Yr 1 Parents – Vision Screening

Dear Parents/Carers

Letters were sent out last week regarding the Vision Screening for all Year 1 pupils which is taking place tomorrow morning (24th Sept).

If you DONT want your child to be included in this please let school know by the end of the school day today (Wednesday).

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call 01939 290834.

Mrs Smith

Myddle Virtual Fun Run – Update

Myddle Multi Terrain Virtual 10K/5K/1 Mile Fun Run
27 Sep-27 Oct 2020

The Myddle Multi Terrain 10K/5K and 1 Mile Fun Run was due to be held on 29th March 2020 and had to be postponed due to COVID-19. Due to Government Restrictions we are still unable to hold it as a social gathering however we are pleased to announce that it will still go ahead as a virtual event!

All ages and abilities are encouraged to take part (grown ups and children!) and you should try to run/jog/walk really fast your chosen distance and try to include as many different types of terrain (footpaths, pavements, woodland, hills etc) as you can.  All proceeds will go to the school and nursery to buy much needed resources.

The entry fees are:


To take part all you need to do is sign up at www.entrycentral.com/Myddle-Multi-Terrain-Fun-Run and then submit your evidence (strava/garmin etc) via email to myddlefunrun@gmail.com between 27 Sep and 27 Oct 2020.  On receipt of your evidence you will be sent a bespoke medal that was designed by one of our pupils earlier this year – the winner will be announced very soon!

Any questions about the race should be directed to the race team, Cathy Cooke 07919592782, Becky Sparks or Helen Price, alternatively you can leave a message at school reception for them.

Sunshine and Shadows

Today in science, Rhino class investigated shadows.

We carried an experiment to see how we could make a shadow move using a torch. We placed a glue stick in a central position and observed how the torch needed to be moved in order to make the shadow meet specific lines which surrounded the central point. At times this wasn’t what the children thought, so some good learning took place.

We also looked at our own shadows that we create in the sunshine. We even measured how much a shadow moved and changed shape during the afternoon.

Great fun was had by all.

Panda Class Curriculum Plan for Autumn Term 2020

Please find the Panda Curriculum plan below.  We can’t wait to get started.  As you can see our topic is old and new toys in History and Materials in Science, so where possible we make links to for a topic area.  We have been looking at how we can find out about toys in the past and what toys of today are made of; and how this differs from the past. Children were interested to know what their grown-ups at home had as their favourite toy when they were little.

Curriculum News Autumn 2020 p

If you have any questions please just ask.


Best wishes

Mrs Turner

Reception Panda Class Timings

Hi Reception Pandas

A reminder that the children in Reception, our new Pandas, will be doing full days at school as of from tomorrow, 21st September 2020.

8:40 – 2:55

The new children have settled so well and have made such a positive contribution to Panda class!  Well done everyone.

Mrs Turner

Harvest Festival – online from Friday 9th October

Our harvest Festival will be a bit different this year. We are unable to go to the church, or even to get together in the hall but we have innovated and will be bringing you our first ever digital Harvest Festival! As a Church of England school, Harvest is a really important event in the calendar and we still want to celebrate and give thanks. Each class will be performing a song in their class bubble. There will be readings, poems, prayers and art work. The whole thing will be recorded so that we can all watch it on Friday 9th October in school. You will then be able to watch it at your leisure as it will remain on the school website after this time.

Parent / Carer Consultations

This autumn we will be offering you a telephone consultation with your child’s class teacher as we are not able to have visitors in school yet.  You will be able to sign up for a ten minute slot, just as before, using the school website booking system. We will let you know when this goes live.

The appointments will be mainly between 3-6pm during the week beginning 5th October. Part time teacher and teachers with larger classes may vary slightly from these dates.  The call will come up and ‘unknown caller’ due to data protection. Please make sure you are in an area where you have a good signal and can have an uninterrupted conversation with the teacher at your chosen time. Ten minutes will go very quickly on the phone, so if you have any questions it may be worth making a note of them so that you can make the most of your consultation.

Parents of children on the SEND register: if you would like to receive another phone call from Mrs Foster our SENDco regarding your child’s additional needs, we can arrange this for you during the week beginning 18th October. Please let the class teacher know and we will set this up for you.

Many thanks


Remote learning for children isolating

We have put in place a remote learning policy which will ensure that teachers provide work for your child if they are having to isolate at home. You will find activities on the class pages of the school website once this happens, as you did during lockdown. The teacher may also invite your child to Zoom into the lessons that are going on in class. This won’t always be possible or appropriate though.

The remote learning is not for children who are ill; it is for children who are having to isolate due to track and trace, another family member waiting for test results or isolating after returning from holiday. We would not expect children who are ill themselves to complete work.

You can see this and other documents on our policies page.


Star of the Week : Jaguar – Holly H
Rhino – Jack P
Tiger –   Caspar
Panda – Ivy

Mathematician of the Week: Jayden & Blake

Reader of the Week: Felix

Writer of the Week: Amber W

Hand writers of the Week: Ruby D


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