New Eco-Champions Elected

Thank you for your lovely letters and expressions of interest in helping us to become and eco-school.

Our new Eco-Champions are:

Owen and Ameila – panda class

Ben and Blake – tiger class

Eloise and Amber – rhino class

Ariana and Lily – jaguar class

Our value – responsibility

What have you learnt about Responsibility this half term?

School Blogs

We have a new section on the school website called ‘Blogs’. Here you will find an area where The School Council, The Worship Council and the Eco-Champions can talk to each other and the rest of the school. Hearing the children’s views and opinions is really important to us, so we wanted to make sure this could happen easily and from within our Bubbles.

Members of the relevant council will be given a password to create posts, but anyone can then comment without needing a password. For your reassurance, all posts have to come to staff first for moderation and will be approved before they go on the Blog.

There are a few test posts on there at the moment, so if your child wants to have a go at leaving a comment, we can see if it all works!


Research and Booklet Making

This week, pupils in Rhino Class have been learning about the prehistoric settlement of Skara Brae.

Click on the link below to look at a presentation all about Skara Brae:

Skara Brae Stone Age Information Powerpoint

They have watched videos and read information texts to find out about: when it was made, how it was discovered and what we now know about the people who lived there. To display what they learnt, pupils have made information booklets of their own.

They have worked hard and have really enjoyed conducting their research.


Myddle Multi Terrain Run – STILL TIME TO ENTER!

Myddle Multi Terrain fun run 27 Sep-27 Oct 2020

Just a reminder that there are still lots of places left on the fun run fundraiser! We would like to encourage as many pupils as possible to take part, however if you feel you are unable to run with your child but would like to take part you are welcome to walk /cycle /swim the distance if you wish! It’s only £2 to enter the 1mile fun run (£8 for 5K and £12 for 10K) and you will get a medal designed by Ethan D when you finish!

Enter at

Celebration Assembly – 16th October

Star of the Week :
Jaguar -Esme
Rhino – Brooke
Tiger – Ben
Panda – Imogen

Mathematician of the Week: Ethan, Sienna, Sebastian & Alissa

Reader of the Week: Leo, James, William Pe, Alfie R

Writer of the Week:Isabelle, Olivia, Alfie W, Heidi

Hand writers of the Week: Connor, Felix & Lucy H

Class DOJO Merits: Panda Class

Well Done Everyone

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