Celebration Assembly – 13th May

Star of the Week :

Jaguar – All Yr.6 pupils for their hard work and concentration in their SATs
Rhino -Katheryn
Tiger – William Pa
Panda – Olivia H
Snow leopards – Hugo

Mathematician of the Week: Nerissa, Josh, Odin & Mylah

Reader of the Week: Alfie R, Bradley, Rhys & Freyja

Writer of the Week: Amber W, Finley, Rose & Ivy M

Hand writers of the Week: Ben

Celebration Assembly – 29th April 2022

Star of the Week :
Rhino -Sienna
Tiger – Sebastian
Panda – Logan
Snow leopards – Isla

Mathematician of the Week: Alfie R, Imogen C, Ben, William D & Beau

Reader of the Week: Maisie, Leo, Megan, Charlotte & Freyja

Writer of the Week: Esme, Lucy, Riley, Freddie & Josh B

Hand writers of the Week: Blake, Abi & Jack P

End of Term Awards – Spring 2022

Well done to all of the children who have won awards this term. Each Class have a Maths, English and Topic Winner.

Winners for Snow leopards:

Winners for Panda Class:

Winners for Tiger Class:

Winners for Rhino Class:

and last but not least, Winners for Jaguar Class:

Fantastic Effort Everyone 🙂


Red Nose Day – 18th March 2022

On Friday 18th March, it is Comic Relief. As a school, we will be inviting everyone to wear a hat. In the past, we have dressed up, or worn something funny, but as it is our PE day in school, wearing hat will not affect these sessions and will ensure that all pupils can still come to school in their PE kits as normal.

Why a hat? Why not… On Comic relief day, it is nice to do something different so we can have fun but so we can also raise awareness of the great work this charity does and hopefully raise some money at the same time. Each class will learn about the charity during the day and may even do something funny as well…

What type of hat can be worn?

Any hat will do, from novelty to bobble hat, from cap to trilby….

We look forward next Friday and seeing you all in your hats. Parents feel free to join in the fun by also wearing a hat at drop off and collection.

We had planned to set up a Just-Giving page for this event but as we would like to split the donations equally between the Red Nose Charity and DEC Ukraine please send your child in with their donation. It is normally £1 for non-uniform day but any amount will be gratefully received. 

Dodgeball -Fantastic Effort

Alex, Alfie, Sophie, Dylan, Esme & Siena did a fantastic job representing us at the Corbet in several matches of Dodgeball today. They won their first two matches against Ruyton and Baschurch B team but sadly lost to Bicton B team.

Well done all, you were amazing!


COVID-19 Guidance – Notice to ALL Parents

Please see below a table for a reminder of the current COVID-19 guidelines we are following.  Please pay particular attention to the second scenario relating to colds, headaches, sore throats and tummy aches etc.


Next Steps

Child shows symptoms of COVID-19

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough
  • a loss or change to sense of smell or taste

Child must self-isolate for 10 days, or until a negative PCR test result has been received.

Lateral flow tests should not be used if a child has symptoms. 

Child feels unwell e.g. cold, headache, sore throat, tummy ache etc. but has no main COVID-19 symptoms.

We would strongly advise that you take your child for a PCR test and keep them at home until a negative result has been received.

Someone in the household receives a positive PCR result.

All household contacts of a confirmed positive case should undertake a PCR test, with or without symptoms, and should remain home and not come into school until a negative PCR is returned.

Rapid lateral flow tests will not suffice.

If the PCR result is negative, then pupils can return to school but we would advise that a further PCR test is taken after 4 or 5 days as a precaution.  Pupils can continue to attend school whilst waiting on the second PCR result.

Child is identified as a close contact of someone (outside of their household) who has had a positive PCR result.

We would strongly advise that you take your child for a PCR test. However, they can continue to attend school as normal whilst waiting for the results, unless they have any symptoms of COVID-19 or feel at all unwell.

Y6 Tennis day at Shrewsbury Club

Our Y6s travelled to the Shrewsbury Club today to take part in some tennis skill sessions and then had the opportunity to watch two female professional players take part in a tournament this afternoon. It was a great experience to watch quality tennis so close up……


COVID- 19- Helpful Guidance

Following from our recent positive case in Rhino Class, I thought it would be helpful to share a couple of points from the Local Authority guidance which might assist you when you book a PCR test when your child has no symptoms and also the guidance and timing of the 10 day isolation period.

If you are booking your child in for a PCR Test having been encouraged by school, you need to use the option marked on the attached document, this will allow a PCR test to be booked with no symptoms.


If your child tests positive for COVID-19, they will be required to complete the 10 days isolation period, the details of how this is calculated can be seen below. Please also note that if your child is still unwell OR still has a temperature when they have completed their isolation period, they must NOT return to school.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834

Mrs Smith

Poppy Appeal 2021

Don’t forget poppies and other items from The Royal British Legion will be available for the children to purchase from tomorrow, 8th.

Please see the post from the 4th November for full details.


Positive Case – Jaguar Class

We have had a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Jaguar Class.

We would encourage everyone in this Class to book a PCR test as soon as possible. Please note a Lateral Flow test is not acceptable for those classed as close contacts.

Please do not send your child in to school if they have any COVID-19 symptoms. If you have any questions please refer to the local authority guidance which was sent home with every child on Friday. A key point in this guidance is that your child cannot come to school if there is a positive case in your household.