Highlights From Home Y5&6 – Friday 12th June 2020

At the end of a another week, it’s again a pleasure to share with you the Highlights From Home from today.
Friday’s 12.6.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Here’s the weather forecast for the weekend……https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=shrewsbury+weather

If you missed Newsround today, here it is……https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround

Congratulations to all of the pupils who have reached specific landmarks in their Class Dojo points for the efforts they have put in during the last 11 weeks.


350+        Amy, Cameron, Nelly, Henry, Reuben,
300+        Bethany, Harvey, Jack,
250+        Zoe
200+        Chloe, Dante, Ruby,
150+        Heidi, Isobel, Katie, Lucy, Megan,
100+        Cassie, Isla, Nia, Sophie,
50+          Alissa, Elizabeth, Holly H, Jacob, Lily, Rhys and Toby


Have a good weekend everybody!
Mr Hughes
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