
It has come to our attention that we may have some unwelcome visitors in school. We would be grateful for your support in eradicating the lice. For more information, please follow the link: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/head-lice/Pages/introduction.aspx

Celebration Assembly – 6th September

Star Pupils

Snow Leopard: All of the Snow Leopards

Panda: All of Panda Class

Tiger: All of Tiger Class

(All three classes have settled in so well in their first week at school)

Rhino: Sophie Ca

Jaguar:  Harvey

Mathematician of the week:  Cass M

Writer of the week: Megan B

Handwriter of the week: Izzy R

Winners of Scruffy:  Snow Leopards


PTA Coffee Morning *** Thursday 5th Sept -9am ****


The PTA are holding their first Coffee Morning of the term tomorrow!! Please come along for a drink and CAKE!!!!!!! 9am onwards in the school hall.

Look forward to seeing you



Guitar Lessons

Mr Rickard has changed the day that he is coming into school to do his lessons.

These will now take place on Thursday mornings instead of Tuesdays.

Please can you ensure your child has their guitar in school for Thursday, lessons will start on Thursday 12th September.

Mrs Smith

Sale of the “Thumper Tower”

As you will be aware the “Thumper Tower” has been out of action for sometime now,  this is due to the volume of injuries to our pupils on this apparatus and it showing signs of wear and tear. The decision has been made to remove it.

We are also conscious that the rest of the play equipment is looking a tired and other parts also not suitable for the children to play on. With this in mind, the thumper tower has been placed on EBAY to sell and any funds raised from the sale will be used to improve/mend the rest of the play equipment. This sale is being dealt with independently but if you would be interested in making a bid please do not hesitate to have a look. The item reference number is 273993770081.

If you have any questions regarding the sale item please contact the seller directly.


Mrs Smith

Massive Belated “Thank You”

We would to extend a “Massive” thank you to Mr Collison, dad of Charlie and Olivia, for organising the sponsorship of our new fantastic football kit. We know it was a lot of work to sort this out for us!

We are so grateful for the kit donation and I am sure you will agree that the pupils looks brilliant.

Thank you Mr Collison 🙂

Welcome Back

We have had a brilliant first day back. A warm welcome to all our new reception starters and to the new families that have joined us throughout the school. We are also joined by two Associate Teachers from the University of Chester, who will be with us throughout the year.

You will receive a class newsletter at the end of this week outlining the routines and the topics they will be covering this term. It will also be on the class page of the school website. Don’t forget to sign up for the email newsletter and to change you preferences for class news if your child is in a new class this year. You can do this from the bottom of the school website homepage. You should have received an email link and reminder to do this already if you are an existing user.

If you have any questions, however small they may seem, come to the front office in the first instance or catch the class teacher at the end of the day when they dismiss the children.

We look forward to a happy and successful term ahead.

PTA Coffee Morning – Thursday 5th September 9am

Please come and join us for a drink and cake at the PTA Coffee Morning.

Thursday 5th September 2019 – 9am

It would be great to see some new faces at this event.

Look forward to seeing you there!


Celebration Assembly -17th July 2019

Star Pupils

Panda: Dylan W

Tiger: Connor F

Rhino: Heidi M & Amy C

Jaguar:  Cassie

Mathematician of the week:  Holly T, Alissa G, Daniel D, Heidi M, Izzy R, Katie H, Amy C, Nelly M & Cass M

Writer of the week: Megan Y

Reader of the week:  Harvey, Reuben, Blake & Bethany W

Handwriter of the week: Mia H

Winners of Scruffy:  Jaguar



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