Rhino Homework 18.9.20

In maths this week, we have been learning about partitioning.

Below, is a link to three progressive activities. Children can choose to complete the next activity if they feel they would like a further challenge.

Maths Homework 18.9.20

Please ensure that homework is completed and returned before Thursday each week so that it can be marked before handing out new homework on a Friday. I have told the class, that I am unable to mark homework during the school day when it is handed in on a Friday.

Many thanks

Rhino Spellings 18.9.20

Please find below links to spelling lists for next week.

Snip Group -18.9.20

Week 3- 18.9.20

Spelling book can be brought home each day in order to practise, but must be in school each day for further activities and investigations as well as to record their test on a Friday. Spelling shed can also be used to practise spellings online.

Many thanks

Super Science

Today in Rhino class, the children were introduced to their new science topic of light.

As well as assessing prior learning and composing learning questions, the children took part in an experiment to find out how light travels in straight lines.

They had to place some classroom objects in a cardboard box and then gradually increase the number of pencil holes until the objects could be seen. We even shone a torch in some of the holes to see which objects were illuminated.

The children worked well together and certainly had lots of fun.

Year 6 Parents

Dear Parents/Carers

Please check your child’s school bag for an important letter regarding Secondary School applications.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Celebration Assembly – 11th September

Star of the Week : Jaguar – Maisie & Jacob
Rhino – Brooke
Mathematician of the Week: Heidi M, Cass M & Sarah E-M

Reader of the Week: Amy, Alex, Sam G, Luca

Writer of the Week: Sophie Co, Isobel, Evelyn & Fraser

Hand writers of the Week: Lily, Rhys, Ben C, Amber

Class DOJO Merits: Heidi, Alex

Special Mentions: Well done to Harry & Joshua for settling in so well in Rhino class 🙂


Well done everyone

I just wanted to let you know how well all the children have done this week. Their attitude to work has been amazing and they are so keen to get back to it! They are also being very respectful of each other and of the new regulations in place at school. There has been no moaning about extra handwashing or queuing; your children have demonstrated real patience and consideration. Please let them know how happy they have made the teachers this week. Our new reception children have settled well into ‘big school’ and are learning lots about Myddle from their friends in year 1. Keep in touch and if you have anything you want to let us know, you can send a Dojo message to the teacher.

Have a lovely weekend.

Frog Club – Mental Maths

Today we have introduced a maths programme called Frog Club in Rhino class.  This is an initiative that encourages children to have faster recall of number facts.The programme starts with the 10 club and goes through to 99 club and then onto Superstars Division and Superstars Fractions.

By learning these number facts, we really hope that this programme will help your child carry out calculations more easily as they learn to use and apply their knowledge.

Each week, on a Friday, the children will have 5 minutes to complete the test for the club they have been assigned. In order to move on to the next club, they must answer all questions correctly in the time.

Below is a list of all the clubs and the content covered in each.

You can help your child at home by practising fast recall of the number facts in each club.  Click on the link to access each test.



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