
Monday 9th January, 2023

Science Y6 – The Human Body (Circulatory system)

This afternoon, the children in Jaguar class began the first lesson of their new science topic ‘Animals including Humans’. The focus today was to study the circulatory system of the human body, recognising the functions of the heart, blood and blood vessels. The children identified the different parts of the human heart and how/why blood travels around the body.

Friday 16th December, 2022

Arthog March 23 – Payment Reminders

Please can we remind parents of Yr 6 parents about the payments for the planned residential visit to Arthog in March.

If you have any questions regarding these payments please give Mrs Smith a bell on 01939 290834.


Wednesday 14th December, 2022

School Office Closed this afternoon 14th Dec

The school Office will be closed this afternoon – Wednesday 14th December.

Mrs Smith will be here as normal from 8.30am tomorrow – Thursday 15th December.

If you need any assistance in the meantime please ring the office at Baschurch school on 01939 260443.

Tuesday 13th December, 2022

Shropshire Music Service – all ensembles now free to attend!

As you know, we buy into the Shropshire Music Service at school and benefit from their fantastic teacher Mrs Kessel-Fell, as well as peripatetic instrument teachers. Did you know that you can also join bands, choirs and other ensembles out of school? The brilliant news is that from January, these are now free!! I can’t recommend these highly enough – the teaching is second to none, your children will make new friends and have so much fun. It improves their playing so much being in an ensemble so if your child is enjoying their music in school, please consider taking the next step and joining a group.

Follow the link below for details:


Monday 12th December, 2022

2023 – 2024 Term Dates

There has been some slight changes to the 2023-2024 term dates posted on Friday.

We will let you know the new ones as soon as possible!


Friday 9th December, 2022

Flu Vaccinations – Reminder 13th December

Flu Vaccinations are taking place on Tuesday 13th in school.

We still have some forms outstanding. Please can these be returned on Monday by the end of the school day.

If you do NOT want your child to have the vaccination, we are still required to ask for a form to be completed with the non-consent box completed.

If you are unsure if you have completed a form, cant find your form or need to complete a non-consent, please pop to the office on Monday. If you have use of a printer, the document is attached for you to print.

Flu Consent 22.23 (002)


Friday 9th December, 2022

New Nursery Leader

We are really pleased to let you know that Clare Evans will be taking over as our nursery leader in January. Clare already works with our Snow-leopards every Friday and as a TA in school the rest of the week. Clare has had extensive nursery experience prior to joining Myddle and can’t wait to get back into a nursery setting. Clare knows all of the children really well, so we hope it will be a smooth transition for you all.

We thank Liz for looking after the nursery so competently over the last few weeks; Liz will now move into her new role as the Panda Class teaching assistant.

We also welcome Katie Hinton to the EYFS team. Katie has worked with us a lot on a casual basis and absolutely LOVES this age group. She will now work every Wednesday in Snow-Leopards and every Friday in Panda class.  Fran will continue to be in nursery full time, so we have a great team in place.

Any questions, please do catch a member of staff and ask, email the school admin or call in. In the new year, we will open the doors to parents and carers so that you can meet everyone.

Thank you all for your on-going support.

Friday 9th December, 2022

Recycling Plastic Chocolate Boxes

If you have any empty Quality Streets, Hero’s or Celebration plastic boxes over the Christmas period, please pop them to school.

Mrs Hulme is collecting them for MacMillan Cancer Care, they are able to arrange recycling and the charity will get a donation.

Any questions please speak to Mrs Hulme or Mrs Smith

Friday 9th December, 2022

Christmas Carol Service – 15th December

Parents are welcome to attend the Carol Service on Thursday, 15th December 2022. It will take place at St Peters Church and start at 9:30am.

Friday 9th December, 2022

Payment for Christmas Lunches – One off Payments

The one off payment of £2.30 has been added to the school gateway system.

If your child had a lunch on Wednesday (7th December) and they would normally not have a school lunch, you will need to make this payment.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834