Eco Council

Please bring in bottle lids!!

If you have any bottle lids please can you bring them into school in a bag. We are going to collect them and try to create a design.

Thank you !

Celebration Assembly – 7th October

Star of the Week :

Jaguar -Harry
Rhino -Rose
Tiger – Charlie
Panda -Hugo
Snow Leopards – Nieve

Mathematician of the Week: Lucy, Blake, Poppy & Hattie

Reader of the Week: Jack P, Ruby P, Florence & Sonny

Writer of the Week: Amber W, Dylan, Sebastian & Amber F

Handwriters of the Week: Jess, Bertie & Ivy

Sports Star of the Week: Amelia, Mia & Mylah

Jaguar class Y6 PE (Netball)

Today’s lesson involved improving our passing and moving skills, followed by some exciting games of ‘cornerball’. Here’s some photographs of the lesson.

Hoo Zoo Trip

The Snow Leopards had a wonderful time at Hoo Zoo on Monday. All children explored the farm and thought the Dinosaur Land was fantastic. Well done everyone! Thank you to our helpers for the day too, you were amazing.

COVID – 19 Update

Sadly we have three staff member and a couple of children who have got COVID-19 at the moment. We are within touching distance of the Summer holidays, which we are all very ready for, can we ask that if your child has a temperature, feels unwell or shows any symptoms of COVID-19, that your keep them at home.  We know that with our school trip on Monday, this would be disappointing, but we hope you can appreciate that a long coach journey would not be an ideal environment for an ill child and could potentially spread it considerably. We would ask that for the wider school, our community, the vulnerable & grandparents etc, you keep your child at home. We thank you for your support with this.

What to do:

Government guidance in relation to children is for them to be off school for 3 days. We would ask that you allow Day 0 to be the day they started feeling unwell or if you still have testing kits available, the day they tested positive THEN keep them off for the three following days.

For Example:

Tested Positive Today       Remained at home for 3 days            Return to School
Became unwell                                                                            Only if they feel well and don’t have a temperature
8th July                                9th, 10th & 11th                             12th July

Day 0                                     Days 1,2 & 3                                  Day 4


Non- Uniform Day – 8th July – Bring your trainers

Please can children come in/or bring their trainers on this day as they will be taking part in PE sessions.

Girls Uniform

Dear Parents/carers

Now that the weather has improved, the children are enjoying using the field and the play equipment at break and lunchtime.  Please could we suggest that girls wear cycling shorts under their dresses so that they can go upside down on the bars or perform cartwheels across the field, without worrying about their underwear showing? The supermarkets tend to have these short leggings in their uniform sections for this very purpose.

Many thanks.

Mrs Williams

Safer School Meeting 2022 – UPDATE

We had a good meeting today with Ian Bartlett, Crime Prevention Officer from Shropshire Council, Many thanks for all of the questionnaire which were returned.

It is, and always has been a great concern about the road/crossing outside school and the traffic passing through the village and this was evident in the parent questionnaires. Sadly the safer school scheme only relates to the school building and its grounds NOT the road outside.

We have asked Ian for his advice and he has recommended that ANY incidents/near misses outside of the school building relating to the traffic or any issues crossing the road etc, should be informed to school. We will then log these and have the evidence to back up the community/parents & staff concerns.

If anyone would like to discuss this further please call in to the school office and speak to Mrs Smith.

Celebration Assembly – 10th June 2022

Star of the Week :

Jaguar – Leo
Rhino -Holly
Tiger – Owen
Panda – Ivy M
Snow leopards – Mason
Mathematician of the Week: Amber W, Ben, Rhys E & Olivia H

Reader of the Week: Thomas, Luca, Harry-Jai, Immy B

Writer of the Week: Siena, Bradley L & Sebastian

Handwriters of the Week: Eloise & Sarah

Sports Star of the Week: Lucy P, Bradley L, Grace S & Ivy M

Sports for Champions workshop – 6th July

We will be hosting an inspirational workshop with England International Decathlete Matthew Lee on the Wednesday 6th July which all of the children will be taking part in.

Sports For Champions UK (CIC) in partnership with Myddle CofE Primary School and the local community are running a fundraiser to help support the mental and physical health of the pupils after the national lockdowns.

The children will be watching a video in school this week and be invited to join a sponsored fitness circuit led by Matthew, who will educate, enable, and empower participants with a view to inspire them as champions of tomorrow.

Keep an eye out for the sponsorship forms that will be coming home during this week and for more details on this event and our athlete, Matthew, please click on the crowdfunder link below: