Super Science

This week in science, Rhino class set up an experiment to find out the impact the environment has on germination. They used a range of resources to plan and make sure the test would be fair. All children worked well in their groups where teamwork and cooperation was essential. We look forward to sharing our results next week.

Rhino Homework – 7.5.21

For homework this week, I would like the children to produce a poster about the importance of sleep. They can research this and include some of the facts they find out on their poster.

Below is a short video that includes some really useful information:

Afterschool Sports Sessions – Rhino Class

Jaguar class are currently enjoying a game of cricket with Mr Wright tonight on their last sports session for their class.

Rhino Class sessions are the 12th, 19th & 26th May.

Club starts at 3:15 and finishes at 4:15. The cost of all three sessions is £10.

Its not too late to sign up for these Rhino sessions, please come to the school office and speak to Mrs Smith, who will arrange everything.

Art like an Egyptian

Today, Rhino class used their portraits to create their own Egyptian pictures. They looked really closely at examples and decorated their work with ornate designs.

Rhino Homework – 30.4.21

This week, homework is again focussing on decimal work. In particular halves and quarters and their equivalence as decimals. There are two activities set and you can access them below using the links. Please ensure homework is completed at handed before Thursday so it can be marked before new homework is handed out on the Friday.

Activity 1 – decimal-equivalents-for-halves and quarters (First sheet)

Activity 2 – Halves and Quarters (First sheet)

Additional activities can also be completed if your child would like the extra challenge.

Rhino Homework – 24.4.21

This week’s homework is linked to our current maths topic of decimals. We have been learning about both tenths and hundredths.

I have given the first worksheet from each activity below for homework, but if you click on the links there are also some additional sheets that can be used to extend learning further if you feel it is required or your child would like to complete more work or appreciate a challenge.

Problem Solving Tenths as Decimals

Hundredths as Decimals


Rhino Summer Term – Curriculum News

Please use the link below to access the curriculum news letter for Rhino Class for the summer term. A paper letter has been sent out with your child today.

Curriculum News Sum 21