Highlights from Home Y5&6 – Monday 27th April 2020

Hi everybody,
It may be the start of a new week, but as usual, the children didn’t disappoint with their focus today. Welcome to a new addition in Y6, Zac, and hopefully you will all get the chance to meet him soon and make him feel really welcome at his new school.
Well done for maintaining your position at the top of the world league for a third day!

World Groups League

Pos Group Group Score
1. Year 5 & 6 Myddle, Harris Gough Federation, England 669,766,043
2. 5BC, East Hunsbury Primary School, England 659,267,778
3. Ruby, Loose Primary School, England 632,960,785
Nelly has been busy again but this time she’s going to test you on your listening skills by asking you a question at the end of her reading.
Here’s the ‘Highlights from Home’ for today. Enjoy!
Monday’s 27.4.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6


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