Working From Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 17th June 2020

Good morning Y5&6. Welcome to Wednesday. To start the day, take a look at today’s weather forecast. It looks quite similar to the past few days where we’ve had warm, muggy spells with downpours, thunder and lightning.

If you missed Newsround yesterday, take a look at a talented, young skateboarder as well as information about bees.

Here’s today’s timetable from home.
Daily Timetable Wednesday 17.6.20

9:00 Exercise & Spelling Shed

9:25 English (Science – Living Things – Life Cycles – Mammals)
English through Science – Lesson 3 – Living Things – Mammals – Wednesday 17th June 2020
Activity 1 Describing Reproduction
Kangaroo Life Cycle
Platypus Life Cycle
Rabbit Life Cycle


1:00 Maths
Y5 Maths – Wednesday 17th June
Y6 Maths – Wednesday 17th June
Y6 Time Investigating


2:00 PE – Cricket (If weather is suitable) If not, you could practise your typing schools or play Silversphere – can you reach Cameron’s highest level of 14?


Have a good day.
Mr Hughes
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