Round Up wk2

Welcome Back!  The children have settled very well into the new term.  Just a reminder that we ask parents to drop off at the pupil entrances and allow their children to put their own things away in their lockers.  This ensures there is no congestion in such a small space and the children are being encouraged to be independent. Please prompt your child to place dinner money or any letters/return slips in the relevant boxes in their classrooms.

Clubs:  All clubs are well subscribed but we have some spaces.  If your child is interested in taking part in an activity club please contact the School office – booking form below.

Schoolgateway:  Instructions on accessing our online payment system can be found below.  If you are having trouble please contact the School Office.

Tuck Shop:  The shop is open every Friday breaktime for just 20p per week.  If you would like to pay for a whole term please pop the money in a named envelope.  If you have any spare time on a Thursday afternoon and can help with cookery please speak to a member of staff.

Forest School:  Children must have their arms and legs covered and will need waterproofs and wellies.  Rhinos:  if you come in Forest School kit in the morning you will need uniform to change into!

Ukuleles:  If you have borrowed one from school could be we please have it back so that we can return it to the Music Service!  The children will be learning the flute this term.

Asthma:  All children on our records will have received new forms.  If your child has an inhaler and you have not received any forms please contact the School Office.

World War II Topic:  To support our topic we are hoping to build an Anderson Shelter.  If you have any sandbags, metal sheets, turf or an arch structure we can build over please let us know!  We aim to take all the children To Cosford Air Museum later in the term.

autumn clubs 2018

term dates 2018-19

Menu – April 2018

Schoolgateway set up


Star of the Week!

Star Pupils

Snow Leopard:  Luke

Panda:  Riley

Tiger Leo

Rhino  Dylan and Nelly

Jaguar  Year 6!

Mathematician of the week Tom

Writer of the week:  Blake(Y6) for using his thesaurus!

Handwriter of the week:  Eve and BethanyWW

Reader of the week:  Esme

Special Mentions:

Well done Reuben who showed his trophies!

Well done LilyK who showed her rosettes!

Well done Daisy for doing well in you dance exam!


Diary Dates

Harvest Service

Oct 18 @ 10:30 am – 11:00 am
Parents Appointments

Oct 23 @ 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Parents Appointments

Oct 24 @ 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm
PD Day

Oct 26 all-day
Half Term

Oct 29 – Nov 2 all-day
Remembrance Service, St Peter’s Church

Nov 12 @ 11:00 am – 11:30 am
Pantomime – Whole School Trip

Dec 4 @ 9:30 am – 1:00 pm

Weekly Round Up!

Music Recital:  Our thanks to Mrs Kessel-Fell who has coached our children all year with their singing and ukulele lessons.  The children sounded wonderful on Tuesday and we hope those of you able to join us enjoyed the afternoon.

RAF100:  Our Rhinos had a fantastic day as VIP Guests of RAF Shawbury after winning the RAF100 Art Competition.  Our thanks to Nick Williams, Warrant Officer, who looked after them for the day!

Medication:  Please check your child’s bag if they have had medication in school.  It has been sent home with them today.

Staffing:  We welcome Mrs Gill Harris to the Myddle team who will be joining us as a teaching assistant in September.
PTA Party:  Our thanks to Gill Harris and the PTA team for laying on the party for the children last night.  A fabulous time was had by all!
Book tokens:  Well done to KatieY3, HollyT, Ryan, Connor, HollyH, Chloe, Toby and Reuben who were all awarded with a £5 book token for earning 5 Headteacher awards.
End of Term Awards
Griffiths Cup:  Alissa-Mae
Maths Award:  Cassie
English:  Heidi
Sport:  Jacob
Forest School:  Peter
TA Award:  Oliver
Happiness Award:  Luca
Jubilee Award
*** Charlie Harris ***
The staff would like to thank everyone for their kind thanks, good wishes and gifts they have received this week.
We say goodbye to Mrs Mushet and Mrs Tanulak and wish them all the best as they move on to pastures new.
Finally, we say goodbye and good luck to our Year 6 pupils, Erin, Ben, Jack, Riley, Luka, Charlie, Izzy, Grace, Emily Oka, Poppy, Alfie and Jacob. 
We wish you all an enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing you on
Tuesday 4th September!

Weekly Roundup!

Science Day:  Our Y6 pupils have spent the day at The Corbet School being Forensic Scientists!  Our thanks to The Corbet School for a great day.

Skip2BFit!:  Please ensure your child has their PE kit in School on MONDAY as all pupils will be taking part!

School Uniform:  Some of the uniform available from School Shop Direct still has the older logo on while stocks are depleted.  Please note, there is no cut off for a change over to the new logo.

Leavers’ Lunch:  There will be a special menu on Thursday for all children chosen by our Year 6 pupils of chicken nuggets/burgers, chips, beans/sweetcorn and icecream!

Leavers’ Service:  Join us at St Peter’s Church, Myddle at 10.30am on Thursday for our final service of the year where we will be saying our goodbyes to our Year 6 pupils.

Leavers’ Assembly:  Parents of Year 6 pupils are welcome to join us at 10am on Friday where Year 6 pupils will celebrate their time here at Myddle.

Carriers Bags:  Please send in a carrier bag so that your child may bring home their completed exercise books.

Mischief Makers:


Star of the Week!

Star Pupils

Panda:  SJ

Tiger Jacob

Rhino  Reuben

Jaguar  Riley, Jacob, Erin, Emily, Poppy, Ben, Oka, Jack and Charlie

Mathematician of the week Harry for great xtables!

Reader of the week:  IzzyY3

Head Teacher’s Award (15 x merits):  Ryan, Isaac, HollyH, Esme, Chloe, JacobY3, Daniel, Toby, BlakeY5, Reuben, AlfieY5, Merci and Dante

Red Star Award (3 x HT awards): Finley and AlfieY5

Special Mentions:

Well done to Heidi for her Palm Oil Poster!

Well done to the Y2/3 Dodgeball Team for playing well!

Well done to Ariana and Alex for earning 5 Bark Bones!

We will be presenting our end of term awards and book tokens on Tuesday 17th July at 1.45pm prior to our Music Recital.  Do come along and join us!


Star of the Week!

Star Pupils

Snow Leopard Alfie

Panda:  Megan

Tiger Esme and SophieY2

Rhino  Merci

Jaguar  Ben

Mathematician of the week Alex for multiplying using his x2. x3, x5 and x10!

Writer of the week:  CharlieP for his fantastic work on Kennings!

Reader of the week:  RileyYR

Winners of Scruffy Panda Class

Head Teacher’s Award (15 x merits):  Fin, Katie, HollyT, IzzyY3

Red Star Award (3 x HT awards):  RileyYR, SJ, MeganY1

Special Mentions:

Well done to Sarah, James, Peter, Jamie and Jess who all earned 5 Bark Bones!

Well done to MeganY4 who earned her Stage 6 swimming badge!

Well Done to Isaac who earned his 5m swimming badge!

Well done to Daniel and BethanyW for earning their Race for Life medals!

Well done done to EmilyY6, JacobY6, and  CharlieY6 who all passed their Level 1 Sailing award at Scouts!

Well done to Rhino Class who won the RAF100 Art Competition!


Weekly Roundup!

RAF100 Art Competition:  We are delighted to announce that Rhino Class came first in the competition which was judged at RAF Shawbury by an independent artist.  They have won a VIP tour of RAF Shawbury on Wed 18th July!!!

Sport:  Well done to our Archery and Trigolf pupils who represented North Shropshire at the School Games this week.  Our Archers came second and our Golfers came in fifth place which is fantastic!

  • Please ensure your child has there PE kit in school all week as we have some fun sporting activities coming up including a Fencing taster session!

Move Up Day:  We are looking forward to a taster day in our September classes on Tuesday 10th!

End of Term Celebration Assembly:  Please note the date has changed and will now be held on Tuesday 17th July at 1.45pm ahead of our music recital.

Myddle Fete:  The PTA have been very busy getting ready for the fete tomorrow.  Do come along and enjoy the fun.

Vacancies:  We have a vacancy for a lunchtime supervisor and also Shire Services have a vacancy for a Cleaner in Charge.  Please contact the School Office for more information.

Final Payments:  We will be sending home final bills for dinners, Sunrise and Sunset clubs over the next week.  Please check you child’s bag and we would be very grateful if all payments are made by the end of term.