Celebration Assembly – 15th November 2019

Star Pupils

Snow Leopards: Bradley T

Panda: William P

Tiger: Charlotte D

Rhino: Ollie H

Jaguar:  Rhys F

Mathematician of the week:  Grace P

Writer of the week: Lily T

Reader of the week:  Ewan S

Handwriter of the week: Amelia W

Winners of Scruffy:  Snow Leopards

Special Mention to the children who represented the school at this week’s Cross Country  Event at The Corbet. Fantastic effort and Good Luck for the last race on Wednesday 20th.

Special Mention also to Alfie R for scoring a hat-trick for his football team “Shrewsbury Up and Comers”

Well Done Everyone, have a great weekend!! 🙂



Today, Friday 15th Nov, is the last day to hand in your Christmas card orders.

If you are still to hand them in, please can this be done at pick-up tonight!!!!


Carol Singers – Christmas Fayre 7th December

Dear Parents/Carers

The PTA would like a group of pupils to sing some carols at the Christmas Fayre on Saturday, 7th December. They are proposing for this to take place from 1pm for 30 minutes. This event was hugely popular last year and it would be great to let community see how fantastic the children are and how much they enjoy singing!

Mrs Kessel-fell will be doing some practice in school during her visits to school on Thursdays.

If you would be available to bring your child along please can you speak to Mrs Downes, PTA Chairperson or Mrs Smith, School Office.

Anti-Bullying Week

The children took part in a fabulous Anti-Bullying assembly today, delivered by Reach-Out Arts. Year 4 then took part in workshops all afternoon to help them understand how to prevent bullying. It’s the second year that Saskia and Gemma have come into our school and they were so impressed with how much the children remembered from last year.

The message this year is ‘Change Starts With Us’ and there are lots of resources online if you would like to follow this up at home or find out more.


Guitar Lessons

Mr Rickard did not attend school today due to illness.

I will speak to him regarding making up this session.

Mrs Smith

Christmas Card Orders -DEADLINE

Please can all Christmas card orders be returned to the school office by the end of school on Friday 15th November.

School Photographs

Please can all school photograph orders be returned to the school office by the end of the school day on Thursday, 21st November.

*****School Meals Menu change*******

Please note below the changes to the menu for the 20th & 21st November.

Wednesday 20th:-
veggie sausage

Thursday 21st:-
Roast chicken
Cheese Pasty
wraps/Jkts Available

If you have any questions please speak to Sara Russell 🙂

Rhino Trip – Return Time

The final toilet visit is taking place and they are aiming to leave for 3pm. Mr Glover is hopeful that they will be back in Myddle for approximately 4pm. Please collect your child from reception.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 8th November

Star Pupils

Panda: Sebastian M

Tiger: Dylan W

Rhino: Alex F

Jaguar:  Isla C

Mathematician of the week:  Elizabeth D

Writer of the week: Connor F

Reader of the week:  Oliver G

Handwriter of the week: Alissa-Mae G

Winners of Scruffy:  Tigers

Special Mention to the 28 children who represented the school at this week’s Cross Country  Event at The Corbet. Fantastic effort and Good Luck for the next race on Wednesday 13th.

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