact File’ for your favourite famous or significant person of today or in history.

One of my favourite authors when I was growing up was Roald Dahl. Below is some examples of fact files that could be used for him. Use these ideas to create your own.

Roald Dahl Fact File sheets

Shropshire Music Service – Autumn Term Instrumental Lessons

Dear Parent
Shropshire Music Service have been offering free online instrumental lessons this term.  From September we will need to start charging for lessons as normal.  As our teachers are not yet allowed to visit schools, the highly successful online teaching will continue for the Autumn term.

Shropshire Music Service will be billing parents directly while online lessons are taking place. This will definitely be the case for lessons delivered in the Autumn term. To sign up, please complete the attached application form and arrange payment in advance of lessons beginning. You can do this now to ensure all is in place in good time. We will be unable to start lessons until payment has been received.

As our staff are working from home, please contact the Music Service by email if you have any queries and one of our staff will contact you.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Sent on behalf of Alison Stevens
Music Service Manager
Shropshire Music Service

parental contract online lessons

Snow Leopards w/b: 22.06.2020

Hello Snow Leopards.
Hope you have had an enjoyable weekend.

This week in school we are going to be

  • Completing puzzles and jigsaws.
  • Using our imagination through our own play. Encourage your child to make up a story or act out role play scenarios. See if you can catch this on video to share with us on Class Dojo!
  • We are in the process of making our own ‘Wildlife Area’ in the nursery playground. We will paint the bird feeder and we will be making our own bird feeders to hang up. The link below gives you ideas on how to make these using recycled objects.
    We will also be creating a bird watching den so we can keep a close eye!


We are working alongside Mrs Turner, so please feel free to check out the Panda news feed and the activities available if you wish to get involved.

Have a lovely week and keep me updated with all your excellent work!


Rhino Class – Learning Project WEEK 11 (22nd June- 26th June) – Famous & significant people

Hi Everyone,

Here are all the links for this week’s learning. As well as completing some of these activities, it is important to read daily and practise your x tables as much as possible.

Please click on the link below to access the Rhino Class Learning Project for this week:

Rhino Class Learning Project – Week 11 – FAMOUS & SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE

This week’s project again includes weekly tasks for Maths, Reading, Writing and Spellings and a cross-curricular / topic project. All web links and instructions are included in the document. The timetable is just a suggestion and activities do not necessarily need to be completed in that order. However, try to complete as many of the tasks as you can during the week. 

Use the links below for some Reading Comprehension Activities:

Ellie Simmonds Comprehension

Helen Keller Comprehension

Ruby Bridges Comprehension

Stephen Hawking Comprehension

Roald Dahl Comprehension

Here is an example of a fact file that you may like to complete for a famous or significant person of your choice. This example is for Roald Dahl. You could complete the reading comprehension above and then create a fact file from your understanding.

Roald Dahl Fact File

Weekly spellings – please access the spellings to learn this week below. This week is week 3. Practise during the week with a test at the end of the week. Try putting the words into sentences too to ensure understanding of each word.

Year 3 Summer 2    Year 4 Summer 2

Please click on links below to access Year 3 and 4 Common Exception words and activities:

Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words List

Year 3 and 4 Crosswords

Year 3 and 4 Word Searches

Year 3 and 4 Activity Cards

Year 3 and 4 Dictation Passages

To reinforce the spelling of common words, then please access the high frequency word resources below:

1st 100 High frequency words

2nd 200 High frequency words

Commonly misspelt words – word searches

It is also a good idea to try and write each word into a sentence to ensure understanding of each word and practise using capital letters and full stops.

BBC Bitesize have some great daily activities in a range of subjects. If you would like to have look and try out some of the activities, then follow the links below:

Year 3 BBC Bitesize

Year 4 BBC Bitesize

Oak National Academy has also put together some amazing resources to support learning at home. There are lessons to follow for each day of the week which can be accessed using the links below.

Year 3 – week 9   Year 4 – week 9

The academy is currently on week 9 of these resources but if you find them useful in supporting your child at home then you can also access weeks 1 – 8 by scrolling down the web page.

There are also some great maths lessons on the White Rose website.

Videos for week 9 can be accessed via the following links:

Year 3 angles   Year 4 money

Corresponding worksheets can be accessed here:

Year 3 Lesson 1  Lesson 2  Lesson 3  Lesson 4

Year 4 Lesson 1  Lesson 2  Lesson 3  Lesson 4

You can also try completing some arithmetic tests. They are great practise mental calculating: Have another go at these this week and I will upload some different examples next week.

Year 3: Test-1b  Test-2b  Test-3b

Year 4: Test-1b   Test-2b  Test-3b

Again, if you’re feeling like being energetic, then click on the link below for a daily workout from the body coach Joe Wicks. Each day, he will continue to stream a live 30 minute PE lesson for pupils access at home at 9 am. There are also a wealth of 5/10 min workouts specifically aimed at children which are great.

Joe Wicks – Workout Sessions

It was great last week to see so many examples of the work the children had completed as well as photos of them working, so if you like to share your child’s work with me (for rewards and feedback), again this can be done via the Class Dojo portfolio. As usual, if you have any queries, please continue to contact me via the Class Dojo app.

I will also set some daily challenges on a Tuesday and Thursday and send the link out via Class Dojo around 8am each day.

Kind regards and keep well

Mr Glover

Panda Class Overview of Learning w/c 22nd June 2020

Hello Panda Parents,

We’ve all been working so hard this week: at home and at school, in our bubbles.  Well done and a big thank you to all.

Maths – This week in maths we are looking at halving and odd / even numbers.  Collect an even number of small items, count them so you both know how many there are at the start. Perhaps use some food for a teddy bears picnic.  Have 2 plates and share the food out equally. Make sure the sharing is fair.  Then progress this to start with an odd number of items and talk about what happens when you have shared fairly but there is a left over, this must mean we started with an odd number of items. Talk about odd and even numbers. Encourage your child to draw pictures to record their findings. Children could build towers with odd and even numbers of bricks, again, draw what they have found out and discuss odd and even numbers. ‘An odd number is a number that cannot be shared out fairly between 2 people.’


We can also complete any maths activity sheets from last week too – these are good to keep revisiting basic number operations.

Phonics – In phonics this week we are revising recognising and writing, correctly, all of the set one sounds.  I have sent a link to the set one sounds so you know which ones they are.  I have also added a video clip to see how the letters should be formed.  The correct letter formation is important to crack at an early age then children don’t start with habits which are hard to break later on in school.  Ultimately, the aim is for older children to have cursive handwriting and the correct formation is vital for this to be successful.

The link below shows which letters/sounds are in which set.


The link below is a link to the parents area of Read Write Inc phonics where you will find lots of resources for reading and phonics in general.


There re some writing/phonics sheets too which will hopefully be fun and help to cement our phonics.  The sentences in bold should, ideally, be read by the children with your support.

Phonics Activity Mats

If I can be of help with anything please let me know.  Have a great week.

Mandy Turner

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