
Monday 4th May, 2020

Working from Home Y5&6 – Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good morning. Well done for maintaining your lead at the top of the World Spelling Shed league. You should be very proud of the fact that you made the Shropshire Star for your efforts. Can you solve how far clear you are in the league?
Pos Group Group Score
1. Year 5 & 6 Myddle, Harris Gough Federation, England 899,694,559
2. Year 2 Mrs Styles Phonics, Paget Primary School, England 831,955,094
Here is Tuesday’s timetable of learning from home.
Daily Timetable Tuesday 5.5.20

9:00 Morning exercise

9:25 Spelling Shed

9:45 English (Theseus and the Minotaur – Story / Drama)
English Lesson 2 Tuesday 5.5.20
Theseus and the Minotaur masks


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths – Tuesday 5.5.20
Y5 Maths Activity – Tuesday 5.5.20
Y5 Extension (ONLY IF YOU WANT TO)
Y6 Maths – Tuesday 5.5.20
Y6 Maths activity Tuesday – Toby, Zac, Dante and Chloe
Y6 Maths activity Tuesday – Megan, Harvey, Henry, Bethany and Lily
Y6 Maths activity Tuesday – Reuben, Ruby, Malachai, Elizabeth, Cassie and Jack


1:00 Topic – History (Ancient Greece – Olympics)
Ancient Greece Olympic Games
Ancient Greek Activity – Comparing the Ancient and Modern Olympic Games
Extension Ancient Greek Olympics Board Game (IF YOU WANT TO)

Have a good day!

Monday 4th May, 2020

Highlights from Home Y5&6 – Monday 4th May 2020

Welcome back to a brand new week. Many of you have been busy today with a lot of reading required as part of your English and Science. Some of you even found time to do some extra reading as well! Do you fancy a bit of acting tomorrow?

Here’s the ‘Highlights from Home’ for today.
Monday’s 4.5.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Do you want a bit of magic maths?

How about some trampoline skills?
Lucy’s trampoline skills

Story time – Day 8

More story time……..but who is it today?

Enjoy the rest of the sunny evening.

Monday 4th May, 2020

Monday Worship – courage

Please find the link below to today’s worship which introduces our value for the half term, Courgage. I have tried to put it in the context of being brave and courageous during lockdown.

If you want to send in any work you do related to the story in the worship, you can attach it to the facebook post or send it via dojo to your teacher.

I hope everyone is keeping well. Many thanks for all the surveys that you have sent back letting us know how you are.

Sunday 3rd May, 2020

Working from Home Y5&6 – Monday 4th May 2020

Good morning everybody and welcome to a brand new week – a 4 day week! Friday is a bank holiday because of the commemoration of VE Day (Victory in Europe Day). Some of you may have seen some streets that have put up some bunting to celebrate the occasion. Myddle CE Primary School will be open ALL week if you need to collect anything from the reception area of school, ie, books, paper, etc… Y5s will need a protractor this week and they can be collected there also if you don’t have one at home.

This week in English, we shall be focusing on Ancient Greek Myths and in particular ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’.

Here’s your timetable for Monday. There will be a lot of reading as part of your learning today! Daily Timetable Monday 4.5.20


9:00 Morning exercise
9:25 Spelling Shed (Fingers crossed that you have made it in the Shropshire Star newspaper / on the website for reaching number 1 position in the world)


9:45 English (Ancient Greek Myth – Theseus and the Minotaur)
English Lesson 1 Monday 4.5.20


11:00 Maths (Y5s will need a protractor. If you do not have one, they are in the reception area of school if it’s possible for you to collect one).
Y5 Maths – Monday 4.5.20
Y5 Maths Activity – Monday 4.5.20
Y6 Maths – Monday 4.5.20
Y6 Maths – Monday – Reuben, Ruby, Jack, Cassie, Malachai and Elizabeth
Y6 Maths – Monday – Harvey, Bethany, Henry, Megan and Lily
Y6 Maths – Monday – Dante, Chloe, Zac and Toby


1:00 Science reading – Information text
Old Age – The Facts Information Sheet
Old Age – The Facts Reading Comprehension Questions
Comprehension Answers


1:30 Science – Main Lesson (Humans growing older)
Science – Humans – Changes in old age

Have a good day. If you need anything or have any questions, just let me know.

Sunday 3rd May, 2020

Panda Class Learning w/c 4th May 2020

Hi Pandas – Another huge effort from you last week – you are working so hard on a variety of wonderful things. Your photos and videos have really shown the determination you have to learn whilst having fun. A huge well done to you all!
The pattern work last week was very impressive. This can be continued to create more complex patterns. It is important that each pattern has at least three full units of repeat. The more units of repeat the easier it is to identify the pattern. Encourage your child to say the pattern aloud.

Patterns can also be found in stories – such as We’re going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. Encourage your child to build their own bear hunt journeys using things you find around the house/garden and repeat the patterned language from the story as they travel through them. They could also invent language patterns of their own.

If you feel you have completed enough work on patterns then we are moving on to Adding through change. Which is when the children will use real objects to see that the quantity of a group can be changed by adding more. This is the first, then, now structure.

For example: First, there were 5 people on the bus. Then 2 more people got on. Now there are 7 people on the bus. This structure uses mathematical stories to create a meaningful context. Create these ‘stories’ for your child and then see if they can make one for you.

Draw them or use every day objects to create the ‘story’.
A good story for this is Mr Gumpy’s Outing by John Burningham – After reading the story ask your child to create a boat and make their own first, then, now stories as different groups of characters climb aboard. This is a link to Mr Gumpy’s Outing


All of the above is very practical and done through talk but if you feel it could be recorded then that is great but not to be pushed if your child is unwilling. Monster Points seem to be working well as a bribe…

Reading – Lots of reading and listening to stories being read.
This is a link to Story Time from Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc.


Writing – Create lists.
This could be linked to the maths work – ‘Who was in Mr Gumpy’s boat?’ Write a list of each character. Shopping lists and ‘To Do’ lists are also good activities.

Children could make stick puppets of the characters and act out the story. They could also act out the story themselves, using props from around the house and garden.

Phonics – These are brilliant free resources that will really support your child’s phonic knowledge – I definitely recommend watching them.
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29317.html   This is an online booklet for sets 2 and 3 speed sounds from RWI phonics.

https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/find-out-more/help-during-school-closure/  This is a Ruth Miskin Speed Sounds lesson schedule, it runs to 19th May at the moment.

If you need any information or support please send me a message and I will gladly get back to you. If you need more guidance and ideas, I have added a link below with some ideas and information about supporting young children with their mental well-being.
Have a good week.
Mandy Turner

Sunday 3rd May, 2020

Rhino Class – Learning Project WEEK 5 (4th May – 8th May) – Environment

Hi Everyone,

Here are all the links to this week’s home learning tasks. As well as completing some of these activities it is important to read daily and practise your x tables as much as possible.

Please click on the link below to access the Rhino Class Learning Project for this week:

Week 5 Learning Project – Environment

This week’s project again includes weekly tasks for Maths, Reading, Writing and Spellings and a cross-curricular / topic project. All web links and instructions are included in the document. Please choose at least one activity from each section per day. 

Use the links below for some Reading Comprehension Activities:



Weekly spellings – please access the spellings to learn this week below. Week 5 should be learnt each day and then tested on Friday.

Year 3 Summer 1       Year 4 Summer 1

Please click on links below to access Year 3 and 4 Common Exception words and activities:

Common Exception Words – Year 3 and 4

Year 3 and 4 crosswords

Year 3 and 4 word searches

It is also a good idea to try and write each word into a sentence to ensure understanding of each word and practise using capital letters and full stops.

BBC Bitesize have some great daily activities in a range of subjects. If you would like to have look and try out some of the activities, then follow the links below:

Year 3 BBC Bitesize

Year 4 BBC Bitesize

Looking for a challenge?

Try the x tables challenge… Ultimate x Table Challenge

You can also access some video lessons on fractions for lower key stage 2 on the NCETM website. Use the following link:

LKS2 Fraction lessons – week 3

There are also some great maths lessons on the White Rose website. 1 lesson for each day for week 3 can be accessed for each year group using the links below:

Year 3 Money       Year 4 Multiplication

Again, if fancy being active, then click on the link below for a daily workout from the body coach Joe Wicks. Each day, he will continue to stream a live 30 minute PE lesson for pupils access at home at 9am. There are also a wealth of 5/10 min workouts specifically aimed at children which are great.

Joe Wicks – Workout Sessions

It was great last week to see so many examples of the work the children had completed as well as photos of them working, so if you like to share your child’s work with me (for rewards and feedback), again this can be done via the Class Dojo portfolio. As usual, if you have any queries, please continue to contact me via the Class Dojo app.

I will also set some daily challenges on a Tuesday and Thursday and send the link out via Class Dojo around 8am each day.

Kind regards and keep well

Mr Glover

Friday 1st May, 2020

Highlights from Home Y5&6 – Friday 1st May 2020

Another day, another huge success. Well done everybody for getting Y5&6 back to the top of the world Spelling Shed league, having been 6th at the start of the day. A journalist from the Shropshire Star has been in touch today wanting to write about your success on Spelling Shed and they are hoping to publish a report in their paper (and on their website) on Monday. So, when you accepted the challenge of proving to her that you are capable of getting back to the top of the league, you took on that challenge superbly. I’ve never seen scores like it! She was very impressed at your determination and concentration!

Can you calculate how far clear you are from the class in 2nd place now?

1. Year 5 & 6 Myddle, Harris Gough Federation, England 904,002,973
2. Year 2 Mrs Styles Phonics, Paget Primary School, England 802,605,012

Hopefully you all watched the story about the Hindu god Ganesha and understood how he came to look like the way that he did.

Another story time session today………. (Can you answer the question?)

Here’s the ‘highlights from home’ for today. Have a good weekend all!
Friday’s 1.5.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6


Friday 1st May, 2020

Working from Home Y5&6 – Friday 1st May 2020

Welcome to the first day of May. Well done on your hard work this week. I look forward to reading your biographies today. In RE this afternoon, there will be NO written task to go with your learning; you will just be learning more about the religion of Hinduism and having to explain what you’ve learned to a member of your family.

Here’s your timetable of learning for today.
Daily Timetable Friday 1.5.20

9:00 Morning exercise

9:25 Spellings (Tested on this week’s spellings, which are on slide 2 of the daily timetable. Next week’s spellings are on Spelling Shed)

9:45 English
English Lesson 5 Friday 1.5.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Friday 1st May 2020
Y5 Maths Activity Friday 1st May 2020
Y6 Maths Friday 1st May 2020
Y6 Maths Friday 1st May 2020 Train Timetables Y6


1:00 Reading (Ancient Greek Myth – Odysseus and the cyclops)


1:30 RE (Lesson 2 RE – Hinduism)

2:30 PE


Have a good weekend!

Thursday 30th April, 2020

Highlights from Home Y5&6 – Thursday 30th April 2020

As I’ve been in school today with the children of key workers, I’ve mostly only been able to view everybody’s fantastic efforts at home today once I returned home. Not only has everybody been busy with the maths and English, but spending time in the kitchen has certainly proved popular today.

Here’s the highlights from home today.
Thursday’s 30.4.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Nelly and Jack have had a great battle to be top of the Spelling Shed league today. It’s the first time that two children have reached over 100 points. Well done to Heidi too who was only narrowly behind.

See you tomorrow. It’s that Friday feeling!

Thursday 30th April, 2020

REMINDER -please complete our short survey

Attached is a short survey from us at the school to find out how things are going for you at home and if there is any way we can help you further.

We really would appreiciate you taking some to fill it in and return it to us via email. All the details are in the attachment. Teachers may also message you via dojo, email or telephone you to see how the children are over the next week.

COVID-19 Parent Home learning survey

Many thanks,