Stay Safe and Well this Summer

Shropshire’s Council’s Stay Safe and Well this Summer webpages offers a host of advice for people young and old, to help keep cool and hydrated throughout the hot weather.

KS1 Football match

What an enjoyable KS1 football match we had after school today against Sundorne Infants School. In lovely conditions, both sets of teams demonstrated great fair play and team spirit. It was a close game throughout until the last 5 minutes when Sundorne’s previous experiences shone through. Our children battled really hard and showed a great defensive, resilient display. The full time score was Myddle 0-4 Sundorne. Well done to all of our brave Y1&2 team in the first game. Hopefully it will be the first of many!

RAF Art Competiton Entries

Here are the fantastic entries so far for the RAF 100 artwork competition. We’re glad we are not judging as they are all brilliant! Thank you all so much.

Sports day photos

Just a few shots from Sportsday.

Y1&2 Football match

Quick reminder for the nine children who are representing the school in the Y1&2 mixed football match after school tomorrow against Sundorne Infants. Make sure that you bring your trainers, shorts, and long socks / shin pads (if you have them). The game will kick off at approximately 3:45pm and be finished at 4:15pm. Good luck everyone!

Shropshire School Summer Games

Huge congratulations to the 14 children who represented Myddle CE Primary School and North Shropshire at Sundorne Sports Village today. Having already qualified through to this event by winning their local tournaments, they continued to show their qualities against other winning teams from the region. Overall, the archery team finished in 2nd place, narrowly missing out behind Longden School, who represented Shrewsbury. In the tri-golf, East Shropshire were the winning team, but our players achieved their highest total of the year with 701 points. The actual Summer Games winning area was East Shropshire. Further details can be found on the School Summer Games website, Twitter and Facebook sites.

School Summer Games

Update! Update!  Well done to our Archers who came second! :0)  Golfers are just finishing now.  They aim to be back at school 3.30-3.45pm.

Myddle Fete – Saturday 7th July

We are looking forward to Saturday and more sunny weather for our Fete.  The PTA are working hard with the Fete committee to pull the event together and need some help with the following:

  • Gazebo – If you have a spare you can lend us for the day please speak to Gill Harris or the School Office.
  • BBQ – We have one but need another!  Could lend us one for the day to keep the burgers cooking?!
  • Cakes – We would be very grateful for any donations of cakes.  These should be delivered on Saturday.
  • Volunteers – Can you spare any time on Friday afternoon or Saturday to help set up, man a stall and help tidy at the end of the day.

Unfortunately, the Ceilidh has been cancelled but the BBQ and Bar will continue to run into the evening so we hope you will come and join the fun!

Weekly Round Up – Friday 29th June!

Teddy Bears Picnic:  Our Reception children had a fantastic day at Severndale on Tuesday where they explored and took part in activities before sharing a picnic with their new friends!

RAF100:  Please ensure entries for the art competition are in school on Monday 2nd July for judging that afternoon.

Ukefest:  Monday 2nd – Just a reminder that all children going to the Ukefest will need a packed tea.  We will travel by minibus driven by Mr Hughes and will be back at school at approx 7.30pm.

School Games:  Tuesday 3rd – Please ensure your child has a sunhat, waterbottle and on the occasion, suncream.  We are looking forward to a fantastic day at Shrewsbury Sports Village.  (Selected pupils – Trigolf/Archery)

Dovedale:  Please ensure completed medical forms are received back at School by Monday 2nd July.

Music Recital:  The children have had lots of fun with Mrs Kessel-Fell over the past year learning new songs and the Ukulele!  She would like to invite parents/carers to join us on Tuesday 17th July for a fun recital of some of their favourite songs at 2pm in the School Hall.

Sunrise/Sunset:  Please ensure a booking form is completed and payment made via the Schoolgateway so we can estimate numbers and ensure we have staffing in place.

GDPR:  We are missing some signed forms and another has been sent home today. Please sign and return the School copy next week.

Special Menu:  Independence Day – Wednesday 4th July independence day

Well done to Year 6 pupils who raised £32 by selling their Victorian baked goodies!


Star of the Week!

Star Pupils

Snow Leopard Dylan

Panda:  Tom

Tiger Daniel

Rhino  Malachai

Jaguar  Emily

Mathematician of the week Alissa for excellent multiplying and using the column method!

Writer of the week:  Dante for doing so well in his English test and trying hard!

Reader of the week Isabella

Winners of Scruffy Panda Class

Head Teacher’s Award (15 x merits):  RileyYR, Jamie, Dominic, Luca, SJ, MeganY1, CharlieYR, Eloise, Ethan and Katheryn

Red Star Award (3 x HT awards):  MeganY4

Special Mentions:

Well done to Amber, Isabella, Jessica and Eloise who all earned 5 Bark Bones!

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