REMINDER -Reception Class Application – Closing Date

If you have a child who is looking to start at Myddle Primary School in September in reception, please be aware that the closing date for applications is 15th January 2020.

If you have any questions or queries regarding this please give the school admissions team a call on 0345 678 9008.

Tiger “Meet the Teacher” appointment – Wednesday 8th

If you would like an appointment TODAY with Mrs Crowe, please can you give school a ring on 01939 290834 before 12PM.

There are still plenty of slots available for an appointment on Thursday 9th.

No Guitar Lessons – 8th January

School have been advised that Mr Rickard will NOT be in tomorrow (Wednesday 8th January) due to illness.

If you have any questions please give school a ring on 01939 290834

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith


Plea for Toys

Panda Class are looking for any unwanted, good condition toys which they can use in the classroom or outside area.If you have anything which you do not need anymore and think would be appropriate please could you bring it to reception.

Many Thanks

Mrs McGrath

PS – We are overrun with Lego 🙂

School Lunch Menu

Please find attached this terms menu. Paper copies are available at reception.

Any questions please speak to Sara

Menu Jan 2020

Young Voices Music Room Code

Please find details below of the code and route to access the Young Voices Music Room:

Go to the Young Voices website. Go to menu, then choose  Music room, then enter school code YV2020

Celebration Assembly 19th Dec 19

Star Pupils

Snow Leopards: Marley Q

Panda: Rhys E

Tiger: Olivia C

Rhino: Eloise W

Jaguar:  Megan B

Mathematician of the week:  Lucy H

Writer of the week: Ethan D

Reader of the week:  Ben C

Handwriter of the week: Alfie R

Winners of Scruffy:  Tigers

Congratulations to all of the children this term who represented the school in sports competitions and attended after school clubs

Happy Christmas and see you on Tuesday 7th January 2020

12k of Christmas running challenge

Today we presented 39 fabulous children with their running medal after completing the Lingen Davies Christmas running challenge. Well done to Rachel Smith as well, who joined in with the children and also earned a medal. Thousands of pounds have been raised though this event and we are proud as a school to have taken part and show our support to this local cancer unit.

Well done, everyone.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

We wish all our parents and families a very happy Christmas and relaxing holiday.

Thank you for all your support this term. The children and staff have worked so hard and such a lot has been accomplished. All our events have been very well attended and the PTA have raised a huge amount of money for the children.

We look forward to seeing you all safe and well in the new year. Don’t forget Monday 6th is a PD day, so we will see you on Tuesday 7th January.

Corbet Pupils – Friday 20th December

We are really sorry but we are unable to accommodate previous pupils from Corbet into school on Friday due to activities that we will have going on in school.

We apologise for any disappointment this may cause but we now have so many pupils in school already and it would be difficult to monitor for fire and insurance purposes. The staff love seeing how the older children are getting on at the Corbet, so they can come after the school day if they want to say hello any time during the year.

Thank you for your understanding.


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