Tiger Class – Learning Project – Week 2: Area you live in

Tiger Class – Learning Project week 2 – Area you live in

Please see below the Tiger Class Learning Project for this week.
This includes weekly tasks for Maths, Reading (including Phonics), Writing and Spellings and a cross-curricular / topic project. All links and instructions are included in the document.

Tiger Class – Week-2-Learning-Project-KS1
If you wish to share your child’s work with me (for rewards and feedback), this can be done via the Class Dojo portfolio. As usual, if you have any queries, please continue to contact me via Class Dojos.

Kind regards,

Mrs Crowe

Tiger Class – Learning Project WEEK 1 – My Family

Please see below the Tiger Class Learning Project for this week.

This includes weekly tasks for Maths, Reading (including Phonics), Writing and Spellings and a cross-curricular / topic project. All links and instructions are included in the document.

If you wish to share your child’s work with me (for rewards and feedback), this can be done via the Class Dojo portfolio. As usual, if you have any queries, please continue to contact me via Class Dojos.

Kind regards, Mrs Crowe

Tiger Class-Week-1-Learning-Project-KS1

Phonics Play access for parents

Phonics Play is a great website containing lots of interactive phonics and spelling games and activities. Like other popular educational websites, which normally need a paid subscription to allow access, they are offering free access during the school closure period.

Please use the link to access the Phonics play website and use the username: march20 and password: home to gain access.

Hope you enjoy this great resource


Mr Glover

Parent access to Twinkl – An Educational Resource Website

Twinkl is an educational website which contains a wealth of resources designed by teachers for teachers. To access the resources, you usually require a paid subscription. However, due to school closures and pupils’ learning being disrupted, Twinkl is offering every parent access to Twinkl resources with a One Month Ultimate Membership, totally free of charge. 

Accessing this offer is really easy to do – go to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer to set up a new account using the code UKTWINKLHELPS and you’re ready to go.

Additional Resources:

Twinkl have also created a number of really helpful guides, designed for parents, for different areas of the curriculum. Their dedicated Parents’ Hub contains hundreds of educational activities designed for use at home.

For parents with children in EYFS, take a look through the EYFS for Parents area to find some really useful guides and activities to share.

For primary-aged children (Year 1 to 6), take a look at the 5-11 area. Again, this was created with parents in mind so it’s filled with guides and information about what children should be learning in each year group, for each curriculum area.

They have also created some interactive ‘School closure learning packs‘ which can be downloaded once you have an account. Click on the link below for quick access:

Learning Packs

Hope you enjoy the resources


Mr Glover

Tiger Update – 17.3.20

Dear Tiger parents / carers,

new Government guidelines is that if anyone in your household is showing symptoms of Corona virus (namely a new persistent cough or a high temperature), you MUST all self-isolate for 14 days. As a result, we are expecting even more children to miss school in the next few weeks. I have decided to share some of the home-learning links I have prepared, earlier than I expected, so families affected can start doing some work at home, if they have a chance.

I also have a home-learning folder ready for each child in our class, ready to be sent home if schools are made to close. So, if your child and the rest of your family is not showing any symptoms, please send them to school as normal and rest assured I am preparing for changes in circumstances.

If, however, your child is unable to attend to school and is well enough to do any work, I have selected 3 websites for us to use, initially:

For Reading: Teach your monster to read: https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/u/4791586

For Maths and English (including Spellings): Emile https://web.emile-education.com/

For Maths, Phonics and Reading: Classroom Secrets Kids https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/

I have created logins for all children and will send you the relevant details via Class Dojos.

This is not an extensive list as I do not wish to overwhelm parents or children.There are thousands of free resources available for all areas of work in School. It is my job to curate the best ones for our class, so if there is anything in particular, you would like, please send me a message via Class Dojo.

I hope this is helpful.

Mrs Crowe

Tiger Class – Book of the month – March 2020

What a tricky time we are having at the moment! To try and make sense of what is happening around us, our book of the month is an unusual choice.

Please see below a link to an e-book, which explains Corona virus to children. It’s short and uses child-friendly language, so it might be a useful tool to explain the situation to the little ones and reassure them as much as possible.

I hope you find this useful,

Mrs Crowe

Coronavirus e-book

Year 2 Spellings – TO BE TESTED ON 19th MARCH

Year 2 Spellings – TO BE TESTED ON 19th MARCH

Year 1 Spellings – to be tested on 19th March

Year 1 Spellings – TO BE TESTED ON 19th MARCH

Tiger Class – Homework issued on 12th March 2020

All children:

Spellings: new words are in children’s spelling books – to be tested on Thursday 19th March.

Year 1: Some children (not all) were given some worksheets to consolidate the work we have been doing in class (number bonds).

Year 2: Children were given a worksheet to consolidate the work we have been doing in class (recognize equal groups). Children need to practise either the 10x table, 5x table, or 2x table depending on the results of today’s test. The relevant work is in their Times Tables books.

Please let me know if you have any queries,

Mrs Crowe

Panda and Tiger Verandah work

We are very pleased to say that work is commencing next week to improve the verandah across the back of panda and tiger classrooms.  The heating system has already been installed and there are now units which can heat or cool. The ceiling is being completely replaced to prevent it from over heating and there is work being done on the windows and floor. This is such a valuable space in our school with our growing numbers so we are very excited to have these improvements.

During this period from 23rd March, Pandas will need to come in through the same door as the rest of the children until it is complete.