Uniform – Girls cardigan

Please can cardigans be checked to ensure your child is wearing their own.

We would also be grateful if all uniform could be named to avoid any items accidentally being mixed up.

Mrs Smith

Important Information – Skirt lengths

It been brought to our attention, since returning to school on Monday, that a number of pupils are wearing items of clothing that we feel do not meet the requirements of our school uniform dress code. Our school unform is something to be proud of and although it may not be the height of fashion we do expect it to be adhered to.

Please can we ask that skirts worn to school are a dark grey or black standard school skirt to the knee in length – no fashion skirts and no skirts of stretchy material please.

If you would like to discuss any issues you have please do not hesitate to call school on 01939 290834.

Thank you for your support in this matter.

Mr Glover
Deputy Head Teacher

Nursery Parents – Collection and Drop off

We are continually reviewing our collection and drop off arrangements in school to ensure there is sufficient space for everyone to stay safe.

We have noticed that Panda and Nursery areas gets very busy in a fairly small area of the playground. With this in mind, we are proposing to ask parents of Nursery children to arrive at school via the usual main school entrance, then follow the one way system down the playground to the bottom exit gate. We would then ask that you drop off/collect your child from the main entrance of Nursery (by the bike shed).

We are hopeful that this will alleviate some of the congestion but rest assured that we will monitor it closely and adjust this if necessary.

If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to call school on 01939 290834.

Thank you for your co-operation

Mrs Smith

Where to get your LTF tests for home

From Shropshire council bulletin:

Families can take-up rapid testing offer

The Government has confirmed twice-weekly testing using rapid Lateral Flow Tests.

These will be made available for free to all adults in households with primary school-aged, secondary school-aged or college-aged children, for those without symptoms. This includes adults in childcare and support bubbles.

The twice-weekly testing will also be offered to adults working in the wider school community, including bus drivers, taxi drivers and after school club leaders.

Where you can pick up your Lateral Flow home testing kits

As a school, we really encourage you to collect your packs so that we can keep the school community as safe as possible. No appointment necessary, just wear a mask and go to one of the centres above. They can be posted to you and there was a link in my main post on the newsletter.

Parents – stay safe at school gates

We are urging parents to observe social distancing and wear face coverings when dropping off and collecting their children from school.

Last year, staff at some schools had raised concerns that not all parents were observing social distancing, and some were ignoring the measures designed to keep them and others safe.

Remember, while schools are reopening, we’re still in the third Lockdown, so please:

Avoid gathering in close groups to catch up or chat outside schools

Follow your school’s instructions on safely dropping off and picking up, and leave immediately once this is done.

Thank You

To all Parents and Careers,

From all of us at Myddle, we just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the support you have given us in helping to teach your children over the past 8 weeks. We know it hasn’t been easy, with many of you juggling work and caring for siblings while managing home schooling tasks.

We can’t begin to tell you how rewarding it has been to be regularly receiving feedback and photos of the children’s work. We know how hard this has been to keep on top of and we really have appreciated it.

We are all so excited to welcome your children back to school on Monday where we can take back the reins and give you all a very well deserved break.

We hope you all have a relaxing weekend.

Many thanks

Mr Glover

Panda Class Home Learning Friday 5th March

Hi Pandas,


it’s the last day of Home Learning!  Hooray!!!

You have all done so well, you should feel very proud of yourselves for all of your hard work!  A huge thank you to all of the grown ups too that have had such an enormous task to make it all happen.

We are all set for next week, to welcome you back; with lots of fun activities.

For today, Friday – use this day to catch up or take it easy.

Don’t forget to do some yoga with Cosmic Kids, or PE with Mr Wright or Joe Wickes.

Enjoy more great stories. You could try making up and writing a story of your own.  Think about some amazing characters; do they have any super powers? What do they look like?

Here’s one of my favourites.

You could plan a teddy bear’s picnic and plan a menu.

What would you make them to eat?  You could draw your picnic food on a plate and label it.


Why not colour by numbers


Or a crossword…


Or if you want a real challenge a Teddy Bears Picnic Sudoku!


Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

Remember for next week, winter uniform please, as we have to have the windows and doors open for ventilation. Jumpers and cardigans will be needed too and a winters coat. Come in your PE kits (with gloves and hats if it’s cold) on a Wednesday and Friday.

Best wishes

Mandy Turner





Rhino Home Learning – The final ‘Free up Friday’ 5.3.21

Good Morning,

Well, we’ve done it! We have made it to the end of the school lockdown period.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment and your engagement over the last 8 weeks of home schooling. You have just been brilliant. Hearing from you and seeing your work on a daily basis has been so rewarding and I am immensely proud of how hard you have worked.

I would also like to thank your parents. They have been absolutely amazing in the level of support they have given you during this time and I am truly grateful for all their support.

As I always say, ‘Teamwork makes the dream work!’ The last 8 weeks have been a perfect example of this. Well done everyone!

Can’t wait to see you all on Monday…

Please use today to catch up on any work that has been missed during the week. I will send out a zoom invite for the afternoon so we can reveal the identities of the masked readers. 

Remember to do your spelling test and your frog club and let me know how you get on. Use the links below to access what you need.

Spellings to test:

Class Group – week 1 – 26.2.21

SNIP Group – Week 1 – 26.2.21

Spellings to learn:

Class Group – week 4 – 5.3.21

SNIP Group – week 4 – 5.3.21

Frog Club

Please select your Frog Club sheet and give yourself 5 mins to complete. Let me know how you get on! I promise to move your frog up if you complete your sheet.


If you have managed to complete all the activities set, then please look at some of the suggestions below for today.

PE with ‘The Wright Way Group – TWWG’

Session 10:

Oak Academy Video Lessons: Here you will find a huge range of video lessons divided into different subjects. Click on the subject you would like to learn and then choose a topic. Simple as that.

Click on the following link to access the website:  Oak Academy – Year 4

BBC Bitesize Video Lessons: The BBC has designated a whole section of the ‘BBC Bitesize’ website for home learning. Just select year 4 and then choose the subject you would like to study.

Click on the following link to access the website:  BBC Bitesize – KS2

Top marks 7 -11: This is fantastic website with a wealth of free online games for English and Maths. A great way to have fun and learn at the same time.

Hit the link to play:     Top marks – Maths     Top Marks – English

Hit the Button: This is great set of online games which can be linked to number various mental calculations and x tables. A fantastic resources where children can choose the level appropriate to their ability to reinforce and challenge where needed.

Hit the link to play: Hit the button 

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