IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Wider opening of school from 8th June

Dear parents and carers,
The governors of the school have agreed that the school will be ready for wider opening from Monday 8th June. We are still waiting for the risk assessment to be signed off by the local authority but don’t anticipate that this will cause any further delay.
Monday 1st June – school open daily to keyworker children who have pre-booked                                        from 8:30am
Monday 8th June – school open to nursery and reception children 9:15-12:00                                               Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Monday  15th June – school open to year 1 children 9:00-12:15 Monday, Tuesday,                                        Thursday, Friday
Urgent Action: please dojo your class teacher if your child will be returning on the 8th (nursery and reception) or 15th (year 1)
We are now in a position where we need to collect more definite numbers as to which children will be returning to school when we partially reopen.  Please send your child’s class teacher a message on dojo indicating whether you will or will not be sending your child back to school on these dates. It would be helpful to know as soon as possible but certainly by Sunday 31st May as we will be training staff in school on Monday 1st . As stated in the letter you can change your mind at a later date. Once we have your response, we will be able to start preparing groups and bubbles for your children to be placed in.
Thank you very much for your co-operation.

Summer Term – Home Learning Timetable – Week 5 – Year 1

Please find attached the timetable (with links) and files for week 5 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 18th May) for YEAR 1 only. The Year 2 equivalent documents have been published earlier today and can be found in my previous post.

Year 1 – Summer Term – week 5

Tiger Class – Week-7 -Learning-Project-KS1

The White Rose Maths worksheets to accompany the videos will be published daily, as I will have to download this for you (those resources are no longer freely available).

All links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page, where I will be able to answer any queries.
Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe

Summer Term – Home Learning Timetable – Week 5 – Year 2

Please find attached the timetable (with links) and files for week 5 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 18th May) for YEAR 2 only. The Year 1 equivalent documents will be published later today.

Tiger Class – Week-6-Learning-Project-KS1
Year 2 – Summer Term – Week 4

The White Rose Maths worksheets to accompany the videos will be published daily, as I will have to download this for you (those resources are no longer freely available).

Year 2 – Summer Term – week 5

Tiger Class – Week-7 -Learning-Project-KS1

All links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page, where I will be able to answer any queries.
Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe

Summer Term – Home Learning Timetable – Week 4 – Year 2

Please find attached the timetable (with links) and files for week 4 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 11th May) for YEAR 2 only. The Year 1 equivalent documents were published earlier today and can be found on my previous post.

Tiger Class – Week-6-Learning-Project-KS1

Year 2 – Summer Term – Week 4

The White Rose Maths worksheets to accompany the videos will be published daily, as I will have to download this for you (those resources are no longer freely available).

All links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page, where I will be able to answer any queries.
Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe

Summer Term – Home Learning Timetable – Week 4 – Year 1

Please find attached the timetable (with links) and files for week 4 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 11th May) for YEAR 1 only. The Year 2 equivalent documents will be published later today.

Year 1 – Summer Term – week of 11th May

Tiger Class – Week-6-Learning-Project-KS1

The White Rose Maths worksheets to accompany the videos will be published daily, as I will have to download this for you (those resources are no longer freely available).

All links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page, where I will be able to answer any queries.

Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe

Summer Term – Home Learning Timetable – Week 3 – Year 2

Please find attached the timetable (with links) and files for week 3 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 4th May) for YEAR 2 only. The Year 1 equivalent documents can be found on my previous post on this page (see below).


Year 2 – Summer Term – week 3

Tiger Class – Week-5-Learning-Project-KS1

All links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page, where I will be able to answer any queries.

Please note that Y2 have a Zoom “Show & Tell” meeting on Wednesday 6th May at 11am and a Zoom Tiger Class VE Day celebrations on Friday 8th May at 11am. Links to these will be sent to parents via private messages on Class Dojo.

Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe

Summer Term Home Learning Timetable – Week 3 – Year 1

Please find attached the timetable (with links) and files week 3 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 4th May) for YEAR 1 only. The Year 2 equivalent documents will be published later today.

Year 1 – Summer I – Week 3 timetable

Tiger Class – Week-5-Learning-Project-KS1

All links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page, where I will be able to answer any queries.

Please note that Y1 have a Zoom “Show & Tell” meeting on Monday 4th May at 11am and a Zoom Tiger Class VE Day celebrations on Friday 8th May at 11am. Links to these will be sent to parents via private messages on Class Dojo.

Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe

Summer Term Home Learning Timetable – Week 2 – Year 1

Please find attached the timetable (with links) and files week 2 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 27th April) for YEAR 1 only. The Year 2 equivalent documents can be found on my previous post (see below).

Tiger Class – Week-4-Learning-Project-KS1
Year 1 – Summer II – Week 2 timetable
Summer Term – Literacy Y1

All links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page, where I will be able to answer any queries.
Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe

Summer Term Home Learning Timetable – Week 2 – Year 2

Please find attached the timetable (with links) and files week 2 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 27th April) for YEAR 2 only. The Year 1 equivalent documents will be published later today.

Year 2 – Summer II – Week 2 timetable

Tiger Class – Week-4-Learning-Project-KS1

Summer Term – Literacy Y2

All links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page, where I will be able to answer any queries.
Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe

Summer Term Timetables

Please find attached the timetable (with links) and files for the first week of the Summer Term (week commencing on 20th April) for YEAR 1 only. The Year 2 equivalent can be found on my previous post (see below).

Y1 – Home Learning Timetable
Tiger Class – Week-3-Learning-Project-KS1
Summer Term – Literacy Y1

All links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page, where I will be able to answer any queries.

Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe